Optical Engineering

Editor-in-Chief: Adam Wax, Duke University

Optical Engineering publishes peer-reviewed articles reporting on research, development, and applications of optics and photonics. Primary topical areas include: imaging components, systems, and processing; optical instrumentation, techniques, and measurement; optical design and engineering; lasers, fiber optics, and sensors; communication and signal processing; and optical materials, photonic devices, and sensors.

On the cover: The figure is from "Study on the laser ultrasonic testing mechanism of delamination defects in anisotropic curved structure carbon fiber–reinforced polymer" by Qixin Li et al. in Vol. 64, Issue 1.

Call for Papers
How to Submit a Manuscript

Regular papers: Submissions of regular papers are always welcome.

Special section papers: Open calls for papers are listed below. A cover letter indicating that the submission is intended for a particular special section should be included with the paper.

To submit a paper, please prepare the manuscript according to the journal guidelines and use the online submission systemLeaving site. All papers will be peer‐reviewed in accordance with the journal's established policies and procedures. Authors have the choice to publish with open access.

Laser Damage VIII
Publication Date
October 2025
Submission Deadline
1 March 2025
Guest Editors
Jonathan W. Arenberg

Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation
Redondo Beach, California, USA

University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, California, USA

Raluca A. Negres

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, California, USA


The annual Laser Damage Symposium is the leading forum for the exchange of information on all aspects of laser-induced damage in materials for high-power/high-energy lasers. For over a half-century, the symposium has grown to be a highly comprehensive source of information on optics, materials for high-power/high-energy lasers, and various aspects of intensive laser interaction with the optical materials.  Over the past decade, participants of the Laser Damage Symposia expressed a strong demand to publish selected works in a peer-reviewed journal after presenting them at the conference. To meet that need, Special Sections on Laser Damage have been published by Optical Engineering on seven previous occasions dating back to 2012. These special sections have received remarkable attention from readers and experts from laser-damage and other related fields. The success of those special sections and the continuing demand from symposium participants have motivated an eighth Optical Engineering Special Section on Laser Damage.

Being a compilation of the most current research in a refereed format, these special sections provide a unique and centralized resource for the community, co-locating some of the most recent results. This special section is open for submissions from the participants of the Laser Damage Symposium and Pacific Rim Laser Damage Symposium of any year. We also invite researchers worldwide who wish to publish original and novel results, especially if they were not presented at the symposia. Subjects of interest for this special section include but are not limited to optical thin films, bulk optical materials, glasses, nonlinear crystals, semiconductors, fibers, and metaoptics materials with nanostructured surfaces. More specifically, topics of interest for this special section are:

  • Measurements of laser-damage threshold
  • Laser-induced damage test protocols
  • Laser-component fabrication
  • Optical materials for high-power and high-energy lasers
  • Characterization of properties of the optical materials
  • Characterization of defects in optical materials
  • Novel materials for high-power lasers, i.e. metasurfaces and metaoptics
  • Mid-infrared optical materials and nonlinear crystals
  • Materials for thin films and thin-film preparation
  • Thin-film properties, design, and durability
  • Aging issues for laser optics
  • Contamination of optical components
  • Influence of ambient conditions on aging and surface contamination
  • Novel methods of surface polishing and finishing/re-finishing for optical components
  • Methods of laser-damage mitigation
  • Final optics of high-power lasers and laser facilities
  • Novel lasers and regimes of laser operation
  • High-intensity laser-surface interactions
  • Generation of periodic surface structures
  • Fundamental effects of high-power laser-material interactions
  • Fundamental mechanisms of laser damage of optical materials
  • Ultrafast laser-material interactions
  • Laser-material interactions at mid-infrared wavelengths
  • Thermal effects of laser-material interactions
  • Laser-defect interactions in optical materials
  • Nonlinear effects in laser-solid interactions
  • High-power propagation effects in transparent materials
  • Modeling of intensive laser-material interactions

The guest editors also seek comprehensive review papers in the areas listed above. Authors interested in submitting a review paper to this special section should contact the guest editors with a brief proposal of the paper at their earliest convenience.

