Open Access
1 October 2024 Mapping aboveground biomass and carbon in salt marshes across the contiguous United States
Anthony D. Campbell, Lola Fatoyinbo
Author Affiliations +

Salt marshes provide extensive ecosystem services, including habitat, recreation, coastal resilience, and carbon sequestration. The United States has the largest extent of mapped salt marshes. Therefore, it is critical to understand the ecosystem’s carbon stock and drivers in the contiguous United States (CONUS). Blue carbon ecosystems, including salt marshes, mangroves, and seagrasses, store most of their carbon within the soil; aboveground biomass (AGB) is an important ecosystem indicator. Existing AGB models in salt marshes have medium spatial resolution and limited geographic extent. To improve the spatial resolution to 10 m, we evaluated the use of Sentinel-1 and 2 data for inclusion into the AGB prediction. To incorporate these satellite observations with temporally disparate in situ samples, we evaluated the stability of training locations using the Landsat time series, finding that 71% of training data were stable from field sampling to remote sensing observation in 2020. Next, we trained a machine learning regression combining Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat data to predict AGB in salt marshes. We compared model performance with in situ testing data between three machine learning algorithms [support-vector machines, random forest, and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost)], spatial scale (10, 30 m), and training data stability. The best-performing model was the 10 m XGBoost using the stable training data, which achieved a root mean square error of 301.0 and 107.33 at the plot and site scale, respectively. We created an updated 2020 salt marsh extent with Sentinel-1/2, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, and National Elevation Dataset and estimated 3.6 (3.1 to 4.1) Tg of aboveground carbon across the CONUS. We explored salt marsh biomass drivers and found that the primary drivers of AGB are relative sea level rise, temperature, precipitation, and tidal amplitude. Our results demonstrate the need to monitor these systems to enable management, restoration, and understanding of the ecosystem’s resilience to climate change.



Salt marsh, mangrove, and seagrass, called blue carbon ecosystems, are critical for addressing climate change.1 Still, there is significant uncertainty about how changes to these ecosystems impact their carbon stocks in the contiguous United States (CONUS).2 In the CONUS, 75% of blue carbon is found within estuarine emergent wetlands,3,4 necessitating improved spatial and temporal resolution of carbon monitoring in these ecosystems. Most of these systems’ carbon is stored within their soils,5,6 but aboveground biomass (AGB) is an essential indicator of ecosystem health and changes to the carbon stock. This study utilizes earth observation, data fusion, cloud computing, and machine learning to predict AGB and salt marsh extent. Improved remote sensing monitoring of salt marsh ecosystems is critical for increased ecosystem adoption into nationally determined contributions, identification of restoration sites, and monitoring of restoration outcomes.7

Sea level rise (SLR), eutrophication, and storm events drive changes across these systems.8 The SLR impacts on salt marshes are uncertain, and net change depends on the accommodation space.9 However, local models predict that an inflection point is rapidly approaching for formerly stable ecosystems with ecosystem-wide change imminent, i.e., replacement of high marsh with low marsh vegetation.10 Historically, marsh migration has offset losses from sea-level changes.11 However, marsh migration is not guaranteed in certain landscapes due to vegetation and topography impeding it.12 In the CONUS, 43% to 48% of coastal wetlands have an accretion deficit and lack space for inland migration.13 These changes will impact carbon storage.14 Therefore, a high-resolution repeatable AGB baseline to monitor salt marsh migration is critical to facilitating our understanding of this process’s impacts.

The mapping of AGB has a long history within salt marsh environments, with the first studies utilizing Landsat and focusing on predicting the biomass of a single species.1517 Since that starting point, a variety of data and platforms have been employed to predict biomass, including unoccupied aerial systems, hyperspectral, LiDAR, and synthetic aperture radar.1821 Local studies have demonstrated promising results of Sentinel-2.18,2224 Byrd et al.22 trained a CONUS-wide biomass model, Campbell and Wang25 demonstrated the training sets applicability outside regions directly surrounding the in situ sampling locations, and Woltz et al.26 created 30 m maps for the CONUS. These studies show the potential and limitations of biomass prediction in salt marsh environments, e.g., training data availability, limited geographic extent of in situ samples, and high uncertainty. This study evaluates training data relative to time-series stability to expand the CONUS prediction of AGB to Sentinel-2.

