Since the start of operations in 2011, the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) has been one of the most efficient wide-field imagers in the optical bands. However, in the next years the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will be a game-changer in this field. Hence, the timing is appropriate for specializing the VST with additions that can make it unique in well-defined scientific cases. VSTPOL is a project that aims to provide the addition of wide-field polarimetric capabilities to the VST telescope, making it the first large survey telescope for linear optical polarimetry. Actually, while there are quite a number of optical telescopes, the telescopes providing polarimetric instrumentation are just a few. The number of relatively large mirror polarimetric telescopes is small, although they would be specifically needed e.g. to support many science cases of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) that, in the southern hemisphere, is co-located with the VST. The VST telescope is equipped with a single instrument, the OmegaCAM wide-field imaging camera operating in the visible bands with a field of view of 1° × 1°. The polarimetric mode will be implemented through the insertion of a large rotatable polarizer installed on the field-corrector optics, which will be exchangeable with the non-polarimetric corrector optics. The limiting polarimetric systematic errors due to variable atmospheric conditions and instrumental polarization can be corrected down to a level of ∼ 10−3 by leveraging the large amount of unpolarized stars within each field-of-view. By the user point of view, VSTPOL will be an additional mode for the VST wide-field imaging camera.
New generation exoplanet imagers on large ground-based telescopes are highly optimised for the detection of young giant exoplanets in the near-infrared, but they are intrinsically limited for their characterisation by the low spectral resolution of their integral field spectrographs (R < 100). High-dispersion spectroscopy at R ≫ 104 would be a powerful tool for the characterisation of these planets, but there is currently no high-resolution spectrograph with extreme adaptive optics and coronagraphy that would enable such characterisation. With project HiRISE we propose to use fiber coupling to combine the capabilities of two flagship instruments at the Very Large Telescope in Chile: the exoplanet imager SPHERE and the high-resolution spectrograph CRIRES+. The coupling will be implemented at the telescope in early 2023. We provide a general overview of the implementation of HiRISE, of its assembly, integration and testing (AIT) phase in Europe, and a brief assessment of its expected performance based on the final hardware.
CRIRES+ extended the capabilities of CRIRES, the CRyogenic InfraRed Echelle Spectrograph. It transformed this VLT instrument into a cross-dispersed spectrograph to increase the wavelength range that is covered simultaneously by a factor of ten. In addition, a new detector focal plane array of three Hawaii 2RG detectors with a 5.3 μm cut-off wavelength replaced the existing detectors. Amongst many other improvements a new spectropolarimetric unit was added and the calibration system has been enhanced. The instrument was installed at the VLT on Unit Telescope 3 beginning of 2020 and successfully commissioned and verified for science operations during 2021, partly remote from Europe due to the pandemic. The instrument was subsequently offered to the community from October 2021 onwards. This article describes the performance and capabilities of this development and presents on sky results.
Correction of telluric absorption lines is important during the data reduction of spectroscopic observations of astronomical targets. The popular tool Molecfit1, 2 creates synthetic telluric transmission spectra based on the LBLRTM radiative transfer code3 , the HITRAN database4 , available atmospheric profiles (temperature, humidity, pressure variation with altitude), and instrumental line spread functions. Significantly improved accuracy is reached by using atmospheric profiles obtained at the same time and location as the science observations. For 9 years, a Low Humidity And Temperature Profiling (LHATPRO) Radiometer has provided profiles towards zenith every minute at Paranal. In 2019 line-of-sight support was added with the radiometer slaved to each telescope in sequence. This approach allows blind correction of water vapor telluric lines, provided some conditions are met, reducing the need to observe telluric stars.
Knowledge about the external environmental conditions on science data quality is an essential aspect of midinfrared ground-based observations. Before science observations are taken, a standard star must be observed to assess the sky transparency and background, which leads to significant telescope overhead. With data collected by NACO and VISIR instruments in L', M' and N-bands at Paranal, we perform a multivariate correlation analysis between the sky counts and different external conditions (i.e. precipitable water vapour, airmass, humidity and thickness of the dust deposition layer on the main mirror). Using machine learning methods to analyse multiple regression data, we show that knowledge of the external conditions can predict correctly the background sky emission at the relevant wavelengths to within 2-5%. The use of the skycalc tool to verify the predicted background is also briefly described. Our findings have important implications for the operations of the current and future VLT and ELT instruments operating at mid-infrared wavelengths.
Absolute flux calibration of standard stars, traceable to the International System of Units (SI) standards, is essential for 21st century astrophysics. Dark energy investigations that rely on observations of Type Ia supernovae and precise photometric redshifts of weakly lensed galaxies require a minimum uncertainty of 0.5% (k=1) in the absolute color calibration. Other areas of astronomy and astrophysics, e.g. fundamental stellar astrophysics, will also benefit. In the era of large telescopes and all sky surveys, well-calibrated standard stars that do not saturate, are available over the whole sky, and extend to fainter magnitudes are needed. Our collaboration, NIST Stars, has developed a novel, fully SI-traceable laboratory calibration strategy that will enable achieving the demanding 0.5% requirement which we shall describe here. We discuss our results from a pilot study to determine the top-of-the-atmosphere absolute spectral irradiance of bright stars and the next steps.