To submit a manuscript for consideration in the special section, please prepare the manuscript according to the journal guidelines and submit the paper via the online submission system. A cover letter indicating that the submission is intended for this special section should be included with the paper. Manuscripts published in the Proceedings of SPIE are welcome for submission to this special section after proper revision to meet the standards of a journal publication. Regular submissions will be peer-reviewed in accordance with the journal's established policies and procedures.

Application of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning to Infrared Systems
Publication Date
September 2025
Submission Deadline
1 March 2025
Guest Editors
Kenny Chen

Lockheed Martin Corporation
Orlando, Florida, USA

Michael T. Eismann

Air Force Research Laboratory
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, USA


Artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) methods have greatly advanced in recent years with widespread applications, especially with respect to the automated extraction of information from imagery, voice, and text. More recent advances in generative artificial intelligence have further developed capabilities for synthetically producing imagery, voice, text, and even system designs and software based on large scale models and an expression of the user intent. These new and emerging capabilities are changing the way that data from infrared systems are processed and ultimately need to be considered in how infrared systems are designed and developed. This special section explores the application of AI/ML methods to all aspects of infrared system design, engineering, production, control, and data processing.

We invite contributions for this special section of Optical Engineering in the following areas of AI/ML application to infrared systems:

  • AI/ML methods for object recognition and/or identification in infrared imagery
  • AI/ML methods for infrared target detection and/or tracking, especially for low-contrast and poorly resolved targets in clutter
  • Transfer learning for infrared systems
  • Domain adaptation methods between infrared systems and other sensing modalities
  • Synthetic generation of infrared imagery using AI/ML methods
  • Infrared system quality metrics optimized for automated processing
  • Autonomous control of infrared systems
  • AI/ML methods for infrared system design

This call for papers is open to everyone. Presenters in the 2024 Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning joint session of the Infrared Technology and Automatic Target Recognition Conferences are especially encouraged to submit revised and expanded papers for consideration. Submitted papers must exhibit a specific application to infrared systems to be considered for this special section.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Peer review will start immediately upon manuscript submission, with the goal of making a first decision within six weeks. Special sections are opened online once a minimum of four papers has been accepted. Each paper is published as soon as the copyedited and typeset proofs are approved by the author. Submissions should follow the guidelines of Optical Engineering. Manuscripts should be submitted online at https://oe.msubmit.net.

Laser Damage VII
Publication Date
February 2025
Submission Deadline
Special Section Editors

Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation
Redondo Beach, California, USA

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, California, USA

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, California, USA


The annual Laser Damage Symposium is the leading forum for the exchange of information on all aspects of laser-induced damage in materials for high-power/high-energy lasers. For over a half-century the symposium has grown to be a highly comprehensive source of information on optics, materials for high-power/high-energy lasers, and various aspects of intensive laser interaction with the optical materials. The materials of interest include but are not limited to optical thin films, bulk optical materials, glasses, nonlinear crystals, semiconductors, fibers, and metaoptics materials with nanostructured surfaces.

Over the past decade, participants of the Laser Damage Symposia expressed a strong demand to publish selected works in a peer-reviewed journal after presenting them at the conference. To meet that need, Special Sections on Laser Damage were published by Optical Engineering on six previous occasions dating back to 2012. These special sections have received remarkable attention from readers and experts from laser-damage and other related fields. The success of those special sections and the continuing demand from symposium participants have motivated a seventh Optical Engineering Special Section on Laser Damage.

As a compilation of the most current research in a refereed format, these special sections provide a unique and centralized resource for the community, co-locating some of the most recent results. This special section is open for submissions from the participants of the Laser Damage Symposium and Pacific Rim Laser Damage Symposium of any year. We also invite researchers worldwide who wish to publish original and novel results, especially if they were not presented at the symposia. The topics of interest for this special section are:

