1.IntroductionThe advancement of biomedical imaging technology has significantly enhanced our understanding of complex physiological processes and the diagnosis of various health issues.1–3 Understanding the cerebral hemodynamics in rodents is a crucial question of interest in the fields of neuroscience, physiology, psychology, and imaging.4,5 The vast majority of traditional imaging techniques require the subject animals to remain still or be anesthetized to ensure image quality and stability, classic optical imaging setups for mouse brains typically involve fixing the mouse’s head beneath the lens, and throughout the imaging process, gas anesthetics are delivered to the mouse through a tube and a mask. These setups are widely used in two-photon microscopy,6 photoacoustic imaging,7 and optical coherence tomography (OCT).8 However, under anesthesia, multiple physiological indicators can be affected, leading to research results that may not fully represent the true physiological state.9 Therefore, there is a growing awareness of the necessity to image the brain under fully awake conditions. Researchers have developed various experimental setups to study the awake brain. For example, fixing the mouse’s head and placing it on a spherical treadmill with air suspension allows the mouse to move freely to release pressure.10 However, this kind of device has a relatively large vertical size and is not easy to use. In 2020, Li et al.11 used a cage with a flat-bottomed air-suspended board, fixing the mouse’s head and placing it on the board. Unlike mice on the spherical treadmill that need to keep running, mice on the flat-bottomed suspension board can choose to move or rest on their own. Many studies adopted these similar approaches,12,13 but all faced the problem of large volume. Therefore, the development of wearable probes capable of acquiring high-resolution images from freely moving, awake mice has emerged as a promising solution. In fact, photoacoustic imaging,14 two-photon microscopy,15 and laser speckle contrast imaging16 have all developed wearable probes for studying the brains of freely moving animals. Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is the application for measuring and visualizing 3D mapping of blood perfusion, achieved by mathematically analyzing the red blood cells’ motion-induced temporal changes of scattering signals.17 Compared with other optical techniques, OCTA allows rapid, high-sensitivity, contrast-free imaging with micron-scale resolution, making it a promising choice for brain imaging. Inspired by the wearable idea, we developed a wearable OCTA probe capable of long-term monitoring of cerebral blood flow in mice.18 Experimental results have demonstrated the feasibility of high-resolution vascular imaging of the freely moving mouse brain under natural conditions. In subsequent research, we found that the wearable probe also faces the trade-off between lateral resolution and depth of field (DOF).19 Specifically, achieving higher resolution requires the imaging lens with a large numerical aperture, resulting in a short DOF. When imaging the mouse brain, the presence of height variations on the brain surface makes it challenging to obtain high-resolution images of large fields of view (FOV) without stitching small fields. However, stitching introduces complexities in both hardware and software and increases data acquisition time.20–22 Therefore, a better solution is to extend the DOF of the beam without sacrificing resolution. In 2022, Zhao et al. from Stanford University developed a flexible method for generating long DOF needle-shaped beams (NBs) using diffractive optical elements (DOE).23 By placing the DOE at the back focal plane of the lens, a multi-focus optical field distribution is generated along the axial direction. By appropriately selecting the number and distribution of focal points, an NB with extended DOF is achieved. This method was later successfully applied to photoacoustic imaging and OCTA for studies on the mouse brain.24,25 In this study, to address the issue of insufficient DOF when facing height variations in mouse brain imaging using the wearable OCTA probe, we incorporated the aforementioned DOE capable of generating NB into our wearable probe, overcoming the constraint relationship between lateral resolution and DOF. We achieved lateral resolution superior to within a axial space, capable of achieving high-resolution OCTA imaging with extended DOF by the wearable probe. 