Repeatable mapping methods are necessary to facilitate baseline monitoring. The National Wetland Inventory (NWI), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP), and National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) all have wetland classes that can be used to understand salt marsh change. However, these datasets have limitations. For example, the NWI has infrequent updates for local areas, resulting in a varied mapping date and change estimates for regions.27 NWI wetland maps can diverge significantly in mapped wetland extent from in situ approaches.28 C-CAP/NLCD are derived from Landsat, resulting in medium resolution, and NLCD separates salt marshes from other emergent wetlands. The medium spatial resolution can miss fine-scale changes in salt marsh extent, e.g., migration into the upland. The CONUS is frequently a focus of salt marsh research; however, it is seldom considered in its entirety. As the spatial resolution of the data increases, more pixels with a mix of salt marsh, tidal flat, water, and upland exist, making inclusions of non-salt marsh more likely. None of the existing datasets is adequate for tracking change at a fine temporal or spatial scale in salt marsh environments, e.g., interior die-off, storm events, herbivory, restoration, and seasonal variation.

Machine learning methods can provide a robust and accurate prediction of both extent and biomass in blue carbon ecosystems.29 Random forest is an ensemble decision tree classifier (Breiman 200130). It has been utilized to map mangrove extent and drivers of change,31 salt marsh biomass,25 and wetland biomass with high-resolution imagery.32 XGBoost is more sensitive to parameter tuning and demonstrated improved biomass estimations in tropical forests over random forests.33 Support vector machine (SVM) is a hyperplane learning algorithm with extensive applications in data science.34 At the same time, comparisons of machine learning algorithm performance demonstrate the suitability of random forest for blue carbon applications.29 We explore performance across a subset of algorithms to identify the best for CONUS-wide mapping of salt marsh AGB.

A large uncertainty of salt marsh carbon accounting in the CONUS is marsh extent and change. Previous studies have relied on the NWI, the Soil Survey Geographic Database, and the C-CAP.2,4 The spatial resolution and revisit time of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 can improve our ability to track these ecosystems. The suitability of Sentinel-2 is evident when used to map salt marshes in Louisiana with an overall accuracy of >90%35 and more recent global efforts (Worthington et al. 2024).36 This study updates the NWI salt marsh extent in all CONUS watersheds to 2020 using Sentinel-1/2 and an ensemble machine learning method to estimate uncertainty. The updated salt marsh extent is used in conjunction with the AGB model estimates to analyze drivers of salt marsh AGB. Because this study predicts biomass at a 10 m resolution with no predictive power outside the marsh environment, a 10-m binary salt marsh classification was conducted and used to constrain the AGB model.

This study seeks to provide insight into carbon monitoring of salt marsh ecosystems by (1) creating a 10-m estimate of AGB within the salt marsh environment, (2) updating salt marsh extent to 2020, and (3) evaluating the drivers of AGB across the CONUS, including SLR, temperature, precipitation, and land cover land use (LCLU). Earth observation and existing in situ carbon estimates are combined to provide a spatial prediction of salt marsh carbon stock at a fine spatial resolution for the country with the largest extent of mapped salt marsh.




Study Area

Recent global mapping of tidal marsh found a third of the global extent to occur within the USA.36 In the CONUS, salt marshes are composed of a variety of halophytic vegetation, including Spartina alterniflora, Salicornia spp., Juncus gerardii, Phragmites australis, Distichlis spicata, and Spartina patens. Salt marshes are concentrated in the back bays of barrier islands, estuarine bays, and deltas in low-energy environments, allowing for sediment accumulation.37 In the United States, salt marshes have experienced significant conversion to other land uses, especially in urban areas such as Boston, which is estimated to have lost 81% of its salt marsh extent.38 Salt marshes can be found across the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts of the United States. Salt marsh species vary with tidal amplitude, temperature, salinity, and elevation.