  • Measurements of laser-damage threshold
  • Laser-induced damage test protocols
  • Laser-component fabrication
  • Optical materials for high-power and high-energy lasers
  • Characterization of properties of the optical materials
  • Characterization of defects in optical materials
  • Novel materials for high-power lasers, i.e. metasurfaces and metaoptics
  • Mid-infrared optical materials and nonlinear crystals
  • Materials for thin films and thin-film preparation
  • Thin-film properties, design, and durability
  • Aging issues for laser optics
  • Contamination of optical components
  • Influence of ambient conditions on aging and surface contamination
  • Novel methods of surface polishing and finishing/re-finishing for optical components
  • Methods of laser-damage mitigation
  • Final optics of high-power lasers and laser facilities
  • Novel lasers and regimes of laser operation
  • High-intensity laser-surface interactions
  • Generation of periodic surface structures
  • Fundamental effects of high-power laser-material interactions
  • Fundamental mechanisms of laser damage of optical materials
  • Ultrafast laser-material interactions
  • Laser-material interactions at mid-infrared wavelengths
  • Thermal effects of laser-material interactions
  • Laser-defect interactions in optical materials
  • Nonlinear effects in laser-solid interactions
  • High-power propagation effects in transparent materials
  • Modeling of intensive laser-material interactions

The guest editors also seek comprehensive review papers in the areas listed above. Authors interested in submitting a review paper to this special section should contact the guest editors with a brief proposal of the paper.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Peer review will start immediately upon manuscript submission, with the goal of making a first decision within six weeks. Special sections are opened online once a minimum of four papers has been accepted. Each paper is published as soon as the copyedited and typeset proofs are approved by the author. Submissions should follow the guidelines of Optical Engineering. Manuscripts should be submitted online at https://oe.msubmit.net.

Laser Damage
Published Special Sections
Lensless Imaging in Optical Metrology (November 2024)
Guest Editors: Claas Falldorf, Pascal Picart, Cosme Furlong-Vasquez, Percival Almoro

Frontiers of Optical Coatings II (September 2024)
Guest Editors: Xinbin Cheng, Sven Schroder, and Michel Lequime
Education and Training in Optical Instrumentation and Lens/Illumination Design (July 2024)
Guest Editors: Nick Takaki, Alexander Lin, Fatima Toor, Matthew E.L. Jungwirth

Free Space Optical Communications (April 2024)
Guest Editors: Szymon Gładysz, Linda Thomas, Morio Toyoshima, and Miranda van Iersel

Fiber-Optic Sensors for Environmental Health Monitoring (March 2024)

Guest Editors: Nicholas Madamopoulos, Jianzhong Zhang, and Yizeng Zhu
Multimodal Optical Sensing (April 2023)
Guest Editors: Ettore Stella, Peter Lehmann, Pietro Ferraro, Armando Albertazzi Gonçalves, and Wolfgang Osten
Autonomous Vehicles (March 2023)
Guest Editors: Paul McManamon, Umar Piracha, Steve Jameson, Jeremy Bos, and Robert Stead
Advances in Optical Measurements and Instrumentation for Ophthalmology and Optometry (December 2022)
Guest Editors: Daniel Malacara-Hernández, Alfredo Dubra, Jim Schwiegerling, Pablo Artal, Yobani Mejía, and Eva Acosta Plaza
Education and Training in Quantum Sciences and Technologies (August 2022)
Guest Editors: Anne-Sophie Poulin-Girard, Matthew Posner, and G. Groot Gregory

Laser Damage VI (July 2022)

Guest Editors: Vitaly Gruzdev and Jonathan W. Arenberg
Advances in Optical Measurement for Geometrical and Mechanical Quantities (June 2022)
Guest Editors: Haojie Xia, Liandong Yu, and Lianxiang Yang

Frontiers of Optical Coatings (March 2022)
Guest Editors: Xinbin Cheng, Sven Schroder, Christopher Stolz, and Xu Li

High Power Laser Ablation II (February 2022)
Guest Editors: Vitaly Gruzdev and Claude Phipps
Solid-State Lighting and LED Optics (September 2021)
Guest Editors: Ching-Cherng Sun and Virendra Mahajan

Advances in Terahertz and Infrared Optoelectronics (August 2021)
Guest Editors: Irina N. Dolganova, Dmitry S. Ponomarev, Igor E. Spektor, Peter S. Timashev, Michael S. Shur, Valery V. Tuchin

Recent Advances in Lens Design and Optical Engineering (May 2021)
Guest Editors: Simon Thibault, R. Barry Johnson, Joseph Mulley, Cornelius Hahlweg

