7 October 1993 Output characteristics and excitation mechanism of multiline He-Cd+ hollow-cathode laser
V. V. Vainer, Igor G. Ivanov, Galina A. Kalinchenko, Miroslav F. Sem
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Proceedings Volume 2110, CIS Selected Papers: Metal Vapor Lasers and Their Applications; (1993)
Event: Metal Vapor Lasers and Their Applications: CIS Selected Papers, 1993, None, Russian Federation
The properties of cadmium ion level excitation by means of second-kind collisions with buffer gas ions or metastable atoms in a negative glow of steady-state hollow cathode discharge are discussed. The electron energy distribution function, electric field distribution, and relevant level excitation rates were calculated and measured. The laser output power was measured as a function of discharge parameters and laser tube design for blue (441.6 nm), green (533.7 and 537.8 nm), and red (636 nm) He-Cd+ laser lines in continuous wave hollow cathode discharge both in lasing at individual lines and in three-color output regime that gives white- light emission. Output powers of 115 mW, 25 mW, and 13 mW for blue, green, and red lines, respectively, and a noise level less than 1% rms were obtained.
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V. V. Vainer, Igor G. Ivanov, Galina A. Kalinchenko, and Miroslav F. Sem "Output characteristics and excitation mechanism of multiline He-Cd+ hollow-cathode laser", Proc. SPIE 2110, CIS Selected Papers: Metal Vapor Lasers and Their Applications, (7 October 1993); Logo
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