The Tunable Magnetograph (TuMag) is one of the three post-focal instruments onboard SUNRISE III, a balloon-borne solar observatory aimed to the study of solar dynamics. TuMag is able to make Sun observations at three absorption solar lines: the Fe I lines at 525.02nm and 525.06nm, and the Mg I b2 line at 517.27nm. The spectral lines are scanned during the observation using a LiNbO3 etalon in double-pass configuration with a 65mÅ bandwidth. Additionally, to remove undesired orders of the Fabry-Perot interferometer, a narrow band filter with a ~1.5 Å FWHM is inserted in the optical path, and needs to be centered to the corresponding solar line. These filters feature high thermal sensitivity and incidence angle dependence. For this reason, they require a thermal stabilization of ±0.5°C and an angular position accuracy better than ±0.03 degrees. In order to switch between filters and hence the observation solar line, a Filter Wheel has been designed which comply with stringent thermal and mechanical requirements and it is presented in this work.
SUNRISE III mission is a one-meter aperture telescope onboard a balloon within NASA Long Duration Balloon Program. Three post-focus instruments are used for studying the Sun’s dynamics and magnetism, among which the Tunable Magnetograph (TuMag) is a tunable imaging spectropolarimeter. TuMag is a diffraction-limited imager, a high sensitivity polarimeter (< 10-3 ), and a high-resolution spectrometer ( ~ 65 mÅ). It will be able to study solar magnetic fields at high spatial resolution (~100 km on the solar surface). It will make images of the solar surface magnetic field after measuring the state of polarization of light within three selected spectral lines: the Fe I lines at 525.02 nm and 525.06 nm, and the Mg I b2 line at 517.27 nm. It will be sensitive to the solar vector magnetic fields and line-of-sight velocities, in the photospheric and chromospheric layers. TuMag will be the first solar magnetograph onboard an aerospace platform with the capability of tuning the solar line to be observed. In this paper the TuMag end-to-end tests carried out during the verification phase are described. These tests are performed to characterize and calibrate the instrument. Specifically, they determine the polarimetric and spectroscopic performances of the instrument as well as the image quality. The availability of a singular facility, an ISO6 clean room with a coelostat on the building roof, allowed the use of solar light during the verification campaign. This was key to a complete instrument verification due to the unique spectroscopic and polarimetric characteristics of solar light.
The Tunable Magnetograph (TuMag) is one of the three post-focus instruments onboard the SUNRISE III mission. It consists of a one-meter aperture telescope onboard a balloon within NASA Long Duration Balloon Program to study the solar dynamics. TuMag is a diffraction-limited imager, a high sensitivity polarimeter and a high resolution spectrometer. It will be able to study solar magnetic fields at high spatial resolution (~100km on the solar surface). It will make images of the solar surface magnetic field after measuring the state of polarization of light within three selected spectral lines: the Fe I lines at 525.02nm and 525.06nm, and the Mg I b2 line at 517.27nm. It will allow to be sensitive to physical quantities, and specifically to the magnetic fields, in the photospheric and chromospheric layers. TuMag will be the first solar magnetograph onboard an aerospace platform with the capability of tuning the solar line to be observed. TuMag consists of an Optical-Unit and an Electronic Unit to control it. The optical design is an optical relay of the telescope post-focal intermediate image where the light analysis is carried out in several stages. The polarization analysis is carried out with a polarization modulator based on Liquid Crystal Variable Retarders developed for the Solar Orbiter mission in operation currently. The spectral lines are scanned during the observation using a LiNbO3 etalon in double-pass configuration with a 65mÅ bandwidth. Additionally, to remove undesired orders of the Fabry-Perot interferometer, three narrow bandpass filters with a ~1.5 Å FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) are consecutively inserted in the optical path using a high precision and thermal controlled filter wheel. In this paper the optical, mechanical and thermal design of the TuMag optical unit is described as well as a brief summary of the results obtained during the manufacturing, assembling, integration and verification phases
The athermalized panchromatic imaging system (APIS) was the low-resolution refractive camera proposed by the Laboratorio de Instrumentación Espacial as a CubeSat payload. APIS flew on-board OPTOS CubeSat designed and developed by INTA using the methodology of European Cooperation for Space Standardization and space qualification tests. APIS had two main objectives: to analyze the performance degradation of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components due to space radiation and to verify in-flight functionality of the passive athermalization system. We summarize the design, manufacturing, and assembly integration and verification phases of the instrument, as well as the analysis of the radiation tests. Additional studies are included, such as thermal behavior, tolerances and sensitivity analysis, signal-to-noise ratio, and ghost images, as well as their implications during the design process. Three main goals were achieved during the mission lifetime: (1) the viability of a small refractive Earth observation camera on-board a CubeSat, (2) the validation for low Earth orbits of a passive athermalization system, and (3) the use of COTS elements, such as commercial glasses and detectors based on complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor technology, on a 2-year Earth observation mission.