Laser Damage V (March 2021)
Guest Editors: Vitaly Gruzdev, Jonathan Arenberg

Advances in Gradient Index Optics Technology (November 2020)
Guest Editors: Peter L. Marasco, Clara Rivero-Baleine, Guy Beadie, Duncan Moore, Michael Ponting, Kathleen Richardson, Jasbinder S. Sanghera

Holography (October 2020)
Guest Editors: Maria Luisa Cruz Lopez, Pasquale Memmolo, Hao Zhang, Manoj Kumar, Osamu Matoba

Active Spectroscopy (September 2020)
Guest Editors: Joseph Meola, Robert Bedford, Kristin Dewitt, Timothy Johnson, Christopher Kendziora

Atmospheric Propagation (August 2020)
Guest Editors: Steven Fiorino, Alexander (Lex) M.J. van Eijk, Steve Hammel, Alexander (Lex) Berk
Terahertz and Infrared Optics: Towards Biophotonics (June 2020)
Guest Editors: Kirill I. Zaytsev, Irina N. Dolganova, Valery V. Tuchin, Vladimir N. Kurlov

Machine Learning in Optics (May 2020)
Guest Editors: Jonathan Howe, Travis Axtell, Khan Iftekharuddin

Spatial Light Modulators: Devices and Applications (April 2020)

Guest Editors: Ignacio Moreno, Maria del Mar Sanchez-Lopez, Andrew Forbes, Yoshio Hayasaki

Ultraprecision Optics Fabrication and Characterization (September 2019)
Guest Editors: Dae Wook Kim, Tayyab Suratwala, Sven Schröder
Polarization: Systems, Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing (August 2019)
Guest Editors: David B. Chenault, Dennis H. Goldstein, Michael W. Kudenov, Meredith Kupinski, 
J. Larry Pezzaniti, Joseph A. Shaw, Frans Snik, J. Scott Tyo, Christine L. Bradley
Guest Editors: Gary A. Miller, Stavros Pissadakis, Ping Lu

Situation Awareness in Degraded Environments (May 2019)
Guest Editors: Trey Arthur, Jack Sanders-Reed, Niklas Peinecke

Sensors and Systems for Space Applications (April 2019)
Guest Editors: Genshe Chen, Khanh Pham, and Erik Blasch

High Power Laser Ablation (January 2019)
Guest Editors: Vitaly Gruzdev, Claude Phipps

Laser Damage IV (December 2018)
Guest Editors: Vitaly Gruzdev, Jonathan W. Arenberg

Nonlinear Frequency Conversions (November 2018)
Guest Editors: Rita D. Peterson, Christelle Kieleck, and Pete Schunemann

Advances in Optical Design (October 2018)
Guest Editors: Peter Clark, Julius Muschaweck, Richard Pfisterer, and John Rogers

Light Field and Holographic Displays: New trends in 3-D Imaging and Visualization (June 2018)
Guest Editors: Jung-Young Son, Michael T. Eismann, Sumio Yano, Jose Manuel Rodrigues Ramos, and Yi-Pei Huang

Self-Mixing Interferometry for Industrial Applications (May 2018)
Guest Editors: Silvano Donati and Michele Norgia

3-D Printing and Manufacturing (April 2018)
Guest Editors: Henry Helvajian and Bo Gu

Photon Counting Technology (March 2018)
Guest Editors: Majeed Hayat and Gerald Buller

Solid-State Lasers (February 2018)
Guest Editors: Patrick Berry, Jonathan Evans, and Brian Dolasinski

Quantum and Interband Cascade Lasers with Applications (January 2018)
Guest Editors: Jerry R. Meyer, Igor Vurgaftman, and Gerard Wysocki

Plasmonic Systems and Applications (December 2017)
Guest Editors: Monica Allen, Jeffery Allen, Daniel Wasserman, G. V. Pavan Kumar, and Stefan Maier

Interferometry (November 2017)
Guest Editors: Peter de Groot and Erik Novak

Infrared Sensors (September 2017)
Guest Editors: Arvind D'Souza and Paul D. LeVan

Imaging Spectrometry (August 2017)
Guest Editors: John F. Silny, Emmett J. Ientilucci, Joseph Meola, and Thomas Chrien

Long-Range Imaging (July 2017)
Guest Editors: Daniel LeMaster, Szymon Gladysz, Andrew Lambert, and Michael Hart

