24 November 2021 Structure design of intelligent camera for distributed reconfigurable remote sensing satellite system
Xingxing Wu, Liang Yang, Fucheng Liu, Lingjie Wang
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Proceedings Volume 12065, AOPC 2021: Optical Sensing and Imaging Technology; 120653E (2021)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China 2021, 2021, Beijing, China
Intelligent camera for distributed reconfigurable remote sensing satellite system should be lighter to be installed on small or micro satellite. In this paper structure design of intelligent camera for distributed reconfigurable remote sensing satellite system was presented in detail. Three mirrors anastigmatic (TMA) optical system was used in the intelligent camera. Structure of the intelligent camera consists of the primary mirror module, the secondary mirror module, the tertiary mirror module, the focal plane adjusting module and the main framework module. Structure of the intelligent camera was designed so that mounting points of the camera were distributed more dispersedly and the camera's center of gravity was closer to the satellite platform. In this way better dynamitic characteristic was realized. Aluminum alloy framework was used to realize better thermal characteristic and lower weight. In order to compensate variation caused by vibration of spacecraft launch and change of temperatures on orbit, precision of focal plane adjusting module is no more than 10μm and the range of focal plane adjusting is ±2.5mm. Results of experiments indicate that total weight of the intelligent camera for distributed reconfigurable remote sensing satellite system is about 8kg and can satisfy the demand of the mission.
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xingxing Wu, Liang Yang, Fucheng Liu, and Lingjie Wang "Structure design of intelligent camera for distributed reconfigurable remote sensing satellite system", Proc. SPIE 12065, AOPC 2021: Optical Sensing and Imaging Technology, 120653E (24 November 2021);
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Remote sensing

Imaging systems

Sensing systems


Structural design

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