Optical instrumentation on-board satellites suffer degradation due to the hostile conditions of space environment. Space conditions produce instrumentation performances changes causing a decrease or a cancellation of their features. Particularly, space environment conditions have a significant influence on the optical properties of glasses which are part of space optical systems.
Space environment characteristics which effects on the optical system have to be taken into account are: outgassing, volatile components, gas or water vapor which form part of the spacecraft materials, vacuum, microgravity, micrometeorites, space debris, thermal, mechanical and radiation environment and effects of the high atmosphere [1].
This work is focused on analyzing temperature variations and ultraviolet (UV) and gamma radiation effects on the optical properties of several glasses used on space applications.
Thermal environment is composed of radiation from the Sun, the albedo and the Earth radiation and the radiation from the spacecraft to deep space. Flux and influence of temperature on satellite materials depend on factors as the period of year or the position of them on the space system. Taking into account that the transfer mechanisms of heat are limited by the conduction and the radiation, high gradients of temperature are obtained in system elements which can cause changes of their optical properties, birefringence… Also, these thermal cycles can introduce mechanical loads into material structure due to the expansion and the contraction of the material leading to mechanical performances degradation [2].
However, it is the radiation environment the main cause of damage on optical properties of materials used on space instrumentation. This environment consists of a wide range of energetic particles between keV and MeV which are trapped by the geomagnetic field or are flux of particles that cross the Earth environment from the external of the Solar System [3].
The damage produced by the radiation environment on the optical materials can be classified in two types: ionizing or non-ionizing. This damage may produce continual or accumulative (dose) alterations on the optical material performances, or may produce alterations which not remain along the time (transitory effects). The effects of the radiation on optical materials can be summarized on changes of optical transmission and refractive index, variation of density and superficial degradation [4-6].
Two non-invasive and non-destructive techniques such as Optical Spectrum Analyzer and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry [7] have been used to characterize optically the three kinds of studied glasses, CaF2, Fused Silica and Clearceram.
The study of the temperature and radiation effects on the glasses optical properties showed that the gamma radiation is the principal responsible of glasses optical degradation. The optical properties of the Clearceram glass have been affected by the gamma irradiation due to the absorption bands induced by the radiation in the visible spectral range (color centers). Therefore, an analysis about the behavior of these color centers with the gamma radiation total dose and with the time after the irradiation has been carried out in the same way that it is performed in [8].
PHI is a diffraction limited, wavelength tunable, quasi-monochromatic, and polarization sensitive imager. These capabilities are needed to infer the magnetic field and line-of-sight (LOS) velocity of the region targeted by the spacecraft (spacecraft (S/C)).
PHI will consist of two telescopes: The High Resolution Telescope (HRT)[1] and the Full Disk Telescope (FDT). The HRT and the FDT will view the Sun through entrance windows located in the S/C heat shield. These windows act as heat rejecting filters with a transmission band of about 30 nm width centered on the science wavelength, such that the total transmittance (integral over the filter curve weighted with solar spectrum, including white leakage plus transmission profile of the pass band) does not exceed 4% of the total energy falling onto the window [2][3].
The HREW filter has been designed by SELEX in the framework of an ESA led technology development activity under original ESTEC contract No. 20018/06/NL/CP[4], and extensions thereof. For FDT HREW SLEX will provide the windows and it coatings.
The HREW consists of two parallel-plane substrate plates (window 1 & window 2)[5] made of SUPRASIL 300 with a central thickness of 9 mm and a wedge of 30 arcsec each. These two substrates are each coated on both sides with four different coatings. These coatings and the choice of SUPRASIL help to minimize the optical absorptivity in the substrate and to radiatively decouple the HREW, which is expected to run at high temperatures during perihelion passages, from the PHI instrument cavity.
The temperature distribution of the HREW is driven by two main factors: the mechanical mounting of the substrates to the feedthrough, and the radiative environment within the heat-shield/feedthrough assembly.
The mechanical mount must ensure the correct integration of both suprasil substrates in its correct position and minimize the loads in windows due to thermal induced deformations and launching vibration environment.
All the subsystem must survive to a launching vibration environment and fulfill optical requirements in an environmental conditions according o its position in the external part of the spacecraft with a pressure of 0.0013Pa and a temperature -163°C<T<230°C.