AGB Modeling

We used Google Earth Engine (GEE) to process the time series data and the MLR package in R statistical software (3.6.2) to train machine learning models to predict AGB.39 Previous studies found the lack of overlap between Sentinel-1/2 and the in situ data collection limited its usefulness in modeling biomass.18 To address this issue, we identified stable salt marsh pixels, i.e., those that changed little from the biomass sampling year to Sentinel data collection. Stable sampling areas then had the average Sentinel-1 VV, and VH sampled for the 2 weeks preceding and the 2 weeks after the sampled date across the Sentinel-1 archive. We applied the same method to process Sentinel-2 10 m bands and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). A total of 530 samples were deemed stable. Additional biomass samples from the Georgia Coastal Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research Reserve in 2017 were retrieved from their database and incorporated into the model for 723 stable training points (Fig. 1). We used this subsample to train a 10-m biomass model. We compared the stable model with models trained with all available training locations (n=984). The validation included locations from 2019 for the GCE LTERR [Dataset]40 and sites from Plum Island, MA [Dataset].41

Fig. 1

Model training data and source from either Byrd et al.18 or GCE LTER Project and Pennings.40 Service Layer Credits: Esri, Garmin, GEBCO, NOAA NGDC, and other contributors.


Three machine learning algorithms, SVM, extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), and random forest, were compared with out-of-box cross-validation and in situ validation data. Previous studies have demonstrated the potential of this training data18 for regional25 and national monitoring of AGB.26


Time Series Stability

We explored the temporal stability of in situ training data locations collected before the operation of Senintel-1 and Sentinel-2. We assessed training data stability with a time series analysis of the Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index. In situ, continuous monitoring plots demonstrate significant variation in AGB from 343 to 1324  gm2  year1 in Plum Island.42 The biomass plot size ranges from 0.0625 to 1  m2, much finer than the satellite imagery (10 to 30 m). While fine-scale seasonal variation is minimized at the pixel scale, shifts in vegetation composition or disturbance could cause changes. This study assesses pixel stability using the Landsat archive. In situ plots collected at the exact location and month were consolidated into a single training point with average biomass and imagery variables. Trend and breakpoints were calculated for the resulting 830 training points. We decomposed the time series using the Prophet package in R, isolating trend and seasonality to determine stability.43 The training data had many more gain points than losses. Therefore, we derived a change threshold of 0.05 SAVI from the 0.05 quantile of loss. Two hundred sixty-one training locations were outside this threshold, and SAVI increased in 84% of these locations. These excluded points were further analyzed with Breaks for Additive Season and Trend to determine if they had experienced a break following biomass collection (Fig. 2). The monitoring period was from 1999 to the beginning of the year of sampling. We found that 100% of points with an absolute trend >0.05 also experienced a break. As a final test, we compared models trained with all data and stable training data with two in situ testing sets to verify the performance of this stable training set.

Fig. 2

Stability assessment of a point at Twitchell Island, CA. Time series demonstrates significant divergence from the expectation following biomass field data collection.


Tides affect salt marshes in various ways and have been addressed in remote sensing research.25,44,45 The Landsat imagery was tidally filtered using the methods detailed in Campbell and Wang25 and adapted to GEE. All values were cloud, quality filtered, and temporally filtered from June 01, 2020, to September 30, 2020. We did not filter the Sentinel-2 imagery; instead, to avoid cloudy data and minimize the impact of the tidal stage, the mean of the 60% to 80% range of data was used to target the high biomass period while minimizing cloud impacts.


Salt Marsh Extent

This study updates the NWI maps with a combination of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 and an ensemble machine learning approach to predict the probability of a pixel being an emergent estuarine wetland. We used three machine learning algorithms (rotational forests, SVM, and XGBoost) in an ensemble approach. GEE was used to preprocess all remote sensing inputs.46 Variables included Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) (resampled to 10m), National Elevation Dataset, average Sentinel-1 VV, Sentinel-1 VH, all 10m Sentinel-2 bands (2, 3, 4, and 8), and NDVI and Normalized Difference Water Index. Mean values were calculated after filtering for cloud, quality, and temporally from June 01, 2020, to September 30, 2020.

Each model predicted the probability that a pixel within 1 km of NWI layers estuarine emergent class was salt marsh. We calculated the standard error of these probabilities and used that to predict a spatial estimate of extent uncertainty. We compared the performance of this uncertainty analysis with confidence intervals derived from the methods of Olofsson et al.47

Models were trained for individual watersheds or clusters of similar and spatially proximate watersheds. Approximately 5000 random points were placed within 1 km of salt marsh and designated salt marsh or not by the NWI. Using high-resolution imagery, we examined each salt marsh location to confirm that it was still a salt marsh in 2020. We used R statistical software (3.6.2) to train and classify each watershed area within 1 km of the NWI salt marsh boundary. These classifications were then post-processed, including merging areas smaller than three pixels within the marsh extent and requiring salt marsh to be within 100 m of salt marsh in the NWI. We conducted an accuracy assessment across the CONUS with a stratified random sample of 10,000 points.


