Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology

Editor-in-Chief: Harry Levinson, HJL Lithography, USA

The Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology    (JM 3) publishes peer-reviewed papers on the core enabling technologies that address the patterning needs of the electronics industry. Formerly the Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, the journal’s key subject areas include the science, development, and practice of lithographic, computational, etch, and integration technologies. In this context the electronics industry includes but is not limited to integrated circuits and multichip modules, and advanced packaging with features in the submicron regime.

On the cover: The figure is from "Mitigating pattern collapse in high-resolution EUV lithography using the organic dry development rinse process" by Seonggil Heo et al. in Vol. 23, Issue 3.

Featured Content

Special Section on High Numerical Aperture Exposure Tools and Lithography

Special Section Editors: Jo Finders and Vivek Bakshi

Special Section on Metrology for EUV

Guest Editors: Patrick Naulleau and Gregg Gallatin

Special Section on Curvilinear Masks, Part 3

Special Section Editors: Linyong (Leo) Pang and Danping Peng

Previously Published Special Sections

from the Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology

Curvilinear Masks, Part 1

Guest Editors: Lingong (Leo) Pang and Danping Peng

Plasma Modeling and Feature Profile Simulation

Guest Editors: Catherine B. Labelle and Mark J. Kushner

Control of Integrated Circuit Patterning Variance, Part 5: Pattern Placement, Critical Dimension, and Edge-to-Edge Overlay (October-December 2023)

Guest Editor: Alexander Starikov

Direct Write Lithography (October-December 2023)

Guest Editors: Stephen Renwick and Laurent Pain

3D Semiconductor Metrology (July-September 2023)

Guest Editors: Ndubuisi George Orji and Qinghuang Lin

Advances in E-Beam Metrology (April-June 2023)

Guest Editors: Gian Francesco Lorusso and Chris A. Mack

Manufacturing Data Analytics (October-December 2022)

Guest Editors: Bertrand Le-Gratiet and Serap Savari

Non-chemically Amplified Resists for EUV Lithography (October-December 2022)

Guest Editors: Anjua DeSilva and Yasin Ekinci

Next Generation Light Source, Materials, and Metrology/Inspection Equipment (April-June 2022)

Guest Editors: Erik R. Hosler and Brennan Peterson

Novel Patterning Technologies II (January-March 2022)

Guest Editors: Doug Resnick and Eric Panning

Journal Metrics:
ISSN: 1932-5150
E-ISSN: 2708-8340 
CiteScoreTM 2023: 3.4
Impact Factor *: 1.5
h5-index: 20
*Source: Journal Impact Factor TM, from Clarivate, 2024

Author Benefits:

  • Rigorous and prompt peer review
  • Rapid, e-first publication of articles
  • Professional copyediting and typesetting
  • Free online color figures
  • Free inclusion of videos and multimedia 
  • Open access publication option at a low cost
  • 5 free downloads from the SPIE Digital Library for authors
  • Integration with Code Ocean, a cloud-based code development and publishing platform


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