2.Materials and Methods2.1.System OverviewThe wearable OCTA probe with extended DOF proposed in this study adopts the main structure of our previous wearable probe,18 shown in Fig. 1(a), in addition to the existing three key components (collimator, MEMS mirror, and objective lens), the probe incorporates DOE that can work with the objective lens to generate NB as described in our previous work.24 Figure 1 illustrates the generation of NB using a DOE. By manipulating the beam phase with DOE, multiple foci are generated along the optical axis within the vicinity of the objective lens.23 These foci collectively form an NB with extended DOF. Each axial focus corresponds to one phase distribution, and the final phase loaded onto the DOE is the superposition of all foci’ phase distributions, as depicted in Fig. 1(b). Through optimization of the initial phase and pixel position of each axial focus, cross-talk between phase distributions corresponding to different focal points is suppressed. This ensures uniform axial intensity of the NB generated by the DOE and suppresses the generation of sidelobes, as illustrated in Fig. 1(c). Fig. 1Experimental system configuration and the principle of NB. (a) Setup of the imaging system and a detailed optical configuration of the wearable OCTA probe with extended DOF. SLD: super luminescent diode; MEMS: micro-electromechanical systems. (b) DOE phase pattern for an NB composed of multiple phases to generate m foci. (c) Schematic diagram of generating an NB. (d) Diameters of the used GB and NB along the axial position. (e) Relative intensity of the used GB and NB along the axial position. ![]() Based on our previous finding, imaging the mouse brain with an FOV of about 3 mm requires at least DOF.24 Therefore, the target DOF of the NB used in this experiment was set to . The number of required foci is determined by the target DOF, based on the principle that the distance between adjacent focal points should be less than the Rayleigh length (RL), typically set to 0.5 to 0.8 times RL.23 The Rayleigh length is calculated as , where is the beam waist radius, is the refractive index, is the focal length, and is the center wavelength. In our design, we used a Gaussian beam (GB) diameter of 4.6 mm, resulting in a Rayleigh length of . Based on this calculation, we determined that 49 focal points arranged in a grid would be sufficient to achieve the desired DOF, ensuring uniform intensity distribution across the depth range with appropriately spaced focal points. After determining the number of focal points, we found that overlaying the phases of multiple foci leads to uneven axial intensity. To address this, the positions of the foci need to be optimized. We calculate the optimized axial intensity distribution using Fresnel diffraction and further adjust the spacing between adjacent foci based on the current intensity distribution. After this iterative optimization process, we obtain a beam with uniformly distributed axial intensity. The DOE used in this study features an effective optical area of , containing with a pixel size of . The DOE has a physical diameter of 12.7 mm, a thickness of , and is mounted in a custom-designed slot with a width for easy installation. The DOE was fabricated using four rounds of lithography, and after fabrication, it was cut into a circular shape with a diameter of 12.7 mm and was inserted into the pre-designed slot in the probe, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The wearable probe with extended DOF and our homebuilt spectral domain OCT (SD-OCT) system are shown in Fig. 1(a). The light source is a broadband super luminescent diode (SLD-371HP3, Superlum, , 15 mW). A coupler (BXC45, Thorlabs, Newton, United States) was used to divide the light into the sample arm and reference arm. The reflected light from the two arms was directed to a home-built spectrometer with 0.05 nm resolution, 2048 pixels, and a maximum speed of 70 kHz. In our customized wearable probe, the beam from the optical fiber was collimated by a collimator and then directed to a two-axis MEMS scanning mirror (A7B1.1, Mirrorcle Tech, Richmond, California) which was put on the front focal plane of an achromatic doublet lens (MAD303-B; diameter, 12.7 mm; focal length, 19 mm) for telecentric scanning. The collimator used is a fiber-coupled fixed-focus collimator (F260APC-850, Thorlabs) with a waist diameter of 3.32 mm. The MEMS scanning mirror has a reflective diameter of 3.6 mm and a maximum tilt range of . The collimator, the MEMS mirror, and the objective are integrated through a customized lightweight one-piece 3D-printed mount which is specifically designed and precisely machined to simplify assembly and alignment of the components as well as removal and replacement. This one-piece 3D-printed mount enhances the stability of the probe during mouse movement and minimizes motion artifacts during imaging. The size and weight of this probe increased a little compared with the previous one due to the introduction of DOE, with dimensions of , and weighs 10 g. The beam diameter and