18 November 2002 Monolithic polycapillary focusing optic for polychromatic neutron diffraction applications
David F. R. Mildner, Huaiyu Heather Chen-Mayer, Walter M. Gibson, Arthur J. Schultz
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The relatively low flux from neutron sources means that structural analysis using neutron diffraction requires large crystals that are often not available.We are exploring the possibilities of a polycapillary focusing optic to produce a small intense beam spot of size ⪅0.5 mm for small crystals.We have conducted measurements at five different thermal neutron wavelengths to determine the transmission characteristics of a tapered monolithic focusing lens with a focal length of 100 mm,suitable for time-of-flight diffraction.Both the width of the focused beam and the intensity gain of the optic increase as a function of wavelength.We have performed similar measurements on a polychromatic beam on a pulsed neutron source,where the results are subject to background from short wavelength neutrons.The use of a beryllium filter shows the increased effective gain for the longer wavelengths at the expense of an increased focused beam width by a factor of two.In a diffraction measurement from an alpha quartz crystal using a 2.1° convergent beam from a pulsed neutron source,we observed six diffraction peaks in the 1.5 Å -4 Å wavelength bandwidth transmitted by the optic.These diffraction spots show an intensity gain of 5.8 ±0.9 compared to a direct beam diffracting from the same sample volume as that illuminated by the convergent beam.
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David F. R. Mildner, Huaiyu Heather Chen-Mayer, Walter M. Gibson, and Arthur J. Schultz "Monolithic polycapillary focusing optic for polychromatic neutron diffraction applications", Proc. SPIE 4785, Advances in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation, (18 November 2002); Logo
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