Proceedings Article | 26 October 2004
KEYWORDS: Mining, Remote sensing, Water, Image processing, Image enhancement, Land mines, Geology, Roads, Image fusion, Spatial filters
Recently, when the ninth and tenth were mined in Feiching city mining area, several mine wells occurred on water invasion. Based on systematic interpretation of TMimages in Fei Cheng mining area, authors find that there are five zones of NS trending lineaments, which nearly distribute in radial in TM images. Image processing can be divided into three types, they are spectrum enhancement, spatial filtering and data fusion, the useful methods in this area are auto-adaptive enhancement, density slicing and K-L transform. With ninth and tenth seam coals mined, three mines of east area have broken out serious accidents of water. Statistical materials and the test of water quality drawing off five limestone indicates water-yielding zone near NS, NNE, and NW trending faults, or near intersection point of its and others. In order to solve the problem, using remote sensing and other techniques, we try to find some influential factors on mine flow. Further analyses, such as, the exploration of geology on earth, and microcosmic from rock slice, the authors find that there are some reasons which lead to water invasion such as geological structure, karsts, index and so on, in which the main reason might be north-south deep fracture which is the pathway of well water's distribution, migration and recharge of mine water. There being more complicate geologic structure in the west of mine area, at last, with RS authors point out important zone of mine water invasion which the prevention-control of hazards from mine water and some measures to avoid water blast in future.