relative intensity shown in Figs. 1(d) and 1(e) were measured by a microscope system together with a beam profiler with as the axial scanning step size (experimental setup can be found in our previous work24). The NB with the addition of the DOE can maintain a spot size smaller than within an axial range of . By contrast, although the traditional GB has a smaller spot size near the focal plane, it rapidly expands along the axial range, only able to maintain a size smaller than within an axial range of . Similarly, the intensity of the GB decays rapidly with axial distance, whereas the intensity of the NB remains relatively stable over a larger distance. Experimental measurements showed that after introducing the DOE, the power in the sample arm was of the original power. To address the potential impact of sidelobes and insertion loss introduced by the DOE on system performance, we optimized the NB design to balance DOF extension and energy concentration. Figure 2 shows the beam profiles at different axial positions. Six positions with a step size of were selected to demonstrate the axial distance in the middle of the beam. It can be observed that at these axial positions, only a maximum of 8.5% of the energy is dispersed into the sidelobes near the proximal end, with less than 6% energy distributed in the sidelobes at other positions. Most of the energy is concentrated in the central main lobe. Figure 2 demonstrates that this NB has a high energy utilization rate, which is more conducive to imaging biological tissues compared with Bessel beams with a higher proportion of sidelobe energy.26–28 The axial resolution was evaluated by measuring the signal of a mirror, shown in Fig. 3, the full width at half-maximum was measured to be . To evaluate the lateral resolution, we imaged the 1951 USAF resolution target. Before the introduction of the DOE, the smallest lines that can be resolved by GB are group 6, element 6. This corresponds to 114 line pairs (lp/mm) and a lateral resolution of . After incorporating the DOE, the lateral resolution of the system slightly decreased compared with the resolution of the GB at the focal plane. It could resolve the 6th group, 5th element, corresponding to , and a lateral resolution of . The NB design maintains a relatively stable lateral resolution over the entire axial depth range. Although there is a slight decrease in lateral resolution below at deeper locations, the lateral resolution remains within acceptable limits with variations remaining below over the entire depth range. Fig. 3Performance of the probe. (a) Experimental estimation of the axial resolution. (b) Experimental estimation of the lateral resolution. ![]() As demonstrated in Fig. 1(b) of our previous work,24 the NB exhibits a significant advantage in terms of extended DOF compared with the GB. The profile and cross-sectional views of the beams reveal that while the NB maintains stable lateral resolution over the extended DOF, the GB, although it offers higher resolution within a shorter DOF, experiences a rapid degradation in resolution as the depth increases. Consequently, although the NB achieves a higher resolution within the extended DOF range, its lateral resolution is slightly reduced compared with the GB at the focal plane. This advantage is particularly beneficial for imaging biological samples with non-flat surfaces, such as the mouse brain, in large FOV imaging. 2.2.Animal PreparationAll procedures involving mice were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Tsinghua University. Wild-type mice (C57BL/6, 9 weeks to 3 months old; weight, 20 to 30 g) were used in all the experiments. The craniotomy surgery was performed in the following manner: Initially, mice were anesthetized with isoflurane (3% for induction, 1.5% during surgery). Subsequently, a toe pinch test was carried out to ensure the depth of anesthesia. After confirming the mouse’s proper anesthesia, it was carefully positioned on a stereotactic frame while maintaining its body temperature with a heating pad. Before commencing the surgery, the ophthalmic ointment was applied topically to safeguard the corneal surfaces from drying and potential damage due to extended exposure to the illuminating light source. A scalp incision was made, followed by conducting a craniotomy using a drill.29 Once the skull was carefully removed, the brain was covered with 2% agarose and then a cover glass (with a thickness of 0.17 mm and a diameter of 6 mm) was affixed to the skull to minimize any motion of the exposed brain. In addition, a custom aluminum head post was securely attached to the skull using dental cement. 