Drivers of AGB in CONUS Salt Marsh

We explored spatial autocorrelation with Moran’s I and Local Moran’s I. Then, we utilized machine learning (XGBoost) and Shapley values to understand the relationship of AGB to drivers. Shapley values are a game theory approach to determining the variable contribution to a particular modeled outcome (Sundararajan and Najmi, 2020).48 AGB was explored relative to potential drivers at a 3 km scale (n=8347). Explanatory variables included PRISM climate data (August 2020 total precipitation and mean temperature);49 average regional sea-level rise, tidal amplitude, and relative tidal elevation;50 August 2020 composite of chlorophyll-a (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR 2022a);51 August 2020 composite of diffuse attenuation coefficient (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR 2022b);52 hurricane landfall and intensity;53 C-CAP LCLU variables;54 and water extent and change.55 These variables represent likely drivers of biomass across the CONUS that are available at a <3  km2 spatial resolution.


Results and Discussion


Model Comparison

The three machine learning algorithms’ internal metrics performed similarly. For example, the out-of-bag (OOB) root mean square errors (RMSEs) were all within 100  gm2 (Table 1). The inclusion of Sentinel-1 and 2 had minimal impact on OOB metrics. However, we found a notable improvement in the RMSE of XGBoost over the other algorithms for the Georgia 2019 validation data at the site and vegetation plot scale. The Plum Island sampling extents were polygons (136 to 874 salt marsh pixels) with no exact sampling locations [Dataset];41 therefore, we calculated a min, mean, and max values within the classified salt marsh extent for the location and compared, i.e., if a location had <500  gm2 of biomass, we compared it with the minimum for that region, biomass between 500 and 1000  gm2 was compared with the mean, and areas with greater than 1000  gm2 were compared with the maximum of a region. XGBoost was the best-performing algorithm across the board and consistently performed better with the stable training data set. The models trained with only Landsat data performed worse in most metrics and were limited to a 30 m resolution. Therefore, we used XGBoost with Sentinel-1/2 to classify AGB for salt marsh areas across the CONUS. These results demonstrate similar uncertainty to other machine learning approaches in salt marsh environments, e.g., Chen et al.56 found an RMSE of 371  gm2 when predicting Spartina alterniflora.

Table 1

Machine learning model algorithm performance in both the OOB and validation datasets.

AlgorithmTraining setInternalGeorgiaPlum Island, MA
nOOBValidation (n=158)Site validation (n=8)Validation type 1 (n=17)Validation type 2 (n=17)
Random ForestStable723471.80.54325.0196.07561.8452.0
Landsat only XGBoostStable723481.10.52368.5179.9374.3237.2
The best-performing metric is bolded in each category.

Spatial variables (x and y), Landsat band 6, and Sentinel-1 VH polarization were the model’s four most important variables (Fig. 7). Sentinel-2 NIR and NDVI were the ninth and eleventh most important variables, respectively. Although the 10 m models performed better compared with the 30 m results (Table 1), the Landsat inputs comprised 6 of the 10 most important variables, suggesting that relying on the Sentinel data alone would result in a loss of predictive power. The importance of Landsat bands is probably due to the time between in situ and Sentinel data collection.


Extent Classification

We estimated a CONUS salt marsh extent of 14,491  km2. We found an overall accuracy of 96.34%. Following the methods of Olofsson et al.,47 we determined a confidence interval of 3175.6  km2, slightly less than the confidence interval derived from our machine learning approach (3473.5  km2). These results suggest the multiple machine learning algorithm approach to be a reasonable estimate of error and useful for providing the locational uncertainty, which can result in a more precise understanding of AGB. The difference between the spatially derived upper and lower confidence intervals is evident when examined visually (Fig. 3). The most prominent differences between the low and high extents were the inclusion of similar ecosystems such as tidal mudflats and upland areas of possible salt marsh transition. In many areas, these differences were minor but represent 26% of the average estimate of biomass in the CONUS.

Fig. 3

Difference between the upper and longer spatial estimates of salt marsh extent. The upper extent includes all areas within the lower extent. Sentinel-2 imagery (NIR, G, B) in the background for a section of Deal Island, Maryland.



