31 August 2005 Optical design and requirements for the normal incidence x-ray telescope of the Reconnection and Microscale Solar Probe
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One of the key instruments on the Reconnection and Microscale (RAM) Solar-Terrestrial Probe mission is a normal incidence multilayer x-ray telescope designed to provide 10 milli-arc-sec imaging of the solar corona. To achieve this level of imaging it will be necessary to fabricate meter-class reflective optics with diffraction limited performance at 193 Angstroms. Because of the use of multilayer optics, surface micro-roughness must also be maintained at very low levels (a few Angstroms rms) to maintain good reflectance. To ease fabrication constraints and the sometimes competing requirements of micro-roughness and figure, we have explored a number of potential designs and fabrication approaches for RAM. Figure error budgets and optical designs are shown, demonstrating that RAM can be built with existing mirror fabrication technology.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Paul B. Reid, Paul Glenn, and Jay Bookbinder "Optical design and requirements for the normal incidence x-ray telescope of the Reconnection and Microscale Solar Probe", Proc. SPIE 5900, Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy II, 59000K (31 August 2005);
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