Open Access
16 October 2018 Double and triple-wavelength plasmonic demultiplexers based on improved circular nanodisk resonators
Shiva Khani, Mohammad Danaie, Pejman Rezaei
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Plasmonic demultiplexers using improved circular nanodisk resonators (CNRs) and metal-insulator-metal waveguides have been designed. The proposed structures use air and silver as insulator and metal layers, respectively. The relative permittivity of silver has been characterized by Drude, Palik, and Drude–Lorentz models in our finite-difference time-domain simulations. To obtain demultiplexers, first two filters based on improved CNRs are designed. One of the most outstanding features of a CNR is that the resonance wavelength can be tuned by changing its radius. It is shown that increasing the CNRs radii for the single-mode bandpass filter increases the resonance wavelength, linearly. Accordingly, double and triple-wavelength demultiplexers (DeMuxes) have been proposed for the wavelength range of 600 to 2000 nm. Due to their small area, the proposed demultiplexers can be applied in integrated optical circuits for optical communication purposes.



Electromagnetic waves that propagate at a metal–dielectric interface are known as surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). Due to their ability to overcome the diffraction limit and manipulate light for deep subwavelength scales, SSPs are extensively studied nowadays.1,2 Because of the relatively large size of the traditional optical devices such as photonic crystal (PhC) switches,3 filters,4,5 splitters,6 optical memories7 sensors,8 full-adders,9 and slow-light waveguides,10 they are not the perfect choice for future ultracompact photonic-integrated circuits.11,12 Many metal-insulator-metal (MIM) plasmonic devices based on SPPs have been recently introduced. Some of them include: plasmonic filters,1316 sensors,1720 splitters,21,22 switches,2325 modulators,26,27 slow-light waveguides,28 and bit magnitude comparators.29

Due to the vast attention and interest to optical demultiplexers (DeMuxes), a huge amount of studies have been directed on their realization. Using PhC structures, different optical DeMuxes have already been designed.3035 Ring resonators are one of the main resonators used to design PhC DeMuxes. A benefit of using PhC setups for realization of these devices is that very sharp optical filters can be designed and implemented using PhCs. Such sharp filters can increase the number of channels in an optical DeMux. Furthermore, PhCs filters can have near negligible absorptions, which is a very important advantage. As a result, there are many different types of PhC Demuxes reported in the literature. Using PhC ring resonators, four-channel3033 and six-channel34 DeMuxes have been proposed. Also, a three-channel DeMux using ring resonators in triangular PhC has been designed in Ref. 35. But as previously mentioned, PhC devices occupy much more area than MIM plasmonic structures. Due to the small footprint of plasmonic devices, they seem a good choice for highly integrated optical devices. As a result, plasmonic DeMuxes are recently being under consideration.

To design an optical DeMux, the first step is design optical bandpass filters (BPFs). To design BPFs, one solution is to design a cavity with a tunable resonance wavelength. If such a cavity is side-coupled to two waveguides with a mode-profile similar to the resonance profile of the cavity, a BPF can be created.7 To have a DeMux, different BPFs with different resonances have to be joined together via an input bus waveguide. When an optical signal is inserted to the bus waveguide, the frequency components of the signals excite different cavities. Each cavity leaks the corresponding frequency components to its respective output waveguide, which results in their separation.

Plasmonic DeMuxes owing to their important role in wavelength division multiplexing systems have found wide application in optical systems. Using DeMuxes, two or more wavelengths can be separated from each other and transmitted to multiple output ports. Various structures and resonator configurations have been recently introduced for plasmonic DeMuxes.3653 One of the most common types of resonators used to design DeMuxes is circular nanodisk resonator (CNR). CNRs have desirable properties such as easy implementation and tunable resonance frequency. Accordingly, different DeMux structures have been designed based on such resonators. The resonance frequency of CNRs can be easily tuned by changing the CNR radius. Such a method is used in Refs. 36 and 37 for designing DeMuxes. Another idea that has been used to design different DeMux structures based on CNRs is to change the refractive index of CNRs.38,39