Following the arrival of MATISSE, the second-generation of VLTI instrumentation is now complete and was simultaneously enhanced by a major facility upgrade including the NAOMI Adaptive Optics on the Auxiliary Telescopes. On the Unit Telescopes, significant efforts were also made to improve the injection stability into VLTI instruments. On top of GRAVITY's own evolution, its fringe tracker is now being used to allow coherent integrations on MATISSE (the so-called GRA4MAT project). Meanwhile, operations also evolved to be more flexible and make the most of an extended observing parameter space. In this context, we present an overview of the current VLTI performances. Finally, we will report on on-going improvements such as the extension of the longest baselines.
Several challenges will have to be faced by the staff at Paranal Observatory in order to be well prepared for a seamless integration of the ELT in the current VLT operations scheme. The Telescopes and Instruments Operator group (TIO) is already undergoing changes connected with some of the identified technological and operational needs for the ELT. This paper will have detailed information about the current training needs, group structural changes, the current activities using the adopted engineering-TIO [2] (eTIO) scheme and the staffing plan that will have to be applied in order to keep the centralized support of the biggest world infrastructure in astronomy at the time of the ELT, to handle daily science operations for seven different telescopes, the VLT interferometer and twenty-one scientific instruments in parallel.
After 5 years of operation on the VLT, a large upgrade of CRIRES (the ESO Cryogenic InfraRed Echelle Spectrograph) was decided mainly in order to increase the efficiency. Using a cross dispersion design allows better wavelength coverage per exposure. This means a complete re-design of the cryogenic pre-optic which were including a predispersion stage with a large prism as dispersive element. The new design requires a move of the entrance slit and associated decker toward the first intermediate focal plane right behind the window. Implement 2 functions with high positioning accuracy in a pre-defined and limited space was a real challenge. The design and the test results recorded in the ESO Cryogenic Test Facility are reported in this paper. The second critical function is the grating wheel which positions the 6 cross disperser gratings into the beam. The paper describes the design of the mechanism which includes a detente system in order to guaranty the 5 arc sec positioning reproducibility requested. The design includes also feedback system, based on switches, in order to ensure that the right grating is in position before starting a long exposure. The paper reports on the tests carried out at cryogenic temperature at the sub-system level. It also includes early performances recorded in the instrument along the first phases of the system test.
Transmission spectroscopy facilitates the detection of molecules and/or clouds in the atmospheres of exoplanets. Such studies rely heavily on space-based or large ground-based observatories, as one needs to perform time-resolved, high signal-to-noise spectroscopy. The FORS2 instrument at ESO's Very Large Telescope is the obvious choice for performing such studies, and was indeed pioneering the field in 2010. After that, however, it was shown to suffer from systematic errors caused by the Longitudinal Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (LADC). This was successfully addressed, leading to a renewed interest for this instrument as shown by the number of proposals submitted to perform transmission spectroscopy of exoplanets. We present here the context, the problem and how we solved it, as well as the recent results obtained. We finish by providing tips for an optimum strategy to do transmission spectroscopy with FORS2, in the hope that FORS2 may become the instrument of choice for ground-based transmission spectroscopy of exoplanets.
We present an overview of the VISIR instrument after its upgrade and return to science operations. VISIR is the midinfrared imager and spectrograph at ESO’s VLT. The project team is comprised of ESO staff and members of the original VISIR consortium: CEA Saclay and ASTRON. The project plan was based on input from the ESO user community with the goal of enhancing the scientific performance and efficiency of VISIR by a combination of measures: installation of improved hardware, optimization of instrument operations and software support. The cornerstone of the upgrade is the 1k by 1k Si:As AQUARIUS detector array manufactured by Raytheon. In addition, a new prism spectroscopic mode covers the whole N-band in a single observation. Finally, new scientific capabilities for high resolution and high-contrast imaging are offered by sub-aperture mask and coronagraphic modes. In order to make optimal use of favourable atmospheric conditions, a water vapour monitor has been deployed on Paranal, allowing for real-time decisions and the introduction of a user-defined constraint on water vapour. During the commissioning in 2012, it was found that the on-sky sensitivity of the AQUARIUS detector was significantly below expectations. Extensive testing of the detector arrays in the laboratory and on-sky enabled us to diagnose the cause for the shortcoming of the detector as excess low frequency noise. It is inherent to the design chosen for this detector and cannot be remedied by changing the detector set-up. Since this is a form of correlated noise, its impact can be limited by modulating the scene recorded by the detector. After careful analysis, we have implemented fast (up to 4 Hz) chopping with field stabilization using the secondary mirror of the VLT. During commissioning, the upgraded VISIR has been confirmed to be more sensitive than the old instrument, and in particular for low-resolution spectroscopy in the N-band, a gain of a factor 6 is realized in observing efficiency. After overcoming several additional technical problems, VISIR is back in Science Operations since April 2015. In addition an upgrade of the IT infrastructure related to VISIR has been conducted in order to support burst-mode operations. Science Verification of the new modes was performed in Feb 2016. The upgraded VISIR is a powerful instrument providing close to background limited performance for diffraction-limited observations at an 8-m telescope. It offers synergies with facilities such as ALMA, JWST, VLTI and SOFIA, while a wealth of targets is available from survey works like WISE. In addition, it will bring confirmation of the technical readiness and scientific value of several aspects for future mid-IR instrumentation at Extremely Large Telescopes. We also present several lessons learned during the project.
