Dr. Thomas E. Tierney
senior project leader at Los Alamos National Lab
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (4)

Proceedings Article | 7 June 2006 Paper
Thomas Tierney, James Cobble, Barbara DeVolder, Nelson Hoffman, David Tubbs, Paul Bradley, S. Robert Goldman, Glenn Magelssen, Dennis Paisley
Proceedings Volume 6261, 626106 (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.686292
KEYWORDS: Gold, Laser ablation, Methane, Beryllium, National Ignition Facility, X-rays, Absorption, Optical simulations, Cameras, Laser energy

Proceedings Article | 21 September 2005 Paper
Thomas Tierney IV, Damian Swift, Billy Vigil, Dennis Paisley, Sheng-Nian Luo, Randall Johnson, Samuel Letzring
Proceedings Volume 5920, 59200Z (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.622285
KEYWORDS: Streak cameras, Diagnostics, Plasma, Velocimetry, Mirrors, Interferometers, Pulsed laser operation, Interferometry, Velocity measurements, Imaging systems

Proceedings Article | 17 March 2005 Paper
Dennis Paisley, D. Swift, T. Tierney, C. Munson, R. Johnson
Proceedings Volume 5580, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.592188
KEYWORDS: Plasma, Pulsed laser operation, Interferometers, Diagnostics, Laser ablation, Metals, Explosives, Wave plates, Tin, Plasma diagnostics

Proceedings Article | 17 March 2005 Paper
George Kyrala, Steve Batha, Jonathan Workman, James Fincke, P. Keiter, James Cobble, Nick Lanier, T. Tierney, C. Christensen
Proceedings Volume 5580, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.584782
KEYWORDS: X-rays, X-ray imaging, Foam, Cameras, Radiography, Sensors, High power lasers, National Ignition Facility, Picosecond phenomena, Laser energy

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