20 October 2016 Eliminating the offset between overlay metrology and device patterns using computational metrology target design
Jianming Zhou, Sarah Wu, Craig Hickman, Ewoud van West, Maurits van der Schaar, Wangshi Zhou, Youping Zhang, Sean Park, Paul Tuffy, Dan Ulmer, Cedric Affentauschegg, Henk Niesing
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Designing metrology targets that mimic process device cell behavior is becoming a common component in overlay process control. For an advanced DRAM process (sub 20 nm node), the extreme illumination methods needed to pattern the critical device features makes it harder to control the aberration induced overlay delta between metrology target and device patterns. To compensate for this delta, a Non-Zero-Offset is applied to the metrology measurement that is based on a manual calibration measurement using CD-SEM Overlay. In this paper, we document how this mismatch can be minimized through the right choice of metrology targets and measurement recipe.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jianming Zhou, Sarah Wu, Craig Hickman, Ewoud van West, Maurits van der Schaar, Wangshi Zhou, Youping Zhang, Sean Park, Paul Tuffy, Dan Ulmer, Cedric Affentauschegg, and Henk Niesing "Eliminating the offset between overlay metrology and device patterns using computational metrology target design", Proc. SPIE 9778, Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXX, 97781G (20 October 2016); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication and 7 patents.
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