20 June 1997 Numerical method for IR background and clutter simulation
Carlo Quaranta, Gina Daniele, Giorgio Balzarotti
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The paper describes a fast and accurate algorithm of IR background noise and clutter generation for application in scene simulations. The process is based on the hypothesis that background might be modeled as a statistical process where amplitude of signal obeys to the Gaussian distribution rule and zones of the same scene meet a correlation function with exponential form. The algorithm allows to provide an accurate mathematical approximation of the model and also an excellent fidelity with reality, that appears from a comparison with images from IR sensors. The proposed method shows advantages with respect to methods based on the filtering of white noise in time or frequency domain as it requires a limited number of computation and, furthermore, it is more accurate than the quasi random processes. The background generation starts from a reticule of few points and by means of growing rules the process is extended to the whole scene of required dimension and resolution. The statistical property of the model are properly maintained in the simulation process. The paper gives specific attention to the mathematical aspects of the algorithm and provides a number of simulations and comparisons with real scenes.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Carlo Quaranta, Gina Daniele, and Giorgio Balzarotti "Numerical method for IR background and clutter simulation", Proc. SPIE 3062, Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation III, (20 June 1997); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Signal processing

Computer simulations

Mathematical modeling

Numerical analysis

Statistical modeling

Correlation function

Infrared sensors


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