AGB Across the CONUS

The patterns of AGB varied significantly across the CONUS, including within individual watersheds. In the CONUS, a max AGB of 1735  gm2 was found in HUC6 180701 (Ventura-San Gabriel Coast). In total, the CONUS had 8.32 (7.15 to 9.35) Tg of AGB in 2020, which using the conversion of 0.441 from Byrd et al.18 would be 3.67 (3.15 to 4.12) Tg C. The upper salt marsh extent increased AGB slightly less than the lower extent decreased it. This reflects the inclusion of more low biomass areas in the upper salt marsh extent such as pixels with a mosaic of vegetation and unvegetated areas or tidal flats (Fig. 3). In comparison the entirety of North America’s grasslands is estimated at 207.72 Tg C and an average of 75  gCm257 compared with an average of 255.7  gCm2 in salt marshes. Our average is significantly lower than global estimates from the literature (430  gCm2) but very similar to the median value of 240  gCm22. This is due in part to not every m2 within a pixel being vegetated. Recent studies modeling gross primary production across tidal marshes of the CONUS found significantly higher productivity (4.32±2.45  gC/m2/day58); this measure includes woody vegetation, the inclusion of pixels with high coverage, and coarser spatial resolution. Visually, biomass followed many expected trends when aggregated to 3×3  km areas, with low marsh areas having lower biomass and high marsh areas having slightly higher biomass (Fig. 4). These patterns were further explored within our explanatory machine learning analysis.

Fig. 4

(a) AGB for the Mid-Atlantic, USA, summed for the maximum extent of salt marsh within a 3×3  km area. (b) Latitudinal plot of total AGB summed for each 0.1 decimal degree. (c) AGB for the Gulf of Mexico, USA, summed for the maximum extent of salt marsh within a 3×3  km area. (d) Longitudinal plot of total AGB summed for each 0.1 decimal degree. Figure 8 is a CONUS-wide map.


We compared the annual variation with the extent of uncertainty for a single year. These variables are expected to have a significant impact on AGB estimates, but how great an impact is unclear. We estimate their effect on the Lower Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The extent of uncertainty results in a range of 0.34 to 0.604 Tg of AGB in the watershed. In comparison, if the extent midpoint is used, the range of annual variation (2015 to 2020) was between 0.48 and 0.70 Tg of AGB. If the NWI extent is utilized, a very similar total AGB to the upper extent is estimated (0.607 Tg of AGB). Annual variation had a slightly larger effect on AGB uncertainty than the extent did, and we further explore the environmental variables that determine this variation with our machine learning analysis.

CONUS-wide median biomass in 3×3  km bins with at least 20 pixels varied between a max of 1227.2 and a min of 38.4 occurring in HUC 6 watershed 020700 and 030902, respectively [Fig. 5(a)]. The Gulf of Mexico, Mid-Atlantic, and San Francisco Bay all had high median estimates of AGB. A pattern of increased AGB as you move inland is noticeable in the Mississippi Delta, suggesting that the increased AGB seen in Fig. 4 is due to both extent and AGB increases [Fig. 4(b)]. In the Chesapeake Bay, an increase in median AGB is evident in the fresher tributaries potentially due to Phragmites australis, which can have significantly more biomass than more salt-tolerant species such as Spartina patens.59 The standard deviation was consistent across much of the CONUS with low AGB regions such as Georgia, southern Florida, Maine, Pacific Northwest, and Texas having lower standard deviations [Fig. 5(b)].

Fig. 5

(a) The median biomass across the CONUS and (b) the standard deviation across the CONUS. The 3×3  km squares had the median and standard deviation of all AGB estimates calculated.



Biomass drivers

We found significant spatial autocorrelation of AGB using Moran’s I (I=0.84, p<0.001). AGB clustering is expected due to climatic and tidal effects on AGB. Continuing our analysis of drivers, the four variables with the highest absolute Shapley value were tidal amplitude, relative sea level rise (RSLR), precipitation, and temperature (Fig. 6, Table 2). These impactful variables were split evenly between tidal/elevation and climate drivers. The drivers varied by region; e.g., hurricane landfall/category was the fifth most impactful variable in the Gulf Coast region. The response curves of the elevation drivers fit expectations with low rates of RSLR, which has limited or even negative effects on AGB and increases to a plateau. By contrast, high rates of RSLR (>5  mmyear1) had a large negative effect on AGB. The response of AGB to tidal amplitude was interesting, with nontidal systems having lower biomass and a slight increase in microtidal systems. Then, AGB declined as amplitude increased [Fig. 6(d)]. This response is likely due to the greater range of vegetated tidal elevations in these high tidal amplitude systems and the greater likelihood of inundated pixels impacting the analysis. The response of AGB to precipitation fits the expectation, with low monthly precipitation reducing AGB. Drought is a major driver of salt marsh die-off.60 By contrast, the relationship to temperature was more complicated, with AGB increasing to an inflection point around 26°C, which corresponds with approximately Cape Fear, South Carolina, coinciding with the upper extent of hurricane impacts in 2020.

