Angularly resolved elastic light scattering is an established technique for probing the average size of organelles in biological tissue and cellular ensembles. Focusing of the incident light to illuminate no more than one cell at a time restricts the minimum forward-scattering angle θmin that can be detected. Series of simulated single-cell angular-scattering patterns have been generated to explore how size estimates vary as a function of θmin. At a setting of θmin = 20 deg, the size estimates hop unstably between multiple minima in the solution space as simulated noise (mimicking experimentally observed levels) is varied. As θmin is reduced from 20 deg to 10 deg, the instability vanishes, and the variance of estimates near the correct answer also decreases. The simulations thus suggest that robust Mie theory fits to single-cell scattering at 785 nm excitation require measurements down to at least 15 deg. Notably, no such instability was observed at θmin = 20 deg for narrow bead distributions. Accurate sizing of traditional calibration beads is, therefore, insufficient proof that an angular-scattering system is capable of robust analysis of single cells. Experimental support for the simulation results is also presented using measurements on cells fixed with formaldehyde.
To increase the percentage of class time devoted to student-centered conceptual reasoning and instructor feedback, this course was recently “flipped”. Nearly all of the mathematically-intensive derivations were converted to narrated screencasts (“Khan Academy” style) and made available to students through the course’s learning management system. On average, the students were assigned two 10-15 minute videos to watch in advance of each lecture. An electronic survey after each tutorial encouraged reflection and counted towards the student’s participation grade. Over the past three years, students have consistently rated the videos as being highly valuable.
This presentation will discuss the technical aspects of creating tutorial videos and the educational tradeoffs of flipping a mathematically-intensive upper-level course. The most important advantage is the instructor’s increased ability to identify and respond to student confusion, via activities that would consume too much time in a lecture-centered course. Several examples of such activities will be given. Two pitfalls to avoid are the temptation for the instructor not to update the videos from year to year and the tendency of students not to take lecture notes while watching the videos.
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