Open Access
4 October 2023 Characterizing the blood–brain barrier and gut barrier with super-resolution imaging: opportunities and challenges
Ellen Doney, Renaud Bernatchez, Valérie Clavet-Fournier, Katarzyna A. Dudek, Laurence Dion-Albert, Flavie Lavoie-Cardinal, Caroline Menard
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Brain and gut barriers have been receiving increasing attention in health and diseases including in psychiatry. Recent studies have highlighted changes in the blood–brain barrier and gut barrier structural properties, notably a loss of tight junctions, leading to hyperpermeability, passage of inflammatory mediators, stress vulnerability, and the development of depressive behaviors. To decipher the cellular processes actively contributing to brain and gut barrier function in health and disease, scientists can take advantage of neurophotonic tools and recent advances in super-resolution microscopy techniques to complement traditional imaging approaches like confocal and electron microscopy. Here, we summarize the challenges, pros, and cons of these innovative approaches, hoping that a growing number of scientists will integrate them in their study design exploring barrier-related properties and mechanisms.

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Ellen Doney, Renaud Bernatchez, Valérie Clavet-Fournier, Katarzyna A. Dudek, Laurence Dion-Albert, Flavie Lavoie-Cardinal, and Caroline Menard "Characterizing the blood–brain barrier and gut barrier with super-resolution imaging: opportunities and challenges," Neurophotonics 10(4), 044410 (4 October 2023).
Received: 9 May 2023; Accepted: 25 September 2023; Published: 4 October 2023
Super resolution microscopy


Biological imaging

Confocal microscopy

Super resolution


Brain diseases


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