Proceedings Article | 25 September 2017
KEYWORDS: Hard x-rays, X-ray optics, X-rays, Wavefronts, Zone plates, Phase retrieval, Mirrors, Crystal optics, Optical testing, X-ray diffraction
With the progress of achieving diffraction-limited X-ray focus, ptychography offers a unique and powerful tool to provide quantitative reconstruction of the complex-valued wavefront of a focused beam. Propagation of the reconstructed wavefront essentially describes complete performance characterization of the optics. We will present the accumulated efforts at NSLS-II on exploring the capability of ptychography to quantify focusing performance of a variety of hard X-ray optics, including K-B mirrors, zone plates, multilayer Laue lenses [1-3]. Presentation will also elaborate on our recent development of monolithically bonded MLLs as a signal optical component for scanning probe microscope applications [4,5].
[1] X. Huang, et al., “Quantitative X-ray wavefront measurements of Fresnel zone plate and K-B mirrors using phase retrieval”, Optics Express, 20, 24038-24048 (2012).
[2] X. Huang, et al., “11 nm hard X-ray focus from a large-aperture multilayer Laue lens”, Scientific Reports, 3, 3562 (2013).
[3] X. Huang, et al., “Achieving hard X-ray nanofocusing using a wedged multilayer Laue lens”, Optics Express, 23, 12496-12507 (2015).
[4] E. Nazaretski, et al., “Development and characterization of monolithic multilayer Laue lens nanofocusing optics"”, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 261102 (2016).
[5] X. Huang, et al., “Hard x-ray scanning imaging achieved with bonded multilayer Laue lenses”, submitted, (2017).