The L4n is a nanosecond-kilojoule laser beamline that delivers temporally shapeable nanosecond pulses at a maximum energy of 1.2 kJ. It was recently commissioned at ELI Beamlines and offers unique opportunities for high-pressure, high-energy-density physics, and laser-plasma interaction experiments, particularly due to its high repetition rate of up to 1 shot per minute. Compared to other kJ-class laser systems worldwide, which offer much lower shot rates, the L4n driven experiments will enable significant improvements in collecting data statistics. The results gathered during the first L4n commissioning campaigns, demonstrate the laser capability to deliver hundreds of joules every three minutes with excellent repeatability and clearly show its potential to make significant contributions to the field of high-energy density physics in the coming decades.
When coherent electromagnetic radiation generated by powerful laser system is tightly focused, pursuing the aim to achieve the highest value of intensity possible, it may be challenging estimating this intensity with a sufficient degree of accuracy. If the energy of a laser pulse, its duration, time profile and focal spot radius are known, evaulation of the maximal intensity is straightforward. However, for high power (sub-petawatt and above) femtosecond laser systems, the inherent uncertainties of these four parameters (except maybe the pulse duration) are rather high, so that different estimation models of the laser intensity in the focus may substantially disagree. Presently, the question of whether or not intensities above 10^21 W/cm2 have ever been achieved remains debatable, although values of this order and above are the main goal of the two Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) pillars.
In this context, a reliable method allowing to calibrate ultrahigh laser intensities becomes of even higher demand. Here we discuss the reliability of a method for the measurement of ultrahigh laser intensities, based on the effect of tunneling field ionization of heavy atoms and ions. To this end, we employ the highly nonlinear dependence of tunneling ionization rates on the laser intensity. This nonlinearity leads to the emergence of steep plateaus in the distribution of charge states in the laser focus and in such a way to allowing estimate, with a high degree of certainty, the laser intensity at focus.
The limited aperture and damage threshold of the compressor gratings remains one of the bottlenecks in reaching higher peak powers for the current state-of-the-art laser systems. Object-image-grating self-tiling method provides a way how to double the effective aperture of compressor gratings by phasing them with perpendicularly positioned mirrors. This method is planned to be used in the main compressor for the L4 beamline in ELI Beamlines. A subaperture version of the main compressor was designed to test the feasibility of the objectimage- grating self-tiling method and to measure the temporal profile of the pulse throughout the amplification stages during the operation. The subaperture compressor was successfully implemented and temporal profile of the amplified pulse close to its transform limit was retrieved. The grating-mirror alignment was secured through the online measurement using an in-house developed Fizeau interferometer.
We report on the status of the re-commissioning of a high energy OPCPA laser system with programmable spectrum that serves as a frontend for a 10 PW laser at ELI-Beamlines. The OPCPA chain was developed by a consortium of National Energetics and Ekspla along with scientists of ELI-Beamlines.1 The laser system, consisting of three picosecond OPCPA stages, pulse cleaner, Offner stretcher, and 5 nanosecond OPCPA stages pumped by Nd:YAG lasers with programmable pulse shape (NL944, Ekspla), allows for precise spectral shaping while achieving high nonlinear conversion efficiency. Employing a subsequent Nd:glass power amplifiers (PA), the system was demonstrated to yield>1 kJ of energy, while maintaining broad spectrum of > 13 nm (FWHM). After recommissioning the OPCPA frontend in Dolní Břežany, an output energy of 4.3 J, flat beam-profile and good far-field quality has been demonstrated. The spectral shape has been optimized to support > 15 nm bandwidth and >1.5 kJ, consistent with 10 PW operation of the fully integrated laser system after compression.
State-of-the-art physics experiments are pushing the development of lasers with ultra-high peak power pulses. 4 PW pulses have been produced with TiSa [1] and 10 PW with the same gain medium is scheduled at LULI (Apollon) and at ELI-NP.
The other approach is to use Nd-doped glass as gain medium, whose interest is in its capability of delivering higher energy at the expense of a longer pulse duration. Based on this gain material combined with an OPCPA based front-end, a kJ-10 PW class laser has been designed and built.
The front-end, consisting of picosecond OPCPA, temporal pulse cleaning and nanosecond OPCPA, delivers pulses with excess of 4 Joules at 5 Hz with a shaped spectrum to pre-compensate for gain distortions in Nd:glass power amplifiers. Two liquid-cooled, mixed glass power amplifiers, namely PA1 and PA2, are used for further amplification. Up to now, they have been activated demonstrating 70 J at 1 shot a minute after PA1 and 1 kJ at 1 shot every 7 minutes for PA2. The Fourier limit of the spectrum is 150 fs meaning 6 PW capability after compression.
