Presentation + Paper
9 October 2024 Determining the quantum detection efficiency of a soft x-ray micro-channel plate detector for the lunar mission, LEXI
Emil Atz, Brian M. Walsh, Cadin Connor, Dennis Chornay, Hyunju Connor, Norman Dobson, Eric Gullikson, Kip Kuntz, Kenneth Simms
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Micro-channel plate (MCP) detectors have long been a workhorse for space-based x-ray research and are advantageous over other imaging detectors because of their low size, weight and power. The Lunar Environment heliospheric x-ray Imager (LEXI), will utilize a MCP to image Earth’s magnetosphere in soft x-rays from the lunar surface. A critical element for interpreting on-orbit data is to understand the quantum detection efficiency (QDE) of the MCP. LEXI’s MCP is coated with potassium bromide (KBr) to increase the soft x-ray QDE. Historically, few measurements of QDE exist in the soft x-ray band for KBr detectors. This paper reviews the performance of LEXI’s detector, and the QDE experiment procedure conducted at and results from the Advanced Light Source synchrotron soft x-ray beam line (6.3.2) over the energy range 70eV-1300eV. A unique beam line setup was required to limit the photon flux as to not saturate the pores of the MCP or detector signal chain. The experimental results are similar to previous literature, with some caveats unique to this MCP and experimental setup.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Emil Atz, Brian M. Walsh, Cadin Connor, Dennis Chornay, Hyunju Connor, Norman Dobson, Eric Gullikson, Kip Kuntz, and Kenneth Simms "Determining the quantum detection efficiency of a soft x-ray micro-channel plate detector for the lunar mission, LEXI", Proc. SPIE 13151, Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XXVI, 131510D (9 October 2024);
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Microchannel plates

Quantum detection





X-ray imaging


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