The Full Disk Telescope is part of the Polarimetric Helioseismic Instrument on board the future Solar Orbiter ESA/NASA mission. The Full Disk Telescope will provide for full-disk measurements of the photospheric vector magnetic field and line-of-sight velocity, as well as the continuum intensity in the visible wavelength range. Along this mission, it is expected that thermal drifts will induce image focus displacements. Consequently, providing an autofocus system is mandatory to prevent image degradation. The refocusing system is based on an autonomous image quality analysis and it allows for a lens displacement in order to locate the best focus position. In this document the system and the figure of merit chosen for the image quality evaluation is presented. The algorithm is a gradient based contrast and it is adapted to the object features. Moreover, the telescope is not equipped with image stabilization system and therefore attitude stability must be assessed. Jitter is modelled as a circular normal distribution of the pointing direction. A stability of 0.5 arcsec (σρ) during frame accumulation is simulated and its impact on image contrast evaluated. Considering this jitter, image contrast is only reduced to 99.8% the contrast of an unaffected image. Finally, to estimate the effect in the process performance, the mechanical uncertainties expected for the linear actuator were added to the defocus due to the lens excursion. The results show that the proposed refocusing system is sufficiently robust against the expected image shifts and mechanical instabilities.
The Polarimetric Helioseismic Imager for Solar Orbiter (SO/PHI) is an instrument on board in the Solar Orbiter mission. The Full Disk Telescope (FDT) will have the capability of providing images of the solar disk in all orbital faces with an image quality diffraction-limited. The Heat Rejection Entrance Window (HREW) is the first optical element of the instrument. Its function is to protect the instrument by filtering most of the Solar Spectrum radiation. The HREW consists of two parallel-plane plates made from Suprasil and each surface has a coating with a different function: an UV shield coating, a low pass band filter coating, a high pass band filter coating and an IR shield coating, respectively.
The temperature gradient on the HREW during the mission produces a distortion of the transmitted wave-front due to the dependence of the refractive index with the temperature (thermo-optic effect) mainly. The purpose of this work is to determine the capability of the PHI/FDT refocusing system to compensate this distortion.
A thermal gradient profile has been considered for each surface of the plates and a thermal-elastic analysis has been done by Finite Element Analysis to determine the deformation of the optical elements. The Optical Path Difference (OPD) between the incident and transmitted wavefronts has been calculated as a function of the ray tracing and the thermo-optic effect on the optical properties of Suprasil (at the work wavelength of PHI) by means of mathematical algorithms based on the 3D Snell Law. The resultant wavefronts have been introduced in the optical design of the FDT to evaluate the performance degradation of the image at the scientific focal plane and to estimate the capability of the PHI refocusing system for maintaining the image quality diffraction-limited. The analysis has been carried out considering two different situations: thermal gradients due to on axis attitude of the instrument and thermal gradients due to 1° off pointing attitude. The effect over the boresight at the instrument focal plane has also been analyzed.
The results show that the effect of the FDT HREW thermal gradients on the FDT performance can be optically corrected. The influence of the thermal gradients on the system is also presented.
The Full Disk Telescope is part of the Polarimetric Helioseismic Instrument on board the future Solar Orbiter ESA/NASA mission. It will provide full-disk measurements of the photospheric magnetic field vector and line-of-sight velocity, as well as the continuum intensity in the visible wavelength range. Along this mission, it is expected that thermal drifts will induce image focus displacements. Consequently, providing an autofocus system is mandatory to prevent image degradation. The refocusing system is based on an autonomous image contrast analysis and it allows for a lens displacement in order to locate the best focus position. The figure of merit chosen for the image quality evaluation is presented. The influences of attitude instability and mechanical uncertainties are considered in a refocusing process simulation. In addition, an engineering model of the mechanism is tested at flight operating conditions. To check its performance, an optical interrogation system is set up. Determination of accuracy and repeatability of the mechanism positioning is experimentally evaluated and discussed according to the ISO standard. The results show that the proposed refocusing system is sufficiently robust against the expected image shifts and mechanical instabilities.
Two novel holographic recording media based on silica gel methyl methacrylate (MMA) and hydroxy ethyl methacrylate (HEMA) organically modified ceramics (ORMOCERS) are presented and its holographic properties, inferred from the experimental data, are discussed. The recording of holographic gratings of both low-spatial frequency (50 lp/mm) and high-spatial frequency (1400 lp/mm) in a bulk ORMOCER matrix is reported. The gratings were recorded by UV irradiation-induced photopolymerization of the MMA or HEMA monomers embedded in the silica matrix. The Bragg gratings were successfully recorded by interference of two coherent beams of 351.1 nm wavelength. A linearly polarized He-Ne laser beam (632.8 nm) was used for continuous monitoring of the recording process by measurement of the diffraction efficiency and for enhancement of the grating creation process. High diffraction efficiencies (93%) and low absorption and scattering coefficients were measured during the holographic reconstruction by He-Ne laser beam. The most important holographic parameters of the gratings were inferred from the experimental data: diffraction efficiency, angular selectivity, refraction-index modulation amplitude, spectral sensitivity, the Klein-Cook parameter, and the environmental stability of the gratings.
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