9 February 2007 Innovative materials tailored for advanced micro-optic applications
Roland Himmelhuber, Marion Fink, Karl Pfeiffer, Ute Ostrzinski, Anna Klukowska, Gabi Gruetzner, Ruth Houbertz, Herbert Wolter
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The handling of a continuously increasing amount of data leads to a strong need for high-speed short-range connections. Conventional Cu technology between chips on a board is limited. Optical interconnects will dominate the market, since they can overcome the limitations. One of the issues for materials used, e.g., for waveguides embedded in printed circuit boards (PCBs) is the compatibility with standard epoxies used for PCBs during the entire board fabrication process. Materials applied for optical interconnects should be mechanically and optically reliable, and also allow low-cost production. From the material production side, the process should be easy to up-scale. Therefore, anticipatory research strategy and suitable tailoring is asked for. The handling of light in the UV and visible range often requires the use of specially designed materials. Most polymer materials show an increased yellowing effect upon being exposed to shorter wavelength light. The major influence on the absorption in the UV and visible range of a UV curable material is related to the UV initiator, beside any other chromophores formed mainly during the exposure. Different material approaches will be presented which fulfil the requirements for highly sophisticated applications in optics / optical packaging technology. Firstly, an epoxy-based material system for optical chip-to-chip interconnection will be introduced. Secondly, the adaptation of a UV patternable inorganic-organic hybrid material (ORMOCER®) originally developed for waveguide applications in the data and telecom regime, will be discussed with respect to applications in the visible regime. Spectroscopy and UV-DSC measurements were carried out to investigate the influence of standard photoinitiators on the optical properties for an ORMOCER® system suitable for microoptic applications. The results show that the resulting material properties were significantly improved by exchange of the initiators compared to the originally incorporated one.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Roland Himmelhuber, Marion Fink, Karl Pfeiffer, Ute Ostrzinski, Anna Klukowska, Gabi Gruetzner, Ruth Houbertz, and Herbert Wolter "Innovative materials tailored for advanced micro-optic applications", Proc. SPIE 6478, Photonics Packaging, Integration, and Interconnects VII, 64780E (9 February 2007); Logo
Cited by 7 scholarly publications.
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