8 December 2004 Infrared DIAL system for remote sensing of hazardous chemical agents
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Proceedings Volume 5613, Military Remote Sensing; (2004)
Event: European Symposium on Optics and Photonics for Defence and Security, 2004, London, United Kingdom
We describe a new project (acronym LISATNAS) approved by the Lithuanian Research Council in 2003 devoted to the development of differential absorption lidar (DIAL) and stationary spectrometric systems based on the mid-infrared tunable Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO), pumped by compact Q-switched lasers. The purpose of the project is to construct a mobile infrared lidar, assembled in the truck for selective pollutant analysis - possessing spatial resolution of a few meters in the distance range extending from hundred of meters to a few kilometers. A reliable cascade mid-IR generation scheme was developed. Pulse energies up to milijoule in mid-IR have been already obtained using nonlinear AgGaSe2 crystal. Optoacoustic and multipass cells were constructed for stationary spectrometers. Preliminary results with detection of CO2, CH4, H2O and other gases in the ppm concentration range show good sensitivity. Special pollutants were synthesized by chemical group of the project for spectrometric experiments: multiatomic nitrocompounds, such as trinitrotoluen (TNT) or trotyl, DNT (dinitrotoluoen), MNT (mononitrotoluoen) and RDX (heksahydro-1.3.5-triazyn). The mobile DIAL system based on the tunable laser in the 8-12 μm region, 10" goldmirror telescope, MCT cooled detector with control electronics is under construction and should be finished in 2005.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Viktoras V. Vaicikauskas, Vidmantas Kabelka, Zenonas Kuprionis, Vitas Svedas, M. Kaucikas, and Evaldas K. Maldutis "Infrared DIAL system for remote sensing of hazardous chemical agents", Proc. SPIE 5613, Military Remote Sensing, (8 December 2004); Logo
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Optical parametric oscillators


Photoacoustic spectroscopy


Infrared radiation

Tunable lasers

Remote sensing

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