Poster + Paper
30 September 2024 Aperture masking imaging using a hybrid algorithm for binary stars with 1.56-m telescope
Yuanyuan Ding, Xinyang Chen, Chaoyan Wang, Lurun Shen, Jie Zhu, Qi Wang
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Conference Poster
Aperture masking observations for binary stars have been done with a 1.56-m telescope at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory(SHAO) during 2019-2024. In order to ensure ample light available to restore the high resolution images even at short exposure times and reach the diffraction limit of the 1.56-m telescope, we select some binary stars and reference stars nearby with magnitude 5-8 and angular distance 0.2-4 arcsec in the WDS catalog as observation targets. This article achieved high-resolution restoration of binary stars using a hybrid data processing method, including data reduction, a spatial domain method named ISA or a frequency domain method named SI to suppress atmospheric turbulence, and OS-EM to reduce image degradation caused by multi-aperture interference. The results show that this method can effectively obtain high-resolution images of binary stars, and the measured angular distance is basically consistent with the given value in WDS catalog.
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Yuanyuan Ding, Xinyang Chen, Chaoyan Wang, Lurun Shen, Jie Zhu, and Qi Wang "Aperture masking imaging using a hybrid algorithm for binary stars with 1.56-m telescope", Proc. SPIE 13136, Optics and Photonics for Information Processing XVIII, 131360T (30 September 2024);
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Binary stars

Image processing


Binary data

Distance measurement

Imaging systems

Adaptive optics


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