Fig. 6

Four most impactful drivers of AGB across the CONUS with examples of their spatial variation. Response curves demonstrate the average response of AGB to the variable at a certain value. (a) Precipitation visualized for a region of the Atlantic coast, (b) temperature for a region of the southern Atlantic coast, (c) RSLR for a section of the eastern shore of Maryland, and (d) tidal amplitude visualized for a region of Chesapeake Bay.


In situ studies have examined climate drivers of AGB in salt marshes, including for a single species,61 long-term spatio-temporal trends (Bice et al. 2023),62 and latitudinal gradients of AGB’s relationship to belowground biomass (BGB).63 River discharge was found to be a major driver of Spartina alterniflora AGB, especially along creek banks.61 Our study found precipitation to be a major driver, which is the closest analog to discharge in our set of drivers. A spatiotemporal analysis of AGB in a single watershed found temperature, river discharge, drought, sea level, and river nutrient concentrations to drive AGB (Biçe et al.). Precipitation was the only variable that was not found to have a causal link to AGB (Bice et al.). Our study did not have discharge data, river nutrient concentrations, or draught indicators, which likely have high covariance with precipitation. When a latitudinal analysis of the ratio of AGB to BGB was conducted on the Atlantic Coast, trends in the increased allocation of BGB with lower temperatures were observed.63 Our study does observe similar declines in AGB going from South Carolina to Massachusetts. However, Crosby et al.63 only examined Spartina alterniflora’s latitudinal response. These studies lack our study’s large geographic scope but demonstrate similar trends, such as increased biomass as temperature increases.

The most significant variables did vary by coast. For example, the hurricane category was most impactful in the Gulf because that region had direct landfalls. Low precipitation likely explains the lower-than-expected AGB across the Gulf for 2020. The regional exploration of drivers allows for identifying climatic, tidal, and LCLU patterns that affect salt marsh biomass. Understanding current AGB and its drivers is critical for improving ecosystem resilience and change estimates.

AGB is a minor component of the larger salt marsh carbon budget, i.e., the mean carbon density of soil organic carbon (SOC) of salt marshes in the CONUS is 27.0  kgCm3. Still, SOC stock loss is more likely in marshes with low or no AGB.64 This product’s 10 m spatial resolution allows for finer scale determination of these loss areas. Repeat extent classification and AGB prediction can enable improved carbon monitoring. Future research directions should include global AGB prediction in tidal marsh ecosystems and assessment of regional trends in AGB at a 30 m spatial resolution.

This dataset has several limitations, including the focus on a singular blue carbon ecosystem, which ignores some of the complexity of coastal ecosystems and the gradient across these landscapes. The tidal filtering is limited in this approach and could be improved by incorporating algorithms with potential applications on Sentinel-2 data, such as Flooding in Landsat Across Tidal Systems.65 Applications that require a high temporal resolution, such as monitoring the seasonality, would benefit from products such as Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-266 with little loss of information from the 30 m spatial resolution. AGB represents a small portion of the total carbon within these ecosystems, and individual pixels demonstrate high uncertainty when evaluating the test datasets. Using multiple sensors compounded the potential geolocation error and tidal stage impacts, which is one reason that uncertainty was reduced at the site level.