Ring resonators have also been suggested to design DeMuxes. Dual wavelength DeMuxes using circular ring resonator and square ring resonator have been reported in Refs. 40 and 41, respectively. In Ref. 42, in addition to using the ring resonator, the MIM waveguide is also designed in the form of a ring shape. The DeMux size can be reduced using such a method. In Ref. 43, by coupling waveguide bends, numerous structures including a multiplexer (Mux), a DeMux, and a power splitter are designed. In addition to the previous method, by changing the cavity shape, the DeMux structures can be further improved. Square cavities and rectangular cavities are suggested to design plasmonic DeMuxes in Refs. 4447. Other approaches, such as plasmonic DeMuxes employing tapered structures,48,49 hexagonal resonators,50 H-shaped resonators,51 Y-bent plasmonic waveguides with square cavities,52 and teeth-shaped waveguide structures,53 have also been proposed.

The advantage of MIM structures is that they can be integrated with other electrical circuits on a single chip. Accordingly, they are already used for designing of microwave circuits. Such microwave circuits include microstip filters,5457 Muxes,58,59 antennas,60,61 etc. The models that are currently used for the characterization of metal layers in finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations of plasmonic devices are Drude or plasma, Palik, and Drude–Lorentz models (DLMs). Among the mentioned models, the Drude model is the most approximated model which is used in most studies. The results obtained from the Drude model are not always reliable.62,63 Accordingly, it is better that more accurate models such as Palik or DLMs be used for the characterization of metal layers. Here, the three models are compared for the filter structures to provide a better insight.

In this paper, using improved CNRs, several plasmonic DeMux structures are proposed. CNR is one of the mostly used resonator topologies for plasmonic filters and DeMuxes designing. A regular CNR generates two resonance modes, which complicates DeMux designing. It is more desirable to use a single-mode resonator for design of a multichannel DeMux. Hence, the CNR is first transformed to a single-mode resonator using two symmetric and asymmetric parenthesis-shaped structures.13 Thereafter, using the two improved CNRs three dual-wavelength and two triple-wavelength DeMuxes are designed for selecting different wavelengths. All of the proposed DeMux structures are simulated using Drude and DLMs. The main advantages of the proposed structures are using single-mode resonators and having high transmittance peaks.


Single-Mode Bandpass Filter Design Procedure

The topology of the initial BPF and the improved BPFs (filter A and filter B) that are used in this paper are shown in Fig. 1. The initial filter is composed of two waveguides and a CNR between them. Its dimensions are as follows: w=50  nm, r=310  nm, and g=16  nm. Having a single-mode resonator is much more helpful for DeMux designing. As a result, using two symmetric and asymmetric parenthesis shaped structures, two types of single-mode plasmonic filters are designed. The dimensions of filter “A” and “B” are as follows: w=50  nm, r1=r2=310  nm, ri1=ri2=326  nm, ro1=ro2=376  nm, g1=g2=16  nm, θ1=θ2=75  deg, and α=22  deg. The insulator and metal parts of the structures (white and blue areas) are assumed to be air and silver with the relative permittivity of ϵd=1   and ϵm, respectively. The value of ϵm is the frequency-dependent, which is characterized by Drude, Palik, and DLMs. Hence, three models are initially defined.

Fig. 1

(a) Initial plasmonic BPF topology (b) filter A and (c) filter B.


The model that is used in most studies reported in the literature is the Drude model. Using Eq. (1), the Drude model can be expressed as follows:64

Eq. (1)

where ϵ=3.7 is the dielectric permittivity at the infinite frequency, γ=0.081  ev is the electron collision frequency, ωp=9.1  ev is the bulk plasma frequency of silver, and ω is the angular frequency of incident light. As can be seen from Eq. (1), the Drude model uses a very simplistic approximation and cannot always be a trustworthy model for FDTD simulations. Another model that is much more accurate for the characterization of the silver is the Palik model. This model is valid over a wider wavelength range. It has been described in Ref. 63. The last model that has been introduced here is the DLM. The relative permittivity of the seven-pole DLM is as follows:

