Graduated in Physics from State University of Londrina – Brazil (1985), Master of Master of Science - University of Toronto - Canada (1991), Masters in Physics from the University of São Paulo – Brazil (1988), PhD in Physics - University of Toronto and UNICAMP (1995) and post-doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Festokoperforschung - Stuttgart (1996-1999). Currently a professor at the University of Vale do Paraíba – Brazil and head of the Laboratory of Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy ( and Probe-Project Development in Biomedicine and Engineering ( . He has experience in physics, with emphasis on Raman Spectroscopy, acting on the following topics: Dispersive Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform (FT-Raman), optical biopsy, noninvasive diagnosis of cancer, composite resins, X-ray fluorescence and dentistry.
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Analysis of pH drugs were permorfed, DA 1.48 and DB 2.90. Enamel (n=24) were analysed by FT - Raman and randomly distributed in control group (CG) and experimental groups (GEA and GEB), specimens fixed in palatine appliances. In CG, dripped 20% sucrose (8Xday/3 min)/7 days. In GEA, 20% sucrose (8Xday/3 min) + drug (4Xday/3 min). In GEB, 20% sucrose (8Xday/3 min) B + drug (4Xday/3 min). FT- Raman analysis was performed again. Data analyzed by Student t test and ANOVA
Differences in peak intensity of carbonate (CO3) /phosphate (PO4) (p<0.0286) post challenge in GEB related to baseline. The GEB integrated area of inorganic post challenge (p<0.0349).Organic loss in GEA, area (p<0.0228) and intensity (p<0. 0471) between moments and in GEB, area (p<0.0243) and intensity (p<0.00276). Comparing organic area and intensity difference observed post challenge GC (0,31±0,13) and GEB(0,54±0,13). Area difference between GEA(0,30±0,16) X GEB(0,54±0,13) and intensity difference GC(0,09172±0,04) and GEB(0,16±0,04) and GEA(0,091±0,05) X GEB(0,16±0,04). Significant integrated area CO3/PO4 loss for GC(0,12±0,01)X GEB(0,16±0,02) and GEB X GEA(0,13±0,02). For intensity differences were observed between GC(0,08±0,01) and GEB(0,10±0,01), and the last one and GEA(0,08±0,01)
After administration of drugs, reduction in the amount of carbonate, organic and inorganic components were observed, denoting possible demineralization.
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