We present our experiments with state-of-the-art equipment to dispense threat-representative (3 - 90 nL) freely falling
droplets of viscous chemical material (< 500 cP) at room temperature and measure their time-dependent interactions with
realistic surface substrates (road surfaces). A direct displacement droplet dispenser is used to generate the droplets and a
goniometer/tensiometer is used to analyze the surface interaction of the free-falling droplets after surface impact. The
advanced goniometer system is able to characterize the surfaces, capture images of the impact and time dependent
droplet morphology after impact, and is able to calculate the average contact angle and droplet volume as a function of
time. By coupling these instruments, a free-falling threat-representative droplet of viscous material can be created on
demand and the behavior of the droplet on a surface can be monitored as a function of time. Knowledge of how these
droplets behave on surfaces is critical in understanding an entire chemical threat scenario and directly impacts the design,
testing, and success of standoff surface chemical sensor technology and modeling efforts alike. We are currently working
to address this knowledge gap by recording 'cradle-to-grave' droplet dissemination and surface interaction events.
Fielded surface detection systems rely on contact with either the liquid contamination itself or the associated chemical
vapor above the contaminated surface and do not provide a standoff or remote detection capability. Conversely, standoff
chemical vapor sensing techniques have not shown efficacy in detecting those contaminants as liquids or solids on
surfaces. There are a number of optical or spectroscopic techniques that could be applied to this problem of standoff
chemical detection on surfaces. The three techniques that have received the most interest and development are laser
induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), fluorescence, and Raman spectroscopy. Details will be presented on the
development of these techniques and their applicability to detecting CBRNE contamination on surfaces.
Thomas Chyba, Brian Fisk, Christin Gunning, Kevin Farley, Amber Polizzi, David Baughman, Steven Simpson, Mohamed-Adel Slamani, Robert Almassy, Ryan Da Re, Eunice Li, Steve MacDonald, Ahmed Slamani, Scott Mitchell, Jay Pendell-Jones, Timothy Reed, Darren Emge
A procedure to evaluate and optimize the performance of a chemical identification algorithm is presented. The Joint
Contaminated Surface Detector (JCSD) employs Raman spectroscopy to detect and identify surface chemical
contamination. JCSD measurements of chemical warfare agents, simulants, toxic industrial chemicals, interferents and
bare surface backgrounds were made in the laboratory and under realistic field conditions. A test data suite, developed
from these measurements, is used to benchmark algorithm performance throughout the improvement process. In any one
measurement, one of many possible targets can be present along with interferents and surfaces. The detection results are
expressed as a 2-category classification problem so that Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) techniques can be
applied. The limitations of applying this framework to chemical detection problems are discussed along with means to
mitigate them. Algorithmic performance is optimized globally using robust Design of Experiments and Taguchi
techniques. These methods require figures of merit to trade off between false alarms and detection probability. Several
figures of merit, including the Matthews Correlation Coefficient and the Taguchi Signal-to-Noise Ratio are compared.
Following the optimization of global parameters which govern the algorithm behavior across all target chemicals, ROC
techniques are employed to optimize chemical-specific parameters to further improve performance.
Various chemical agents have been known to provide unique Raman spectrum signatures. Practical methods for
chemical detection have to deal with cluttered data where the desired agent's signature is mixed with those of
other chemicals in the immediate environment. It has been found that unmixing is affected by strong background
signatures, such as those from the substrate, and noise. This work investigates use of wavelet transform based
techniques for denoising and baseline correction for the purpose of enhancing the probability of detection of a
desired agent.
Fielded surface detection systems rely on contact with either the liquid contamination itself or the associated chemical
vapor above the contaminated surface and do not provide a standoff or remote detection capability. Conversely, standoff
chemical vapor sensing techniques have not shown efficacy in detecting those contaminants as liquids or solids on
surfaces. There are a number of optical or spectroscopic techniques that could be applied to this problem of standoff
chemical detection on surfaces. The three techniques that have received the most interest and development are laser
induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), fluorescence, and Raman spectroscopy. Details will be presented on the
development of these techniques and their applicability to detecting CBRNE contamination on surfaces.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Detection and tracking algorithms, Algorithm development, Defense and security, Copper, Raman spectroscopy, Roads, Signal processing, Chemical analysis, Signal to noise ratio
A Chem/Bio Defense Algorithm Benchmark is proposed as a way to leverage algorithm expertise and apply it to high
fidelity Chem/Bio challenge problems in a high fidelity simulation environment. Initially intended to provide risk
mitigation to the DTRA-sponsored US Army CUGR ACTD, its intent is to enable the assessment and transition of
algorithms to support P3I of future spiral updates. The key chemical sensor in the CUGR ACTD is the Joint
Contaminated Surface Detector (JCSD), a short-range stand-off Raman spectroscopy sensor for tactical in-the-field
applications. The significant challenges in discriminating chemical signatures in such a system include, but are not
limited to, complex background clutter and low signal to noise ratios (SNR). This paper will present an overview of the
Chem-Bio Defense Algorithm Benchmark, and the JCSD Challenge Problem specifically.