Observatories and operational strategies are evolving in connection with the facilities that will be built. For those new facilities, the strategy for dealing with the telescopes, instrumentation, data-flow, reduction process and relationship with the community is more or less handled from its conception. However, for those Observatories already in place, the challenge is to adapt the processes and prepare the existing people for these changes. This talk will show detailed information about current activities, the implemented training plan, the definition of the current operational model, the involvement of the group in projects towards improving operational processes and efficiency, and what new challenges will be involved during the definition of the strategies for the new generation instruments and facilities to be installed.
A comparison of the FWHM of standard stars observed with VISIR, the mid-IR imager and spectrometer at ESO's VLT, with expectations for the achieved mid-IR Image Quality based on the optical seeing and the wavelength-dependence of atmospheric turbulence, shows that for N-band data (7{12μm), VISIR realizes an image quality about 0.1" worse than expected based on the optical seeing. This difference is large compared to the median N-band image quality of 0.3-0.4" achieved by VISIR. We also note that other mid-IR groundbased imagers show similar image quality in the N-band. We attribute this difference to an under-estimate of the effect of the atmosphere in the mid-IR in the parameters adopted so far for the extrapolation of optical to mid-IR seeing. Adopting an average outer length-scale of the atmospheric turbulence above Paranal L0 = 46 m (instead of the previously used L0 = 23 m) improves the agreement between predicted and achieved image quality in the mid-IR while only having a modest effect on the predicted image quality at shorter wavelengths (although a significant amount of scatter remains, suggesting that l0 may not be constant in time). We therefore advocate adopting L0 = 46 m for the average outer length scale of atmospheric turbulence above Cerro Paranal for real-time scheduling of observations on VLT UT3 (Melipal).
Here we describe a prototype Strehl and image quality performance estimator and its integration into Paranal operations, starting with UT4 and its suite of three infrared instruments: adaptive optics-fed imager/spectrograph NACO (temporarily out of operations) and integral field unit SINFONI, as well as wide-field imager HAWK-I. The real-time estimator processes the ambient conditions (seeing, coherence time, airmass, etc.) from the DIMM, and telescope Shack-Hartmann image analyzer to produce estimates of image quality and Strehl ratio every ~ 30 seconds. The estimate is using ad-hoc instrumental models, based in part on the PAOLA adaptive optics simulator. We discuss the current performance of the estimator vs real IQ and Strehl measurements, its impact on service mode efficiency, prospects for full deployment at other UTs, its use for the adaptive optics facility (AOF), and inclusion of the SLODAR-measured fine turbulence characteristics.
CRIRES at the VLT is one of the few adaptive optics enabled instruments that offer a resolving power of 105 from 1 − 5 μm. An instrument upgrade (CRIRES+) is proposed to implement cross-dispersion capabilities, spectro-polarimetry modes, a new detector mosaic, and a new gas absorption cell. CRIRES+ will boost the simultaneous wavelength coverage of the current instrument (~ γ/70 in a single-order) by a factor of 10 in the cross-dispersed configuration, while still retaining a ~> 10 arcsec slit suitable for long-slit spectroscopy. CRIRES+ dramatically enhances the instrument’s observing efficiency, and opens new scientific opportunities. These include high-precision radial-velocity studies on the 3 m/s level to characterize extra-solar planets and their athmospheres, which demand for specialized, highly accurate wavelength calibration techniques. In this paper, we present a newly developed absorption gas-cell to enable high-precision wavelength calibration for CRIRES+. We also discuss the strategies and developments to cover the full operational spectral range (1 − 5 μµm), employing cathode emission lamps, Fabry-Perot etalons, and absorption gas-cells.
This paper presents the recent changes undergone by the Science Operations department of the ESO Paranal Observatory. This revised science operations model, named SciOps2, aims at improving operations efficiency and quality of the data delivered to our community of users. The changes regarding the new department structure, its staffing, and the distribution of tasks and responsibilities, are described in details, as well as the measured impact of these changes.
