I co-founded and was CEO of Vixar, which was sold to Osram in 2018. After 2.5 years with Osram, I have recently retired, and am open to consulting opportunities, and interested in supporting start-up companies. Prior to Vixar, I was a Director of R&D within the Honeywell VCSEL business. I have a Ph.D. from Stanford University in Materials Science, and an MBA from the Carlson School of Business, University of Minnesota.
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In order to provide a context for the description of the objectives and current efforts in the area of VCSEL based smart pixels, this paper will first give a brief description of the major areas of effort in the field of optical data communications, highlighting the role smart pixels are expected to play (Section I). In Section II, the requirements for smart pixel arrays will be discussed. In section III, the unique characteristics of VCSELs which make them promising for application to smart pixels will be discussed. The monolithic integration of VCSELs and MSM photodetectors as a first step in smart pixel integration will be described in Section IV. Potential heterointegration techniques for VCSEL based smart pixels will be discussed in Section V. Section VI will summarize the topics described in this paper.
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