This energy level has been obtained with only 3 Joules seed energy, from the OPCPA and partial activation of PA2. Scaling of this result suggests that more than 1.7 kJ should be obtained leading to 10 PW after compression while the output spectrum will remain compatible with 150 Fs thanks to the OPCPA spectral tailoring capability.
Overview of progress in construction and testing of the laser systems of ELI-Beamlines, accomplished since 2015, is presented. Good progress has been achieved in construction of all four lasers based largely on the technology of diode-pumped solid state lasers (DPSSL). The first part of the L1 laser, designed to provide 200 mJ <15 fs pulses at 1 kHz repetition rate, is up and running. The L2 is a development line employing a 10 J / 10 Hz cryogenic gas-cooled pump laser which has recently been equipped with an advanced cryogenic engine. Operation of the L3-HAPLS system, using a gas-cooled DPSSL pump laser and a Ti:sapphire broadband amplifier, was recently demonstrated at 16 J / 28 fs, at 3.33 Hz rep rate. Finally, the 5 Hz OPCPA front end of the L4 kJ laser is up running and amplification in the Nd:glass large-aperture power amplifiers was demonstrated.
I. Pomerantz, E. McCary, A. Meadows, A. Arefiev, A. Bernstein, C. Chester, J. Cortez, M. Donovan, G. Dyer, E. Gaul, D. Hamilton, D. Kuk, A. Lestrade, C. Wang, T. Ditmire, B. Hegelich
At the Texas Petawatt laser facility we developed a novel ultra-short pulsed laser-driven neutron source generating an unprecedented output peak flux. Our results show a dramatic onset of high-energy electron generation from petawatt laser-irradiated plastic targets for targets thinner than a few microns. In this regime, the copious amounts of multi-MeV electrons emitted from the target are utilized to generate photo-neutrons from a metal converter. The neutrons are generated with a <50 ps pulse duration and a flux of 1018 n/cm2/s, exceeding any other pulsed or CW neutron source. In this paper, we will report on our measurement of the neutron yields produced from high atomic number converters.
B. Rus, P. Bakule, D. Kramer, J. Naylon, J. Thoma, J. Green, R. Antipenkov, M. Fibrich, J. Novák, F. Batysta, T. Mazanec, M. Drouin, K. Kasl, R. Baše, D. Peceli, L. Koubíková, P. Trojek, R. Boge, J. Lagron, Š. Vyhlídka, J. Weiss, J, Cupal, J. Hřebíček, P. Hříbek, M. Durák, J. Polan, M. Košelja, G. Korn, M. Horáček, J. Horáček, B. Himmel, T. Havlíček, A. Honsa, P. Korouš, M. Laub, C. Haefner, A. Bayramian, T. Spinka, C. Marshall, G. Johnson, S. Telford, J. Horner, B. Deri, T. Metzger, M. Schultze, P. Mason, K. Ertel, A. Lintern, J. Greenhalgh, C. Edwards, C. Hernandez-Gomez, J. Collier, T, Ditmire, E. Gaul, M. Martinez, C. Frederickson, D. Hammond, C. Malato, W. White, J. Houžvička
Overview of the laser systems being built for ELI-Beamlines is presented. The facility will make available high-brightness multi-TW ultrashort laser pulses at kHz repetition rate, PW 10 Hz repetition rate pulses, and kilojoule nanosecond pulses for generation of 10 PW peak power. The lasers will extensively employ the emerging technology of diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSSL) to pump OPCPA and Ti:sapphire broadband amplifiers. These systems will provide the user community with cutting-edge laser resources for programmatic research in generation and applications of high-intensity X-ray sources, in particle acceleration, and in dense-plasma and high-field physics.
A steady increase of on-target laser intensity with also increasing pulse contrast is leading to light-matter interactions of extreme laser fields with matter in new physics regimes. At the Texas Petawatt laser we have realized interactions in the transparent-overdense regime, which is reached by interacting a highly relativistic, ultra-high contrast laser pulse with a solid density ultrathin target. The extreme fields in the laser focus are turning the overdense, opaque target transparent to the laser by the relativistic mass increase of the electrons. Thus, the interaction becomes volumetric, increasing the energy coupling from laser to plasma. Using plasma mirrors to increase the on-target contrast ratio, we demonstrated generation of over 60 MeV proton beams with pulse energies not exceeding 40 J (on target).