Instrumentation on Paranal Observatory is currently composed of 18 scientific instruments (operational, in commissioning or in stand by) and 8 technical instruments (test camera, fringe tracking, AO modules, laser guide star facility, tip-tilt sensor). Their implementations and operations started 15 years ago. Over the years enough information to describe their typical behavior was gathered to define a preventive maintenance plan for each instrument and/or a general refurbishment in order to keep their reliability and performance.
We present an overview of the VISIR upgrade project. VISIR is the mid-infrared imager and spectrograph at ESO’s
VLT. The project team is comprised of ESO staff and members of the original VISIR consortium: CEA Saclay and
ASTRON. The project plan is based on input from the ESO user community with the goal of enhancing the scientific
performance and efficiency of VISIR by a combination of measures: installation of improved hardware, optimization of
instrument operations and software support. The cornerstone of the upgrade is the 1k by 1k Si:As AQUARIUS detector
array (Raytheon) which has been carefully characterized in ESO’s IR detector test facility (modified TIMMI 2
instrument). A prism spectroscopic mode will cover the N-band in a single observation. New scientific capabilities for
high resolution and high-contrast imaging will be offered by sub-aperture mask (SAM) and phase-mask coronagraphic
(4QPM/AGPM) modes. In order to make optimal use of favourable atmospheric conditions a water vapour monitor has
been deployed on Paranal, allowing for real-time decisions and the introduction of a user-defined constraint on water
vapour. During the commissioning in 2012 it was found that the on-sky sensitivity of the AQUARIUS detector was
significantly below expectations and that VISIR was not ready to go back to science operations. Extensive testing of the
detector arrays in the laboratory and on-sky enabled us to diagnose the cause for the shortcoming of the detector as
excess low frequency noise (ELFN). It is inherent to the design chosen for this detector and can’t be remedied by
changing the detector set-up. Since this is a form of correlated noise its impact can be limited by modulating the scene
recorded by the detector. We have studied several mitigation options and found that faster chopping using the secondary
mirror (M2) of the VLT offers the most promising way forward. Faster M2 chopping has been tested and is scheduled
for implementation before the end of 2014 after which we plan to re-commission VISIR. In addition an upgrade of the IT
infrastructure related to VISIR is planned in order to support burst-mode operations. The upgraded VISIR will be a
powerful instrument providing close to background limited performance for diffraction-limited observations at an 8-m
telescope. It will offer synergy with facilities such as ALMA, JWST, VLTI and SOFIA, while a wealth of targets is
available from survey work (e.g. VISTA, WISE). In addition it will bring confirmation of the technical readiness and
scientific value of several aspects of potential mid-IR instrumentation at Extremely Large Telescopes.
The CRIRES infrared spectrograph at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT)
facility will soon receive an upgrade. This upgrade will include the addition of a module for performing highresolution
spectropolarimetry. The polarimetry module will incorporate a novel infrared beamsplitter based on
polarization gratings (PGs). The beamsplitter produces a pair of infrared output beams, with opposite circular
polarizations, which are then fed into the spectrograph. Visible light passes through the module virtually
unaltered and is then available for use by the CRIRES adaptive optics system. We present the design of the
polarimetry module and measurements of PG behavior in the 1 to 2.7 μm wavelength range.
CRIRES, the ESO high resolution infrared spectrometer, is a unique instrument which allows astronomers to access a
parameter space which up to now was largely uncharted. In its current setup, it consists of a single-order spectrograph
providing long-slit, single-order spectroscopy with resolving power up to R=100,000 over a quite narrow spectral range.
This has resulted in sub-optimal efficiency and use of telescope time for all the scientific programs requiring broad
spectral coverage of compact objects (e.g. chemical abundances of stars and intergalactic medium, search and
characterization of extra-solar planets). To overcome these limitations, a consortium was set-up for upgrading CRIRES
to a cross-dispersed spectrometer, called CRIRES+. This paper presents the updated optical design of the cross-dispersion
module for CRIRES+. This new module can be mounted in place of the current pre-disperser unit. The new
system yields a factor of >10 increase in simultaneous spectral coverage and maintains a quite long slit (10”), ideal for
observations of extended sources and for precise sky-background subtraction.
CRIRES is one of the few IR (0.92-5.2 μm) high-resolution spectrographs in operation at the VLT since 2006. Despite
good performance it suffers a limitation that significantly hampers its ability: a small spectral coverage per exposure. The
CRIRES upgrade (CRIRES+) proposes to transform CRIRES into a cross-dispersed spectrograph while maintaining the
high resolution (100000) and increasing the wavelength coverage by a factor 10 compared to the current capabilities. A
major part of the upgrade is the exchange of the actual cryogenic pre-disperser module by a new cross disperser unit. In
addition to a completely new optical design, a number of important changes are required on key components and
functions like the slit unit and detectors units. We will outline the design of these new units fitting inside a predefined
and restricted space. The mechanical design of the new functions including a description and analysis will be presented.