Wearable Vision Systems (May 2017)
Guest Editors: Darrel G. Hopper, James E. Melzer, Michael Browne, and Peter Marasco

Optical Computational Imaging (April 2017)
Guest Editors: Abhijit Mahalonobis, Amit Ashok, and Lei Tian

Active Electro-Optical Sensing: Phenomenology, Technology, and Applications (March 2017)
Guest Editors: Paul F. McManamon, Walter F. Buell, Gary Kamerman, Ove Steinvall, and Kazuhiro Asai

Optical Refrigeration and Radiation-Balanced Lasers (January 2017)
Guest Editors: Richard Epstein and Mansoor Sheik-Bahae

Laser Damage III (January 2017)
Guest Editors: Vitaly Gruzdev and Michelle D. Shinn

Speckle-Based Metrology (December 2016)
Guest Editors: Fernando Mendoza Santoyo, Marc Georges, Peter Lehmann, Wolfgang Osten, and Armando Albertazzi G., Jr.

Free-Space Laser Communication (November 2016)
Guest Editor: Hamid Hemmati

Instrumentation and Techniques for Geometrical and Mechanical Quantity Measurement (September 2016)
Guest Editors: Liandong Yu, Peter Ott, Lian Qing Zhu, Ben Yong Chen, and Lian Xiang Yang

2-D Materials for Optics and Photonics (August 2016)
Guest Editors: Han Zhang, Edmund Kelleher, and Juejun Hu.

Freeform Optics (July 2016)
Guest Editors: Oliver Fähnle, Ray Williamson, and Dae Wook Kim

Microwave Photonics: Deep Interactions between Microwaves and Lightwaves (March 2016)
Guest Editors: Xihua Zou, Attila Szep, and Chao Wang

Structural Health Monitoring: Use of Guided Waves and/or Nonlinear Acoustic Techniques (January 2016)
Guest Editors: Tribikram Kundu, Francesco Lanza di Scalea, and Hoon Sohn

Complex Light (November 2015)
Guest Editors: David L. Andrews, Enrique J. Galvez, and Jesper Glückstad

Digital Photoelasticity: Advancements and Applications (August 2015)
Guest Editor: Krishnamurthi Ramesh

Computational Approaches to Imaging LADAR (March 2015)
Guest Editors: David Rabb and Joseph Marron

Fiber Lasers and Applications (January 2015)
Guest Editors: Zeev Zalevsky, Abraham Katzir, and Yoav Sintov

Optical Frequency Combs (December 2014)
Guest Editors: Vladimir Ilchenko and Zhaohui Li

Laser Damage II (December 2014)
Guest Editors: Vitaly Gruzdev and Michelle D. Shinn

Advances of Precision Optical Measurements and Instrumentation for Geometrical and Mechanical Quantities (December 2014)
Guest Editors: Lian Dong Yu, Ben Yong Chen, and Lianxiang Yang

Practical Holography: New Procedures, Materials, and Applications (November 2014)
Guest Editors: A.R. Ganesan and Pietro Ferraro

High-Speed 3-D Optical Metrology and Applications (November 2014)
Guest Editors: Song Zhang, Rongguang Liang, and Lianxiang Yang

Slow and Fast Light (October 2014)
Guest Editors: Selim Shahriar and Jacob Scheuer

Machine Vision: Processing, Components, and Systems (October 2014)
Guest Editors: Richard Kleihorst and Hideo Saito

Optical Fabrication, Testing, and Metrology (September 2014)
Guest Editors: Daniel Malacara-Hernández, Joanna Schmit, and Sven Schröder

Single-Photon Detection, Generation, and Applications (August 2014)
Guest Editors: Alex McIntosh and Mark Itzler

Glass Photonics for Integrated Optics (July 2014)
Guest Editors: Maurizio Ferrari and Stefano Taccheo

Human Vision (June 2014)
Guest Editors: Eli Peli, Joyce Farrell, Stephen Burns, and Susana Marcos

Laser Sensing and Imaging (June 2014)
Guest Editors: Chunqing Gao and Dingyuan Tang

