1 March 1994 Controlling correlation energy distribution using window functions
Abhijit Mahalanobis, Edward K. Orcutt
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Several important advances have been recently made in the design of correlation filters. Among these, the minimum average correlation energy (MACE) filter is designed to yield sharp easily distinguished correlation peaks. To achieve this, the MACE filter minimizes the energy of the correlator output. We now introduce a windowing technique to control the distribution of the energy to further improve the correlation plane structure. The windows can be used to enhance the quality of the peak and reduce sidelobes by mobilizing the energy to unimportant regions of the correlation functions. This technique is particularly well suited for 1D signal processors such as acousto-optical correlators.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Abhijit Mahalanobis and Edward K. Orcutt "Controlling correlation energy distribution using window functions", Proc. SPIE 2237, Optical Pattern Recognition V, (1 March 1994);
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Filtering (signal processing)

Correlation function

Image filtering

Detection and tracking algorithms

Optical correlators

Signal processing

Optical pattern recognition

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