Finally we will present the strategy for the implementation of the changes.
High-resolution infrared spectroscopy plays an important role in astrophysics from the search for exoplanets to
cosmology. Yet, many existing infrared spectrographs are limited by a rather small simultaneous wavelength coverage.
The AO assisted CRIRES instrument, installed at the ESO VLT on Paranal, is one of the few IR (0.92-5.2 μm) highresolution
spectrographs in operation since 2006. However it has a limitation that hampers its efficient use: the
wavelength range covered in a single exposure is limited to ~15 nanometers. The CRIRES Upgrade project (CRIRES+)
will transform CRIRES into a cross-dispersed spectrograph and will also add new capabilities. By introducing crossdispersion
elements the simultaneously covered wavelength range will be increased by at least a factor of 10 with respect
to the present configuration, while the operational wavelength range will be preserved. For advanced wavelength
calibration, new custom made absorption gas cells and etalons will be added. A spectro-polarimetric unit will allow one
for the first time to record circularly polarized spectra at the highest spectral resolution. This will be all supported by a
new data reduction software which will allow the community to take full advantage of the new capabilities of CRIRES+.
A new technological development, the laser driven light source (LDLS), in which a laser excited plasma emits intense
continuum radiation over a wide wavelength range from well below the atmospheric cut-off up to 800 nm, promises to
greatly improve our ability to provide high quality flat-fields for astronomical spectrographs. Its particular strength lies
in the ground-based ultraviolet (UV). We report on tests conducted with a LDLS using FORS2, UVES, X-Shooter and
CRIRES at ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in August 2013. Comparison with standard calibration sources such as
halogen and deuterium lamps shows that with the LDLS flat-fields with a better balanced dynamic range and excellent
signal to noise ratio can be achieved within short exposure times. This will enable higher quality science at the short
wavelength end of existing spectrographs at the VLT. Furthermore the LDLS provides exceptional stability and long
lifetime as important operational aspects. Optimised UV spectrographs such as the proposed CUBES (wavelength range
300-400 nm) project will be able to take full advantage of this development removing the long-standing limitation of
signal to noise ratios of UV flat-fields.
KMOS is a multi-object near-infrared integral field spectrograph built by a consortium of UK and German institutes for
the ESO Paranal Observatory. We report on the on-sky performance verification of KMOS measured during three
commissioning runs on the ESO VLT in 2012/13 and some of the early science results.
We present an overview of the VISIR upgrade project. VISIR is the mid-infrared imager and spectrograph at ESO’s
VLT. The project team is comprised of ESO staff and members of the original VISIR consortium: CEA Saclay and
ASTRON. The project plan is based on input from the ESO user community with the goal of enhancing the scientific
performance and efficiency of VISIR by a combination of measures: installation of improved hardware, optimization of
instrument operations and software support. The cornerstone of the upgrade is the 1k by 1k Si:As Aquarius detector
array (Raytheon) which has demonstrated very good performance (sensitivity, stability) in the laboratory IR detector test
facility (modified TIMMI 2 instrument). A prism spectroscopic mode will cover the N-band in a single observation. New
scientific capabilities for high resolution and high-contrast imaging will be offered by sub-aperture mask (SAM) and
phase-mask coronagraphic (4QPM/AGPM) modes. In order to make optimal use of favourable atmospheric conditions a
water vapour monitor has been deployed on Paranal, allowing for real-time decisions and the introduction of a userdefined
constraint on water vapour. Improved pipelines based on the ESO Reflex concept will provide better support to
astronomers. The upgraded VISIR will be a powerful instrument providing background limited performance for
diffraction-limited observations at an 8-m telescope. It will offer synergy with facilities such as ALMA, JWST, VLTI
and SOFIA, while a wealth of targets is available from survey work (e.g. VISTA, WISE). In addition it will bring
confirmation of the technical readiness and scientific value of several aspects of potential mid-IR instrumentation at
Extremely Large Telescopes. The intervention on VISIR and installation of hardware has been completed in July and
commissioning will take place during July and August. VISIR is scheduled to be available to the users starting Oct 2012.
The high multiplex advantage of VIMOS, the VLT visible imager and multi-object/integral-field spectrometer, makes it
a powerful instrument for large-scale spectroscopic surveys of faint sources. Following community input and
recommendations by ESO's Science and Technology Committee, in 2009 it was decided to upgrade the instrument. This
included installing an active flexure compensation system and replacing the detectors with CCDs that have a far better
red sensitivity and less fringing. Significant changes have also been made to the hardware, maintenance and operational
procedures of the instrument with the aim of improving availability and productivity. Improvements have also been
made to the data reduction pipeline. The upgrade will end in 2012 and the results of the program will be presented here.