2.3.Data Acquisition and ProcessingIn this work, we employed a stepwise raster scanning procedure to collect volumetric data. The slow scanner () was driven by a step waveform with a total of 800 steps. At each step, five consecutive B-scans were acquired to analyze dynamic flow signals. Each of these B-scans consisted of 1024 A-lines in the fast-scanning direction. Adjacent B-scans were paired for blood flow extraction at each scanning step . The original spectral interference fringe signal underwent a Fourier transformation along the wavenumber direction, resulting in the backscattered profile in the depth domain. This profile included both amplitude and phase information: The cross-sectional angiogram was then created by subtracting the amplitude component between paired B-scans: Then, the OCTA signals at each step were averaged to improve flow contrast. Performing this process for all values, OCTA volumetric data containing microvasculature flow information can be obtained. The enface angiograms are obtained by performing maximum intensity projection along the axial direction. 3.Results3.1.OCT Structural Imaging PerformanceThe GB and NB were tested with polystyrene (PS) beads (XFJ100, XFnano) embedded in ultrasound gel (Ultrasonic Coupling, Cofoe). The phantom with beads concentration around was degassed with a centrifuge (10 min at 15,000 rpm, H1850, Cence). During the experiment, the probe is fixed on a bracket with the sample placed underneath. The integration time of the spectrometer was set to , with 1024 A-scan in one B-scan. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the B-scan image acquired using the GB demonstrates recognizable beads only within a range of near the focal plane, indicated by the red dashed line. This means that the GB maintains a lateral resolution above only within this axial range, with areas farther from the focus displaying significant defocusing. By contrast, the NB provides a much wider range of distinguishable particles, maintaining a lateral resolution above over a axial range, achieving a 2.8-fold increase in DOF. As shown in Fig. 4(b), the NB allows for clear particle imaging across a larger depth range, with regions well above the red dashed line still displaying sharp and detailed features. This demonstrates that the NB can maintain high-resolution imaging over a significantly extended depth range. Fig. 4B-scan imaging results of polystyrene microspheres with wearable probe using GB (a) and NB (b). Scale bars at bottom left, . ![]() To better illustrate the differences between the two and the advantages of the NB, a 3D scan of the sample was performed with a lateral FOV of , with 1024 sampling points on the fast axis and 800 in the slow axis. The volumetric visualization of the 3D data is shown in Fig. 5. The imaging results of GB are shown in Figs. 5(a)–5(c). Figure 5(a) shows the overall effect, and the red box in it is zoomed in as Fig. 5(b), where the particles at the top are clearly imaged with high resolution, but the resolution rapidly decreases with depth, and the particles at the bottom are significantly widened due to beam defocus. By contrast, the imaging results using the NB show no defocus phenomenon, as depicted in Figs. 5(d)–5(f). In Fig. 5(e), an enlarged view of the red box in Fig. 5(d), high-resolution imaging is maintained throughout the entire depth range, with particle sizes remaining consistent without the widening observed in Fig. 5(b). Figures 5(c) and 5(f) show the enface results of the volumetric data obtained using GB and NB, respectively, further highlighting the defocus phenomenon of the GB outside the DOF and the long focal depth advantage of the NB. 3.2.OCTA Imaging PerformanceThe connection between the probe and the mouse brain was described in our previous work.18 After wearing, the GB focus was placed at the axial position corresponding to the center of the imaging FOV. The imaging results are shown in Fig. 6. We took 800 B-scans in the slow scanner direction, and at each step, we repeated the B-scan five times; each of these B-scans consisted of 1024 A-lines in the fast-scanning direction, and the FOV was set to be . Figure 6(a) shows the enface result of the OCT data. Two positions were selected in the image (indicated by the red and yellow dashed lines), and corresponding OCT cross-sectional images are presented in Figs. 6(d) and 6(g). In Fig. 6(d), it can be observed that there is a height difference along the selected line. The height difference along this line is . However, the maximum height difference was measured from the entire OCT 3D point cloud, representing the difference between the highest and lowest points across the entire OCT 3D surface, which was found to be . The GB could only maintain a resolution better than within an axial range of , which is insufficient to cover the height difference of the sample surface; therefore, an obvious defocus phenomenon (the