Author Affiliations +
P. Jeremy Werdell,1 Bryan Franz,1 Carina Poulin,1,2 James Allen,1,3 Brian Cairns,4 Skyelar Caplan,1,2 Ivona Cetinić,1,3 Susanne Craig,1,5 Meng Gao,1,2 Otto Hasekamp,6 Amir Ibrahim,1 Kirk Knobelspiesse,1 Antonio Mannino,1 J. Vanderlei Martins,5 Lachlan McKinna,7,8 Gerhard Meister,1 Frederick Patt,1,9 Christopher Proctor,1,2 Chamara Rajapakshe,1,2 Inia Soto Ramos,1,3 Jeroen Rietjens,6 Andrew Sayer,1,5 Emerson Sirk1,2
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States)
2Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (United States)
3Morgan State Univ. (United States)
4NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (United States)
5Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County (United States)
6SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research (Netherlands)
7NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (Australia)
8Go2Q Pty Ltd. (Australia)
9Science Applications International Corp. (United States)