8 January 2008 An optical model of wide field of view superspectral imager
Zhiping He, Weiming Xu, Jianjun Jia, Rong Shu, Jianyu Wang
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This paper introduces a skill but practical optical model of developing wide field of view push-broom hyperspectral imager. Usually, the field of view of a push-broom hyperspectral imaging sensor is less than 30 degrees, and it can not meet the requirement for typical earth observation mission. This paper addresses the difficulty of developing wide field of view imaging sensor and presents an optical model of wide field of view hyperspectal imager. The optical model of hyperspectral imager is composed of a large field of view lens, a long entrance slit, two spectrometers and two area detector arrays and has a cross-track field of view of 60 degrees. The lens images a ground belt onto the long entrance slit, the slit acts as a field stop and allow only light from a linear belt in the scene to enter the imager. The light passing through the long slit is divided two equal parts using a special skill and it is separated and imaged on the area detector arrays by the two spectrometer. The analysis shows that the wide field of view hyperspectral imager doesn't drop down the spatial resolution.
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Zhiping He, Weiming Xu, Jianjun Jia, Rong Shu, and Jianyu Wang "An optical model of wide field of view superspectral imager", Proc. SPIE 6835, Infrared Materials, Devices, and Applications, 68351F (8 January 2008);
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Imaging systems

Hyperspectral imaging

Detector arrays


Optical components



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