upper right corner position) can be observed in the GB-OCTA imaging result, shown in Fig. 6(b). After introducing the DOE, the wearable probe could maintain lateral resolution better than in , which exceeds the maximum height difference of the sample surface. Therefore, as shown in the NB-OCTA imaging result in Fig. 6(c), clear imaging could be achieved throughout the entire FOV without defocusing issues. Fig. 6Imaging performance of the probe. (a) OCT image of the mouse brain, FOV, , scale bar at bottom left, . (b) GB-OCTA image of the same region as panel (a). (c) NB-OCTA image of the same region as panel (a). Cross-sectional images of the red dash lines in panels (a)–(c) are shown in panels (d)–(f). Cross-sectional images of the yellow dash lines in panels (a)–(c) are shown in panels (g)–(i). ![]() The advantages of NB-OCTA can also be observed from the comparison of the cross-sectional images. As shown in Figs. 6(e) and 6(f), the cross-sections represent the OCTA results at the positions corresponding to the red dashed lines in Figs. 6(b) and 6(c). The blood vessels are labeled by the blue lines in Figs. 6(e) and 6(f) are within the DOF of GB, thus achieving high resolution and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in both GB and NB imaging results. However, the blood vessels indicated by the red arrows in Fig. 6(f) are outside the GB focal range, thus only exhibiting high resolution and SNR in NB-OCTA. The clarity of the signal at the same position in Fig. 6(e) is significantly weaker than in Fig. 6(f). In addition, the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and SNR were calculated using the signal intensity and background intensity across the entire enface image, rather than selecting a specific region. Higher CNR helps to distinguish blood vessels from surrounding tissue, whereas higher SNR improves image clarity and visibility of details, aiding in the evaluation of vascular connectivity. In Fig. 6(b), and ; in Fig. 6(c), and , both demonstrating better performance of the NB. The GB-OCTA and NB-OCTA enface images were first normalized. A threshold was then applied to generate binary images to differentiate blood vessels from the background. The threshold was selected based on the grayscale pixel values of the enface images and empirical observation. Regions corresponding to blood vessels, with higher intensity than the threshold, were assigned a value of 1, whereas regions corresponding to the background, with lower intensity than the threshold, were assigned a value of 0. This binary vessel map was represented as a skeleton map (). is the mean value of the intensities of the pixels that corresponded to the skeleton map in the enface OCTA image, represents the average intensity of pixels in the background (tissue) area of the enface image, and is the standard deviation of the background signals. In the experiment described above, the FOV was . This time, the orientation of the wearable probe was kept unchanged, the FOV was expanded by 20% to image a region of , and the acquisition scheme remained the same at . Due to the enlargement of the imaging field, the maximum height difference increased from 385 to , and as a result, the GB-OCTA imaging shown in Fig. 7(b) exhibits more pronounced defocusing (as shown in the upper right corner of the image), whereas the DOF of the NB can still cover the maximum height difference of . Therefore, the imaging result of NB-OCTA in Fig. 7(c) can still maintain high-resolution imaging without defocusing throughout the whole FOV. Fig. 7Imaging performance of the probe. (a) OCT image of the mouse brain, FOV, , scale bar at bottom left, . (b) GB-OCTA image of the same region as panel (a). (c) NB-OCTA image of the same region as panel (a). Cross-sectional images of the red dash lines in panels (a)–(c) are shown in panels (d)–(f). Cross-sectional images of the yellow dash lines in panels (a)–(c) are shown in panels (g)–(i). ![]() Similarly, the comparison of OCTA cross-sectional images shown in Figs. 7(e) and 7(f) also highlights the advantages of NB-OCTA, and the blood vessel labeled by the red arrow in Fig. 7(f) exhibits higher resolution and SNR in NB-OCTA. In Fig. 7(b), and ; in Fig. 7(c), and , demonstrating better performance of the NB in the wearable probe. To further demonstrate the advantage of the NB in the wearable probe, the same FOV of Fig. 7 is used, and the position of the beam focus is adjusted by changing the number of spacers in the probe. This experiment focuses the GB at three different axial positions (, , ), as shown in Figs. 8(b)–8(d). The enface image acquired with NB is shown in Fig. 8(a). The yellow, red, blue, and green boxes in Figs. 8(a)–8(d) are zoomed in Fig. 8(e), indicating axial positions of , , , and , respectively, for