Dr. Peng Jiang
at Harbin Institute of Technology
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (14)

Proceedings Article | 26 July 2024 Paper
Boteng Zhang, Sining Li, Yinbo Zhang, Xin Zhou, Peng Jiang, Zhen Ren, Jianfeng Sun
Proceedings Volume 13189, 131890H (2024) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3032328
KEYWORDS: Photons, Light scattering, Electric fields, Monte Carlo methods, Polarization, Mie scattering, Particles, Laser scattering, Scattering, Electromagnetic scattering theory

Proceedings Article | 29 December 2023 Paper
Proceedings Volume 12975, 1297508 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3014361
KEYWORDS: Reconstruction algorithms, Detection and tracking algorithms, Image restoration, LIDAR, Photons, Signal attenuation, Image analysis, Imaging arrays, Histograms, Statistical analysis

Proceedings Article | 10 May 2023 Paper
Proceedings Volume 12554, 1255404 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2650864
KEYWORDS: LIDAR, Information fusion, Image fusion, Data modeling, Data conversion, Image classification, Image processing, Neural networks, Image enhancement

Proceedings Article | 15 December 2022 Paper
Yinbo Zhang, Sining Li, Jianfeng Sun, Peng Jiang, Shuaijun Zhou, Xin Zhang, Yue Hou, Hailong Zhang
Proceedings Volume 12478, 124780E (2022) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2647716
KEYWORDS: Scattering, Laser scattering, Signal attenuation, Photons, Particles, LIDAR, Fiber optic gyroscopes, Mie scattering, 3D image processing, Single photon detectors

Proceedings Article | 24 November 2021 Paper
Proceedings Volume 12065, 1206515 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2605300
KEYWORDS: Reflectivity, LIDAR, Sensors, Gaussian beams, Distortion, Reflection, Polarization, Information technology, Data modeling, Clouds

Showing 5 of 14 publications
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