ITT Corporation, Advanced Engineering and Sciences Division, is currently developing the Joint Contaminated Surface
Detector (JCSD) technology under an Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) managed jointly by the
U.S. Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command (RDECOM) and the Joint Project Manager for Nuclear,
Biological, and Chemical Contamination Avoidance for incorporation on the Army's future reconnaissance vehicles.
This paper describes the design of the chemical agent identification (ID) algorithm associated with JCSD. The algorithm
detects target chemicals mixed with surface and interferent signatures. Simulated data sets were generated from real
instrument measurements to support a matrix of parameters based on a Design Of Experiments approach (DOE).
Decisions based on receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves and area-under-the-curve (AUC) measures were
used to down-select between several ID algorithms. Results from top performing algorithms were then combined via a
fusion approach to converge towards optimum rates of detections and false alarms. This paper describes the process
associated with the algorithm design and provides an illustrating example.
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center (ECBC) and ITT Industries Advanced Engineering and Sciences Division (AES) have been collaborating on the transitioning and subsequent development of a short-range, non-contact Raman lidar system specifically designed to detect and identify chemical agents on the battlefield. [The instrument, referred to as LISA (Laser Interrogation of Surface Agents), will the subject of an accompanying paper.] As part of this collaboration, BNL has the responsibility for developing a spectral database (library) of surrogates and precursors for use with LISA’s pattern recognition algorithms. In this paper, the authors discuss the phenomenon of UV Raman and resonance-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, the development of an instrument-independent Raman spectral library, and highlight the exploitable characteristics present in the acquired spectral signatures that suggest potential utility in our country’s efforts on Homeland Security.
Laser Interrogation of Surface Agents (LISA) is a UV-Raman technique that provides short-range standoff detection and identification of surface-deposited chemical agents. ITT Industries, Advanced
Engineering and Sciences Division, is currently developing and expanding the LISA technology under several programs that span a variety of missions for homeland defense. We will present and discuss some of these applications, while putting in perspective the overall evolution undergone by the technique within the last years. These applications include LISA-Recon (now called the Joint Contaminated Surface Detector--JCSD) which was developed under a cost-sharing arrangement with the U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (SBCCOM) for incorporation on the Army’s future reconnaissance
vehicles, and designed to demonstrate single-shot on-the-move measurements of chemical contaminants at concentration levels below the Army's requirements. In parallel, LISA-Shipboard is being developed to optimize the sensor technique for detection of surface contaminants in the operational environment of a ship. The most recently started activity is LISA-Inspector that is being developed to provide a transportable sensor in a 'cart-like' configuration.
Laser Interrogation of Surface Agents (LISA) is a new technique which exploits Raman scattering to provide standoff detection and identification of surface-deposited chemical agents. ITT Industries, Advanced Engineering and Sciences Division is developing the LISA technology under a cost-sharing arrangement with the US Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command for incorporation on the Army's future reconnaissance vehicles. A field-engineered prototype LISA-Recon system is being designed to demonstrate on-the- move measurements of chemical contaminants. In this article, we will describe the LISA technique, data form proof-of- concept measurements, the LISA-Recon design, and some of the future realizations envisioned for military sensing applications.
Dale Richter, N. Higdon, Patrick Ponsardin, David Sanchez, Thomas Chyba, Doyle Temple, Wei Gong, Russell Battle, Mika Edmondson, Anne Futrell, David Harper, Lincoln Haughton, Demetra Johnson, Kyle Lewis, Renee Payne-Baggott
ITTs Advanced Engineering and Sciences Division and the Hampton University Center for Lidar and Atmospheric Sciences Students (CLASS) team have worked closely to design, fabricate and test an eye-safe, scanning aerosol-lidar system that can be safely deployed and used by students form a variety of disciplines. CLASS is a 5-year undergraduate- research training program funded by NASA to provide hands-on atmospheric-science and lidar-technology education. The system is based on a 1.5 micron, 125 mJ, 20 Hz eye-safe optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and will be used by the HU researchers and students to evaluate the biological impact of aerosols, clouds, and pollution a variety of systems issues. The system design tasks we addressed include the development of software to calculate eye-safety levels and to model lidar performance, implementation of eye-safety features in the lidar transmitter, optimization of the receiver using optical ray tracing software, evaluation of detectors and amplifiers in the near RI, test of OPO and receiver technology, development of hardware and software for laser and scanner control and video display of the scan region.
The need for high resolution spatial and temporal measurements of tropospheric ozone is discussed. Tropospheric ozone is globally increasing due to anthropogenic sources such as industrialization and biomass burning. In addition to its hazardous effects during pollution episodes, elevated levels of tropospheric ozone may have additional detrimental environmental effects due to ozone's crucial role in tropospheric chemistry and in global climate. Ground-based lidar instruments can play an important role in meeting this measurement need. We present test results for a prototype compact, minimal-cost ozone lidar. The instrument is designed to be as reliable and simple as possible but still be capable of routinely measuring ozone profiles with less than 10% relative error from the ground up into the lower stratosphere. In addition to local pollution monitoring, this lidar satisfies the basic requirements necessary for future global monitoring projects requiring multi-instrument networks, such as that proposed for the Global Tropospheric Ozone Project (GTOP). GTOP is currently being formulated by a scientific panel of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project to meet its goal to better understand the processes that control the global sources, sinks, and transformation mechanisms of tropospheric ozone.