We present the performance characteristics of a water vapour monitor that has been permanently deployed at ESO’s
Paranal observatory as a part of the VISIR upgrade project. After a careful analysis of the requirements and an open call for tender, the Low Humidity and Temperature Profiling microwave radiometer (LHATPRO), manufactured by
Radiometer Physics GmbH (RPG), has been selected. The unit measures several channels across the strong water vapour emission line at 183 GHz, necessary for resolving the low levels of precipitable water vapour (PWV) that are prevalent on Paranal (median ~2.5 mm). The unit comprises the above humidity profiler (183-191 GHz), a temperature profiler (51-58 GHz), and an infrared radiometer (~10 μm) for cloud detection. The instrument has been commissioned during a 2.5 week period in Oct/Nov 2011, by comparing its measurements of PWV and atmospheric profiles with the ones obtained by 22 radiosonde balloons. In parallel an IR radiometer (Univ. Lethbridge) has been operated, and various observations with ESO facility spectrographs have been taken. The RPG radiometer has been validated across the range 0.5 – 9 mm demonstrating an accuracy of better than 0.1 mm. The saturation limit of the radiometer is about 20 mm. Currently, the radiometer is being integrated into the Paranal infrastructure to serve as a high time-resolution monitor in support of VLT science operations. The water vapour radiometer’s ability to provide high precision, high time resolution information on this important aspect of the atmosphere will be most useful for conducting IR observations with the VLT under optimal conditions.
The ESO's VLT Spectrometer and Imager for the Mid-Infrared (VISIR) has been in operation at the Paranal
Observatory since 2005. It is equipped with two DRS (formerly Boeing) 256 × 256 BIB arrays. The project to
replace detectors into new Raytheon, 1k × 1k AQUARIUS devices as well as to modify observing modes, software,
etc. is underway. The VISIR upgrade creates a well defined break point in the instruments' characteristics. For
nearly 7 years of the VISIR operations we have been collecting and processing calibration data, in particular
observations of the imaging and spectroscopic standard stars, within a regular data flow operation scheme. The
derived quality control parameters have been systematically written into a database, which allows the analysis
of their temporal behavior. We present an overview of the long term variations of the VISIR quality control
parameters: sensitivity, conversion factor and mean background level estimations. The results will be later used
to compare performance of VISIR before and after the upgrade.
We will present the status of the scientific instruments and their associated systems at the Paranal observatory and the
approach used to integrate, commission and to keep them at their maximum performances.
The content of precipitable water vapor (PWV) in the atmosphere is very important for astronomy in the infrared and
radio (sub-millimeter) spectral regions. Therefore, the astrometeorology group has developed different methods to derive
this value from measurements and making forecasts using a meteorological model. The goal is use that model to predict
the atmospheric conditions and support the scheduling of astronomical observations. At ESO, several means to
determine PWV over the observatories have been used, such as IR-radiometers (IRMA), optical and infrared
spectrographs as well as estimates using data from GOES-12 satellite. Using all of these remote sensing methods a study
undertaken to compare the accuracy of these PWV measurements to the simultaneous in-situ measurements provided by
radiosondes. Four dedicated campaigns were conducted during the months of May, July, August and November of 2009
at the La Silla, APEX and Paranal observatory sites. In addition, the astrometeorological group employs the WRF
meteorological model with the goal of simulating the state of the atmosphere (every 6 hours) and forecasting the PWV.
With these simulations, plus satellite images, radiosonde campaign data can be classified synoptically and at the same
time the model can be validated with respect to PWV.
In support of characterization of potential sites for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) the European
Southern Observatory (ESO), the Institute for Space Imaging Science (ISIS) and the astrometeorology group of the
Universidad Valparaiso have jointly established an improved understanding of atmospheric precipitable water vapour
(PWV) above ESO's La Silla Paranal Observatory. In a first step, 8 years worth of high resolution near-IR spectra taken
with VLT-UVES have been statistically analysed to reconstruct the PWV history above Paranal. To this end a radiative
transfer model of Earth's atmosphere (BTRAM) developed by ISIS has been used. A median PWV of 2.1 mm is found
for Paranal based on UVES data covering the period 2001-2008. Furthermore we conclude that Paranal can serve as a
reference site for Northern Chile due to the stable atmospheric conditions in the region. The median offset between
Paranal and Armazones is derived to be 0.3 mm, but local arbitrary variations of a few tenths of a mm between the sites
have been found by measurement. In order to better understand the systematics involved two dedicated campaigns were
conducted in August and November 2009. Several methods for determining the water column were employed, including
radiosonde launches, continuous measurements by infrared radiometer, and VLT instruments operating at various
wavelengths: CRIRES, UVES, VISIR and X-shooter. In a first for astronomical instruments all methods have been
evaluated with respect to the radiosondes, the established standard in atmospheric research. Agreement between the
radiosondes and the IR radiometer (IRMA) is excellent while all other astronomical methods covering a wavelength
range from 700 - 20000 nm have also been successfully validated in a quantitative manner. All available observations
were compared to satellite estimates of water vapour above the observatory in an attempt to ground-truth the satellite
data. GOES can successfully be used for site evaluation in a purely statistical approach since agreement with the
radiosondes is very good on average. For use as an operational tool at an observatory GOES data are much less suited
because of significant deviations depending on atmospheric conditions. We propose to routinely monitor PWV at the
VLT and to use it as an operational constraint to guide scheduling of IR observations at Paranal. For the E-ELT we find
that a stand-alone high time resolution PWV monitor will be essential for optimizing the scientific output.