NB-OCTA, high resolution is maintained at all four positions, whereas for GB-OCTA, no matter where the focus is, the DOF of the beam cannot cover the height difference of the sample surface (), so there will always be positions out of focus. This experiment provides a more comprehensive explanation of the necessity of using NB in the wearable probe. Fig. 8OCTA imaging of mouse brain () with wearable probe using GB and NB. (a) Enface image acquired by NB, scale bars at bottom left, . (b) Enface image acquired by GB with the focal position at . (c) Enface image acquired by GB with the focal position at . (d) Enface image acquired by GB with the focal position at . The yellow, red, blue, and green boxes in panels (a–d) are zoomed in panel (e), indicating axial positions of , , , and , respectively. ![]() 4.Conclusion and DiscussionThis work is a continuation of our previous work, aiming to address the issue of insufficient DOF in wearable OCTA probes when imaging the mouse brain due to the height difference of the sample. By introducing the NB into the wearable probe, it overcomes the trade-off between lateral resolution and DOF, achieving a lateral resolution better than within an axial space of . The OCT imaging of PS bead samples demonstrated the significant defocusing phenomenon of GB outside the DOF and the advantage of the NB. In the experiments of mouse brain imaging, the OCTA imaging results using GB and NB were compared. The introduction of the NB enabled the wearable probe to overcome the surface height difference of the sample and maintain high-resolution imaging without defocusing. The wearable OCTA probe is not only capable of imaging the awake mouse brain but also capable of performing fast, high-resolution, non-stitched imaging on the curved mouse brain in a wearable manner. This work contributes to the advancement of OCTA applications in the brain, but there are still areas that require further improvement. For example, the light wavelength used in this paper is relatively short, resulting in a shallow penetration depth, which necessitates craniotomy for measurements on mice. In the future, longer wavelength systems could be utilized, or combined with adaptive optics technology capable of wavefront shaping to increase the penetration depth,30 allowing for non-craniotomy OCTA and wearable OCTA research on mice. The wearable probe used in this paper is a first-generation design, with room for optimization in terms of weight, size, and optical path structure. For example, a lightweight fiber collimator could be constructed, lighter materials could be used for the overall framework, and unnecessary solid parts in the structure could be optimized. The wearable probe used in this paper employs a 12.7 mm diameter double-cemented achromatic lens, which can produce aberrations during large FOV scanning. In the future, a small aperture flat-field scanning lens could be designed to produce a uniform spot size at all scanning positions on the image plane, achieving higher quality large FOV imaging results. In future research, other technologies and algorithms can be integrated into wearable NB-OCTA, such as blood flow velocity measurement and oxygen saturation measurement, providing more biochemical monitoring information alongside angiography. We believe that this work holds promising prospects for future applications and will promote our understanding of brain health and neurological disorders. DisclosuresThe authors have no relevant financial interests in this article and no potential conflicts of interest to disclose. Code and Data AvailabilityThe datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2022YFB4702902), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62275023, 22172085), Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 4232077), Beijing Nova Program (Grant No. 20230484252), and Overseas Expertise Introduction Project for Discipline Innovation (Grant No. B18005). ReferencesR. F. Spaide et al.,
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BiographyXiaochen Li is a postdoctoral researcher and assistant research fellow in the Department of Precision Instrument at Tsinghua University. He received his PhD in optical engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2024. His research interests include wearable optical coherence tomography (OCT), vascular imaging, and robotics-assisted OCT. Xiangyu Guo is a PhD candidate in the Department of Precision Instrument at Tsinghua University. He received his BS degree in optoelectronic information science and engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2018. His current research interests include OCT imaging systems and brain imaging. |
Optical coherence tomography
Diffractive optical elements
Depth of field
Biomedical optics