Open Access
1 September 2005 Excitation beyond the monochromatic laser limit: simultaneous 3-D confocal and multiphoton microscopy with a tapered fiber as white-light laser source
Timo Betz, Jorn Teipel, Daniel Koch, Wolfgang Hartig, Jochen R. Guck, Josef Käs, Harald W. Giessen
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Confocal and multiphoton microscopy are essential tools in modern life sciences. They allow fast and highly resolved imaging of a steadily growing number of fluorescent markers, ranging from fluorescent proteins to quantum dots and other fluorophores, used for the localization of molecules and the quantitative detection of molecular properties within living cells and organisms. Up to now, only one physical limitation seemed to be unavoidable. Both confocal and multiphoton microscopy rely on lasers as excitation sources, and their monochromatic radiation allows only a limited number of simultaneously usable dyes, which depends on the specific number of laser lines available in the used microscope. We have overcome this limitation by successfully replacing all excitation lasers in a standard confocal microscope with pulsed white light ranging from 430 to 1300 nm generated in a tapered silica fiber. With this easily reproducible method, simultaneous confocal and multiphoton microscopy was demonstrated. By developing a coherent and intense laser source with spectral width comparable to a mercury lamp, we provide the flexibility to excite any desired fluorophore combination.
©(2005) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Timo Betz, Jorn Teipel, Daniel Koch, Wolfgang Hartig, Jochen R. Guck, Josef Käs, and Harald W. Giessen "Excitation beyond the monochromatic laser limit: simultaneous 3-D confocal and multiphoton microscopy with a tapered fiber as white-light laser source," Journal of Biomedical Optics 10(5), 054009 (1 September 2005).
Published: 1 September 2005 Logo
Cited by 23 scholarly publications.
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Confocal microscopy

Multiphoton microscopy

Laser sources


Near infrared

Fiber lasers



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