KEYWORDS: Data archive systems, Calibration, Observatories, Telescopes, Data acquisition, Software development, Space telescopes, Imaging spectroscopy, Adaptive optics, Data storage
ESO aims at supporting the production of science grade data products for all of its Paranal instruments. This serves the
dual purpose of facilitating the immediate exploitation of the data by the respective PIs, as well as the longer term one by
the community at large through the ESO Science Archive Facility. The production of science grade data products
requires an integrated approach to science and calibration observations and the development of software to process and
calibrate the raw data. Here we present ESO's strategy to complement the in-house generation of data products with
contributions returned by our users. The most relevant lessons we have learned in the process are discussed, as well.
The Rapid-Response Mode (RRM) at ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) allows for rapid automatic observations
of any highly variable target such as Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) afterglows. This mode has been available
for various instruments at the VLT since April 2004, and can be easily implemented for any new instumentation.
Apart from discussing the operational side of this mode, we also present VLT/UVES GRB afterglow spectra
observed using the RRM, which show clear variability of absorption lines at the redshift the GRB host galaxy.
Without the RRM this variability would not have been observed. Using photo-excitation and -ionization modelling,
we show that this varibility is due to the afterglow flux exciting and ionizing a gas cloud at distances
varying from tens of parsecs to kiloparsecs away from the GRB.
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is preparing to upgrade VISIR, the mid-IR imager and spectrograph at the
VLT. The project team is comprised of ESO staff and members of the original consortium that built VISIR: CEA Saclay
and ASTRON. The goal is to enhance the scientific performance of VISIR and to facilitate its use by the ESO
community. In order to capture the needs of the user community, we collected input from the users by means of a webbased
questionnaire. In line with the results of the internal study and the input from the user community, the upgrade
plan calls for a combination measures: installation of improved hardware, optimization of instrument operations and
software support. The limitations of the current detector (sensitivity, cosmetics, artifacts) have been known for some
time and a new 1k x 1k Si:As Aquarius array (Raytheon) will be the cornerstone of the VISIR upgrade project. A
modified spectroscopic mode will allow covering the N-band in a single observation. Several new scientific modes (e.g.,
polarimetry, coronagraphy) will be implemented on a best effort basis. In addition, the VISIR operational scheme will be
enhanced to ensure that optimal use of the observing conditions will be made. Specifically, we plan to provide a means
to monitor precipitable water vapour (PWV) and enable the user to specify it as a constraint set for service mode
observations. In some regions of the mid-IR domain, the amount of PWV has a fundamental effect on the quality of a
given night for mid-IR astronomy. The plan also calls for full support by ESO pipelines that will deliver science-ready
data products. Hence the resulting files will provide physical units and error information and all instrumental signatures
will have been removed. An upgraded VISIR will be a powerful instrument providing diffraction-limited performance at
an 8-m telescope. Its improved performance and efficiency as well as new science capabilities will serve the needs of the
ESO community but will also offer synergy with various other facilities such as ALMA, JWST, VLTI and SOFIA. A
wealth of targets for detailed study will be available from survey work done by VISTA and WISE. Finally, the upgraded
VISIR will also serve as a pathfinder for potential mid-IR instrumentation at the European Extremely Large Telescope
(E-ELT) in terms of technology as well as operations.
The Observation Software (OS) of astronomical instruments, which lie directly beneath the instructions of astronomers,
carrying out exposures and calibrations is the supervisor of the multi-process and multi-layer instrument software
package. The main responsibility of the OS is the synchronization of the subsystems (detectors and groups of mechanical
devices) and the telescope during exposures. At ESO a software framework Base Observation Software Stub (BOSS)
takes care of the common functionalities of all OS of various instruments at the various sites VLT, VLTI, La Silla and
Vista. This paper discusses the latest applications and how their new generic requirements contributes to the BOSS
framework. The paper discusses the resolution of problems of event queues, interdependent functionalities, parallel
commands and asynchronous messages in the OS using OO technologies.