Ocean Optics (May 2014)
Guest Editor: Weilin Hou

Ultrashort Pulsed Laser and Applications Engineering (May 2014)
Guest Editors: Marcos Dantus and Gerald C. Manke II

Terahertz Physics and Applications (March 2014)
Guest Editors: Mehdi Anwar, Joseph S. Melinger, Ekmel Ozbay, and Masayoshi Tonouchi

Freeform Optics (March 2014)
Guest Editors: Groot Gregory, Craig Olson, and Florian Fournier

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Explosive Sensing (February 2014)
Guest Editor: Augustus W. Fountain III

Optical and Hybrid Imaging and Processing for Big Data Problems (January 2014)
Guest Editors: Khan M. Iftekharuddin, Abdul A. S. Awwal, S. Susan Young, and Ghaleb M. Abdulla

Gradient-Index Optics (November 2013)
Guest Editors: Predrag Milojkovic, Stefanie Tompkins, and Ravindra Athale

High Dynamic Range Imaging (October 2013)
Guest Editors: Touradj Ebrahimi and Andrew G. Tescher

Speckle Metrology (October 2013)
Guest Editors: Ángel F. Doval, Cristina Trillo, and José Carlos López Vázquez

Space Telescopes II (September 2013)
Guest Editors: Jim Oschmann, Mark Clampin, and Howard MacEwen

Diffractive Optics and Nanophotonics (September 2013)
Guest Editor: Chunlei Du

Ground-Based/Airborne Telescopes and Instrumentation (August 2013)
Guest Editor: Helen Hall

Aero-Optics and Adaptive Optics for Aero-Optics (July 2013)
Guest Editor: Eric J. Jumper

Video Compression Technology (July 2013)
Guest Editors: Ofer Hadar and Dan Grois

Infrared Systems (June 2013)
Guest Editors: Michael Eismann and Phil Perconti

Optical Materials (May 2013)
Guest Editor: Ishwar D. Aggarwal

Target Search and Detection Modeling (April 2013)
Guest Editors: Piet Bijl, Tana Maurer, David Wilson

High-Energy Laser Systems and Components (February 2013)
Guest Editor: John R. Albertine

Laser Damage (December 2012)
Guest Editors: Vitaly E. Gruzdev and Michelle D. Shinn

Hyperspectral Imaging Systems (November 2012)
Guest Editors: John N. Lee and Christoher G. Simi

Imaging Through the Atmosphere (October 2012)
Guest Editor: Giesele Bennett

Terahertz and Millimeter Wave Imaging (September 2012)
Guest Editors: Eddie Jacobs, Roger Appleby, and Dennis Prather

Precision Optical Measurements and Instrumentation for Geometrical and Mechanical Quantities (August 2012)
Guest Editors: Kuang-Chao Fan, Rong-Sheng Lu, and Lian-Xiang Yang

Computational Imaging (July 2012)
Guest Editors: David J. Brady and Robert Gibbons

Active Imaging: Concepts, Components, and Application (June 2012)
Guest Editor: Edward A. Watson

Free-Space Laser Communications (March 2012)
Guest Editor: Hamid Hemmati

3-D and 4-D Imaging Techniques and Applications (February 2012)
Guest Editors: G. Charmaine Gilbreath and Lenny Lipton

Space Telescopes (January 2012)
Guest Editors: Mark Clampin and Kathryn A. Flanagan

Optical Design (December 2011)
Guest Editors: G. Groot Gregory and Bryan Stone

Fiber Lasers (November 2011)
Guest Editor: Dahv Kliner

Advances of Optical Metrology in the Transportation Industry (October 2011)
Guest Editors: Lianxiang Yang and Andreas Ettemeyer

Digital Holography and Holographic Displays (September 2011)
Guest Editor: Hans I. Bjelkhagen

Liquid Crystals for Photonics (August 2011)
Guest Editor: Ignacio Moreno

Integrated Optics (July 2011)
Guest Editor: Giancarlo C. Righini

Infrared Detectors (June 2011)
Guest Editors: Paul Norton and Mel Kruer

Quantum and Interband Cascade Lasers (November 2010)
Guest Editors: Jerry Meyer and Igor Vurgaftman

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Laser (September 2010)
Guest Editors: Gregory J. Quarles and Yehoshua Kalisky
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