7 September 2018 Code system with increased security
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Systems of remote control with unidirectional communication channel, made using KeeLoq technology, have found wide application in such modern devices as car security systems, identification systems, systems for restricting access to premises, electronic locks, process control, etc. The paper describes a comparative analysis of KeeLoq technologies [1] and SmtLoq. The SmtLoq algorithm uses a set of random numbers in each transmission, and does not use serial numbers, factory and secret keys, counters. In SmtLoq technology, information about the transferred command is determined from the correlation analysis of the transmitted sequence of random numbers. The peculiarity of the new SmtLoq technology is protection from interception in a row even of several successive control commands. The minimum size of the control packet in the SmtLoq algorithm is four bytes of random numbers and one byte of the checksum. The maximum probability of guessing the next command decreases with the increase in the number of random data in the control command packet. The probability of repetition of a set of random data in the transmitted packet is extremely small, thus, the single use of a certain set of random data in a packet ensures the uselessness of known computer methods of code selection. The lack of the use of keys and serial numbers provides an opportunity for each user to create a unique codec-decoder pair from arbitrary eight-bit chips with appropriate firmware for the encoder and decoder.
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Myroslav T. Strynadko "Code system with increased security", Proc. SPIE 10751, Optics and Photonics for Information Processing XII, 1075118 (7 September 2018);
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