1 October 1999 Multielement analysis utilizing pulsed fast/thermal neutron analysis for contraband detection
Phillip C. Womble, George Vourvopoulos, Jonathon Paschal, P. A. Dokhale
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Pulsed Fast/Thermal Neutron Analysis (PFTNA) is being employed in such diverse applications as: on-line coal analysis, detection of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), detection of contraband drugs, characterization of unexploded ordnance, and detection of landmines. In this work, the current research in the utilization of PFTNA in detection of drugs and IEDs will be discussed. Man-portable PFTNA systems have been built and currently are undergoing field trials. These systems can be inserted in confined spaces such as the boiler of a ship or into a tanker truck filled with liquid. The PFTNA system provides information on the major and minor chemical elements which compose the interrogated object. By measuring the elemental content or ratios of various elements, this system can differentiate between innocuous materials and materials such as drugs and IEDs. In laboratory trials, the PFTNA system can measure the carbon to oxygen ratio to an accuracy of 15% within a 5 minute time period. In all cases, hidden drugs and IEDs are identified through the measurement of the elemental content of the object, and the comparison of expected and measured elemental ratios.
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Phillip C. Womble, George Vourvopoulos, Jonathon Paschal, and P. A. Dokhale "Multielement analysis utilizing pulsed fast/thermal neutron analysis for contraband detection", Proc. SPIE 3769, Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications, (1 October 1999); Logo
Cited by 6 scholarly publications.
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Plasma display panels

Improvised explosive devices

Chemical elements

Chemical species

Explosives detection


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