21 May 2012 Display challenges resulting from the use of wide field of view imaging devices
Gregory J. Petty, Ean J. Seals, Jack E. Fulton Jr., Gail M. Nicholson
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As focal plane array technologies advance and imagers increase in resolution, display technology must outpace the imaging improvements in order to adequately represent the complete data collection. Typical display devices tend to have an aspect ratio similar to 4:3 or 16:9, however a breed of Wide Field of View (WFOV) imaging devices exist that skew from the norm with aspect ratios as high as 5:1. This particular quality, when coupled with a high spatial resolution, presents a unique challenge for display devices. Standard display devices must choose between resizing the image data to fit the display and displaying the image data in native resolution and truncating potentially important information. The problem compounds when considering the applications; WFOV high-situationalawareness imagers are sought for space-limited military vehicles. Tradeoffs between these issues are assessed to the image quality of the WFOV sensor.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gregory J. Petty, Ean J. Seals, Jack E. Fulton Jr., and Gail M. Nicholson "Display challenges resulting from the use of wide field of view imaging devices", Proc. SPIE 8383, Head- and Helmet-Mounted Displays XVII; and Display Technologies and Applications for Defense, Security, and Avionics VI, 83830M (21 May 2012);
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Imaging systems


Image resolution

Image sensors

Optical resolution

Imaging devices

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