6 June 2012 Off-axis catadioptric fisheye wide field-of-view optical receiver for free space optical communications
Peng Deng, XiuHua Yuan, Ming Zhao, Yanan Zeng, Mohsen Kavehrad
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Funded by: National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), China Scholarships Council, US National Science foundation (NSF) ECCS
We propose a wide field-of-view optical receiver design based on a fisheye lens and an off-axis catadioptric structure for free-space optical communications. The design utilizes a novel fisheye lens group to compress a wide field angle into a narrow field angle and produce the appropriately collimated light that can effectively be coupled into the following aperture of a catadioptric telescope. An off-axis catadioptric telescope with aspheric surface mirrors is designed to compress the incident beam spot size, compensate for the high order optical aberrations and eliminate light loss due to an obstruction. The parallel exit rays are reflected on a double-level tracking mechanism by feeding the position signal from a quadrant detector to correct the pointing error and optimize the coupling efficiency into an optical fiber. The final wide field-of-view optical receiver design is presented along with the evaluation of optical performance results and tracking characteristics. The proposed optical receiver not only can provide a 60-deg wide field-of-view to expand the tracking range, but also mitigates optical aberrations to improve the tracking accuracy for free space optical communication systems in a turbulent atmosphere.
© 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2012/$25.00 © 2012 SPIE
Peng Deng, XiuHua Yuan, Ming Zhao, Yanan Zeng, and Mohsen Kavehrad "Off-axis catadioptric fisheye wide field-of-view optical receiver for free space optical communications," Optical Engineering 51(6), 063002 (6 June 2012). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.51.6.063002
Published: 6 June 2012
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