The proliferation of satellite data has led to an imbalance between remote sensing data and in situ data for training and validation. This work evaluated the use of in situ data with temporally noncoincident remote sensing data to address the mapping of salt marsh AGB at 10 m across the CONUS. Our CONUS-wide map of AGB demonstrates the current extent of salt marshes, AGB, and an estimate of aboveground carbon. The explanatory machine learning analysis demonstrates that the major drivers of AGB are RSLR, temperature, precipitation, and tidal amplitude. RSLR, temperature, and precipitation are forecasted to change significantly due to climate change, and as such, the future AGB of these ecosystems will change, potentially leading to more vulnerable coasts. Increases in temperature and RSLR rates could result in temporary increases in ABG in these ecosystems. However, continued increases in these drivers will result in a loss of ABG (Fig. 6). These results identify future conditions that will impact salt marsh health, including low AGB in drought conditions, high-temperature environments, and high rates of RSLR. Salt marsh AGB is an important carbon stock in the CONUS and an indicator of this ecosystem’s much larger SOC stock. Remote sensing monitoring can provide a comprehensive understanding of the location and spatial variability, providing information for carbon monitoring and restoration.



Model performance was evaluated with variable importance (Fig. 7), identifying location as the two most important variables. Patterns of AGB across the entire CONUS (Fig. 8) were further explored by using Shapley values to identify relationships between potential drivers and AGB (Table 2).

Fig. 7

Variable importance results for the best performing model (stable 10 m XGBoost).


Fig. 8

Conus wide map of aboveground biomass and salt marsh extent in tons. 3×3  km squares had the total biomass within estimated and then summed by 0.1 decimal degrees to create the line plot.


Table 2

Shapley values for each predictor by coast (Gulf, East, and West).

Holmquist and Windham-Myers 2021Relative sea level risemmyear168.4340741.6971961.49072
Relative tidal elevation (m)m4.5087427.6965129.315143
Low marshLandsat pixel10.740713.8769388.285119
Tidal amplitudem12.4842311.6804829.7753
PRISMAverage August precipitationin.25.1125841.9182335.47062
Average August temperatureC47.4572815.1722765.24272
NOAA CoastWatchChlorophyll-amgm36.4772584.690264.72075
Diffuse attenuation coefficientm111.677575.37611415.04863
HURIN19Hurricane landfall9.161180.270830
NOAA C-CAP 2016High developedLandsat pixel3.4994071.7812456.070576
Medium developedLandsat pixel6.7594394.26329913.82716
Low developedLandsat pixel8.3847588.1366088.08088
CroplandLandsat pixel6.2236491.0557413.504637
HayLandsat pixel1.0502451.0686267.03032
Palustrine forest wetlandLandsat pixel6.8492687.5662413.133879
Palustrine scrub-shrub wetlandLandsat pixel7.076633.6970949.687406
Palustrine emergent wetlandLandsat pixel5.4846774.5457977.635535
Estuarine forest wetlandLandsat pixel1.35327710.996971.436495
Estuarine scrub-shrub wetlandLandsat pixel6.2827053.8535175.721189
Estuarine emergent wetlandLandsat pixel7.10077311.9748612.23928
Unconsolidated ShoreLandsat pixel6.3276995.19010615.27066
WaterLandsat pixel7.4794397.0995996.006875
Sentinel-2 WaterSeasonalLandsat pixel13.803479.0165311.31441
New seasonalLandsat pixel10.048236.0777259.022613
Lost seasonalLandsat pixel4.3080078.4747125.353308
Seasonal to PermanentLandsat pixel5.9408345.6947595.842455
Ephemeral PermanentLandsat pixel3.7719463.7478372.843304
SeasonalLandsat pixel1.3762471.4046415.414144
Shapley values are the absolute mean values for each of the predictors.

Code and Data Availability

Classification and regression code can be found on GitHub: Data products are available at Sentinel-2 data can be accessed at, and Landsat data can be accessed at


This research was supported in part by the NASA Carbon Monitoring System program (Grant No. 16-CMS16-0073). A.D.C. was supported by the NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities.



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Anthony D. Campbell received his PhD in biological and environmental science from the University of Rhode Island. He is an assistant research scientist with Goddard Earth Sciences Technology and Research II at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. His research interests include remote sensing of blue carbon, biodiversity, and all things coastal.

Lola Fatoyinbo received her PhD in environmental sciences with a focus on forest ecology and remote sensing of mangrove wetlands from the University of Virginia. She is a research scientist in the Biospheric Sciences Lab at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. She is a member of the GEDI and ICESat-2 Mission Science Teams. Her research interests include forest ecology and ecosystem structure with remote sensing.

CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Anthony D. Campbell and Lola Fatoyinbo "Mapping aboveground biomass and carbon in salt marshes across the contiguous United States," Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 18(3), 032404 (1 October 2024).
Received: 12 March 2024; Accepted: 29 August 2024; Published: 1 October 2024



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