CRIRES is a cryogenic, pre-dispersed, infrared Echelle spectrograph designed to provide a nominal resolving
power ν/Δν of 105 between 1000 and 5000 nm for a nominal slit width of 0.2". The CRIRES installation at
the Nasmyth focus A of the 8-m VLT UT1 (Antu) marks the completion of the original instrumentation plan
for the VLT. A curvature sensing adaptive optics system feed is used to minimize slit losses and to provide 0.2"
spatial resolution along the slit. A mosaic of four Aladdin InSb-arrays packaged on custom-fabricated ceramic
boards has been developed. It provides for an effective 4096 × 512 pixel focal plane array to maximize the free
spectral range covered in each exposure. Insertion of gas cells is possible in order to measure radial velocities with
high precision. Measurement of circular and linear polarization in Zeeman sensitive lines for magnetic Doppler
imaging is foreseen but not yet fully implemented. A cryogenic Wollaston prism on a kinematic mount is already
incorporated. The retarder devices will be located close to the Unit Telescope focal plane. Here we briefly recall
the major design features of CRIRES and describe the commissioning of the instrument including a report of
extensive testing and a preview of astronomical results.
We present a project aimed at establishing a set of 12 spectro-photometric standards over a wide wavelength range from
320 to 2500 nm. Currently no such set of standard stars covering the near-IR is available. Our strategy is to extend the
useful range of existing well-established optical flux standards into the near-IR by means of integral field spectroscopy
with SINFONI at the VLT combined with state-of-the-art white dwarf stellar atmospheric models. As a solid reference,
we use two primary HST standard white dwarfs. This ESO "Observatory Programme" has been collecting data since
February 2007. The analysis of the data obtained in the first year of the project shows that a careful selection of the
atmospheric windows used to measure fluxes and the stability of SINFONI make it possible to achieve an accuracy of 3-
6% depending on the wavelength band and stellar magnitude, well within our original goal of 10% accuracy. While this
project was originally tailored to the needs of the wide wavelength range (320-2500 nm) of X-shooter on the VLT, it will
also benefit any other near-IR spectrographs, providing a huge improvement over existing flux calibration methods.
VISIR is the new ESO VLT instrument mounted at the Cassegrain focus of Melipal (UT3) telescope. At Paranal it is the very first instrument capable of high sensitivity imaging in the N band and Q band mid infrared atmospheric windows. In addition, it features a long-slit spectrometer with a range of spectral resolutions between 150 and 30000. VISIR had been included in the standard VLT data flow operation even before regular observing started in March/April 2005. Data products are pipeline-processed and quality checked by the Data Flow Operations Group in Garching. The calibration data are processed to create calibration products and to extract Quality
Control parameters. These parameters provide health checks and monitor instrument's performance. They are stored in a database, compared to earlier data, trended over time and made available on the VISIR Quality Control web pages that are updated daily. We present the parameters that were designed to assess quality of the data and to monitor performance of the MIR instrument. We also discuss the general process of data flow and data inspection.
KEYWORDS: Telescopes, Data modeling, Cryogenics, Temperature metrology, Sensors, Systems modeling, Device simulation, Scanners, Control systems, Spectroscopy
This work presents the use of system modeling with the aim of maintaining and improving instrument performances. The complexity and cryogenic nature of infrared systems prevent continuous hardware upgrades, so that the advantages of modeling are of high value. Two applications of modeling and basic control theory are shown. The first example concerns the performance monitoring of the ISAAC cryogenic system. The measured and simulated cold structure temperatures are compared in real time, allowing for anticipation of possible failures of the cooling system and therefore for reduction of operational downtime. The second case is about the position control of the duo-echelle grating of the VISIR spectrometer. The controlled system was identified and simulated to select controller parameters that improve the image stability. Preliminary results show the possibility to get better compensation of the disturbances induced by the telescope movements, leading to an enhancement of the data quality.
VISIR is the mid-infrared instrument installed in 2004 at the Cassegrain focus of MELIPAL, one of the four 8-meter telescopes of the European Very Large Telescope program. This cryogenic instrument, optimized for diffraction-limited performances in both mid-infrared atmospheric windows (N and Q bands), combines imaging capabilities and long-slit grating spectroscopy with spectral resolutions up to R=25000 at 10 μm and 12500 at 20 μm. The contract to design and build VISIR was signed in November 1996 between the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and a French-Dutch consortium of institutes led by Service d'Astrophysique of Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA). After extensive tests in the laboratory, VISIR was shipped to Paranal in March 2004. After successful commissioning between May and August 2004 and science verification between September 2004 and January 2005, routine science operations started in April 2005. The status of VISIR after 2 years of operation at the telescope is reviewed. This complex instrument, which features 14 cryogenic actuators to set the various observing possibilities, has been working without technical failure. The on-sky sensitivities are close to expectations. The median seeing conditions at Paranal (about 0.8-0.9 arcsec in the visible) are an issue to get routinely diffraction-limited images. Simple tip tilt adaptative corrections would be needed. For bright enough sources (a few Jansky), the so-called "burst mode", which allows to store up to 1500 individual frames (10-50 ms each) can be used to retrieve, off-line, diffraction-limited angular resolution (0.3 arcsec at 10 microns).
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