Current results from laboratory testing of an eye-safe, ground-based ozone lidar instrument specialized for ozone differential absorption lidar measurements in the troposphere are presented. This compact prototype instrument is intended to be a prototype for operation at remote field sites and to serve as the basic unit for future monitoring projects requiring multi-instrument networks. In order for the lidar to be widely deployed, it must be fairly easy to use and maintain as well as being cost-competitive with a ground station launching ozone sondes several times a week. To achieve these goals, the system incorporates (1) an all- solid state compact OPO transmitter, (2) a highly efficient, narrow bandpass grating-based receiver, (3) dual analog and photon-counting detector channels, and (4) a PC-based data acquisition system.
The development of a ground-based, eye-safe lidar system for differential absorption lidar measurements of trace gases such as methane in the mid-IR wavelength region and for aerosol measurements at 1.5 micrometers is described. This prototype lidar system will be used for urban ambient trace gases and aerosol detection. An optical parametric oscillator pumped by an injection-seeded frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser is employed as radiation source. The expected minimum detectable range of the system is about 1000 meters for range-resolved measurements of methane and several kilometers for aerosol measurements. The system performance is being tested through measurements of sources of atmospheric methane and aerosols.
KEYWORDS: Ozone, Receivers, LIDAR, Transmitters, Optical parametric oscillators, Mirrors, Analog electronics, Near field optics, Data acquisition, Camera shutters
The development of a portable, eye-safe, ground-based ozone lidar instrument specialized for ozone differential absorption lidar (DIAL) measurements in the troposphere is presented. This compact prototype instrument is intended to operate at remote field sites and to serve as the basic unit for future monitoring projects requiring multi-instrument networks. In order for the lidar technology to be widely deployed in networks, it must be fairly easy to use and maintain as well as being cost-competitive with a ground station launching ozone sondes several times a week. The chosen laser transmitter for the system is an all-solid state tunable frequency-doubled OPO which produces 25 mJ uv pulses. Progress with alternative solid-state uv laser sources based upon an IR-pumped OPO and based upon stimulated Raman scattering in barium nitrate will be discussed. The receiver incorporates highly efficient dielectric coatings, a parabolic primary and a narrow- bandpass grating-based filter. Dual analog and photon-counting detector channels are incorporated to extend the measurement range. All data acquisition and control hardware is incorporated in an industrial PC-based system. A flexible, user-friendly graphical user interface is written in LabVIEW for data acquisition and online processing and display.
A ground-based lidar system for differential absorption lidar measurements of methane and trace gases in the 1.45 - 4 micrometer wavelength region is described. An optical parametric oscillator pumped by an injection-seeded frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser is employed as a radiation source. The expected minimum detectable range of the system is about 1000 meters for range resolved measurements of methane. The system performance is being tested through measurements of sources of atmospheric methane and aerosols.
Langley Research Center has several atmospheric remote sensing programs which utilize high energy pulsed lasers. These lasers typically have many damaged optics after several million shots. Damage is defined herein as color changes and/or optical flaws seen in microscopic inspection, and does not necessarily relate to measured performance degradation of the optic. Inspections and measurements of some of these optics indicate that energy thresholds for several million shots damage is about an order of magnitude lower than that for single shot damage. Damage initiation is often at micron size areas at the coating interface, which grows and sometimes develops as erosion of the top of the coating. There is a wide range in polish and coating quality of new optics, even on different faces of the same optic. Military Standard 1246C can be used to provide overall particulate, and molecular film, or nonvolatile residue cleanliness scales. Microscopic inspections and photography at 10X to 500X with brightfield (perpendicular) and darkfield (oblique) illumination are useful in assigning cleanliness levels of new and in-service optics. Microextraction (effecting concentration of molecular films to small areas) provides for enhanced optical detection and surface film chemical analysis by electron-microscope energy-dispersive-spectroscopy. Similar measurement techniques can be used to characterize and document optical damage initiation and optical damage growth. Surface contamination interferes with and complicated measurements of polish and coating quality, and of optical damage. Our work indicates ultrasonic cleaning, and packaging of optics in Teflon sleeves or cups is advantageous over conventional cleaning and packaging for characterization of new optics.
Development of a wavelength-stabilized laser diode injection-seeded alexandrite laser for differential absorption lidar (DIAL) measurements of atmospheric water vapor in the 727 nm region is described.
We discuss recent theoretical and experimental work concerning the phase jump instability in the He:Ne ring laser gyroscope. The exact solution to the deterministic third-order equations for the laser yields an expression for the phase difference between the two counterpropagating modes. This phase difference can be constant monotonically increase oscillate be unstable or exhibit discontinuities. Experiments and computer solutions of the stochastic laser equations show corresponding phase jumps which can be very rapid but not truly discontinuous. We discuss the behavior of the phase difference and of the timeaveraged beat frequency between the two modes with and without the effects of laser noise.
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