N. Tîmneanu, B. Iwan, J. Andreasson, M. Bergh, M. Seibert, C. Bostedt, S. Schorb, H. Thomas, D. Rupp, T. Gorkhover, M. Adolph, T. Möller, A. Helal, K. Hoffmann, N. Kandadai, J. Keto, T. Ditmire
Understanding the ultrafast dynamics of matter under extreme conditions is relevant for structural studies and plasma physics with X-ray lasers. We used the pulses from free-electron lasers (FLASH in Hamburg and LCLS in Stanford) to trigger X-ray induced explosions in atomic atoms (Xe) and molecular clusters (CH4 and CD4). The explosion dynamics depends on cluster size and the intensity of the X-ray pulse, and a transition from Coulomb explosion to hydrodynamic expansion is expected with increasing size and increasing pulse intensity. In methane clusters experiments at FLASH, the time-of-flight spectrometry shows the appearance of molecular adducts which are the result of molecular recombination between ions and molecules. The recombination depends on the cluster size and the expansion mechanism and becomes significant in larger clusters. In Xenon cluster experiments at the LCLS, measurements of the ion charge states in clusters suggest a formation of Xe nanoplasma which expands hydrodynamically. The dominance of low charge states of Xe is due to three-body recombination processes involving electron and Xe ions, and it depends on the X-ray intensity and nanoplasma formation.
In this paper, we report on current developments aimed at improving the focusability of the Texas Petawatt Laser. Two
major campaigns have been commissioned that address the issue of focusability. First, we implemented a closed loop,
32 actuator bi-moprh deformable mirror (DFM) to compensate for aberrations in the optical train and second, a color
corrector lens assembly was installed that compensates for chromatic errors accumulated in broadband (>15 nm), large
aperture (>20 cm) laser systems.
We will present in detail, pre and post correction results with the DFM and describe challenges faced when one activates
a single shot, high energy closed loop system. Secondly, we will provide modeling and experimental results of our color
correction system. This is a novel approach to a problem only seen in high energy, broadband, large aperture laser
By using color correction optics we have demonstrated a 6X increase in focal intensity. With the installation of the
DFM, the rms wavefront error in the system was reduced from 2.4 waves to .131 waves, further increasing intensities
seen at focus by 1 order of magnitude.
We report on the design and construction of the Texas Petawatt Laser. This research facility will consist of two, synchronized laser systems that will be used for a wide variety of high intensity laser and high energy density science experiments. The first laser is a novel, high energy (200 J), short pulse (150 fs) petawatt-class laser that is based on hybrid, broadband optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) and mixed silicate and phosphate Nd:glass amplification. The second laser will provide 500 J at 527 nm (>1 kJ @1053 nm) with pulse widths selectable from 2-20 ns. Design and construction began in early 2003 and is scheduled to complete in 2007. In this report we will briefly discuss some of the important applications of this system, present the design of the laser and review some of the technology used to achieve pulse durations approaching 100 fs. Currently, the facility has been renovated for laser construction. The oscillator and stretcher are operational with the first stage of gain measured at 2×106. Output energies of 500μJ have been achieved with good near field image quality. Delivery has been taken for Nova components that will compose the main amplifier chain of the laser system.
The use of ultrafast laser pulses to generate very high brightness, ultrashort (10-14 to 10-12 s) pulses of x-rays is a topic of great interest to the x-ray user community. In principle, femtosecond-scale pump-probe experiments can be used to temporally resolve structural dynamics of materials on the time scale of atomic motion. However, further development of this field is severely hindered by the absence of a suitably intense x-ray source that would drive the development of improved experimental techniques and establish a broader range of applicability. We report on a project at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to produce a novel x-ray source and essential experimental techniques that will enable unprecedented dynamic measurements in matter. Based on scattering of a sub-50-fs, multi-terawatt, multi-beam laser from a co-synchronous and highly focused relativistic electron bunch, PLEIADES (Picosecond Laser Electron Interaction for Dynamic Evaluation of Structures) will produce tunable, ultrafast, hard x-ray (10- 200 keV) probes that greatly exceed existing 3rd generation synchrotron sources in speed (100 fs - 1 ps), peak brightness (1020 ph/mm2s mrad2 0.1% BW, and >109 ph/pulse), and simplicity (100-fold smaller). Such bright, ultrafast high energy x-rays will enable pump-probe experiments using radiography, dynamic diffraction, and spectroscopy to address the equation of state and dynamics of phase transitions and structure in laser heated and compressed heavy dense metals of interest for materials science.
We have examined the interaction of deuterium clusters with high intensity, ultrafast laser radiation. Upon irradiation a hot plasma is created with a sufficient temperature to produce nuclear fusion. We have seen that larger clusters produce more fusion neutrons than small er clusters, consistent with a Coulomb explosion model. Fusion yields is currently limited by propagation effects. Using interferometric imaging we have examined the laser propagation and found that the laser energy is absorbed before it penetrates to the center of the gas jet.
We have developed a chirped pulse amplification system capable of producing femtosecond pulses with energy above one joule. This is accomplished by using a large aperture, flashlamp pumped Cr:LiSrAlF6 (Cr:LiSAF) amplifier. Optimum design of the 19 mm diameter amplifier results in a single pass gain of 5 with good beam quality. This amplifier produces 1.05 J pulses after compression with a width of < 125 fs at a repetition rate of 0.05 Hz.
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