Eq. (2)

In this model, ωp=2002.6  THz and γ=11.61  THz are the bulk plasma frequencies of silver and the damping constant, respectively. Also, ωn represents the resonant frequency, γn is damping constant, and fn is oscillators’ strength. The values of ωn, γn and fn are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Parameters of the Drude–Lorentz model for silver.

nωn (THz)γn (THz)fn

The real and imaginary parts of the permittivity of the Drude, Palik, and DLMs are shown in Fig. 2. In this figure, the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity of the Drude and DLMs have been calculated using Eqs. (1) and (2), and the experimental data of the Palik model has been used to draw the real and imaginary parts of its permittivity. The black lines represent the real parts and the red lines denote the imaginary parts of the permittivity of three models. As can be seen from Fig. 2, the permittivity of the Palik and DLMs, which are more accurate models, is almost similar for wavelengths lower than 1500 nm. But the permittivity of the Drude model is slightly different from the Palik and DLMs. Therefore, it is expected that the transmission spectra using the Palik and DLMs are more similar.

Fig. 2

Real and imaginary parts of the silver permittivity using three models.


Figure 3 compares the FDTD simulation transmission spectra of the BPFs using Drude, Palik, and DLMs and shows the accuracy of the Palik and DLMs. As shown in this figure, the initial plasmonic BPF generates two resonance modes (modes 1 and 2). The conventional CNR has been used to design DeMuxes in the most studies. Such a structure is not desirable for multichannel DeMuxes due to having two resonance modes. Therefore, single-mode resonators have to be designed first.13 The maximum transmission peak values for Drude model are much higher than the Palik and DLMs for all three filters.

Fig. 3

Transmission spectrum of (a) initial filter, (b) filter A, and (c) filter B.


As seen from Eq. (1), the Drude model formula for permittivity of silver is quite simplistic. For this reason, the FDTD simulation results for transmission spectra that are obtained using the Drude model are less reliable. But the DLM’s permittivity formula of silver [Eq. (2)] is more complex than the Drude model formula, which increases the accuracy of such a model. As seen from Fig. 2, the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity of the Palik model is also similar to the DLM. Accordingly, the transmission spectra of the filters using accurate Palik and DLMs are very similar. Therefore, because of the approximation in the Drude permittivity formula, the transmission spectra in resonance modes are higher than other two accurate models. As can be seen from Figs. 3(b) and 3(c), filters A and B have a higher transmittance compared with the initial structure.

As already mentioned, one of the advantages of the CNR is that the resonance wavelength can be tuned by changing its radius and dielectric material. The reason can be explained based on6567

Eq. (3)


Eq. (4)


Eq. (5)

In these formulae, Kd and Km represent the wave vectors in the dielectric and metal CNR, respectively. K is the wave number and r is the CNR radius. ϵm and ϵd are the relative dielectric constants of the metal and dielectric, respectively. Hn(1) is the first kind Hankel function of the order n and Jn is the first kind Bessel function of the order n. Hn(1) and Jn are the Hankel function and Bessel function derivatives, respectively. It can be seen from Eq. (3) that the resonance wavelengths of a CNR depend on r and ϵd1/2, respectivley.

It is expected for the resonance wavelength to increase as the radius is increased. The reason can be explained according to Eq. (3), which shows the resonance condition. Assume that for a certain radius “r,” the left and the right sides of the equation are equal. Such a radius satisfies the resonance condition. As seen, the argument of the Bessel and Hankel function is the product of K, ϵ, and r parameters. Imagine that the value of r has been increased to r1. Assuming that ϵ remains the same, for the argument value to remain constant, K has to be decreased (so as to make up for the increment of the radius and still keep the left side and the right side of the equation in an equilibrium). As K is inversely related to the wavelength, the resonance wavelength has to be increased. As a result, an increase in the radius increases the resonance wavelength.

The transmission spectra of two proposed single-mode filters for different values of CNR radii are shown in Fig. 4. As seen, by increasing the CNR radii from 270 to 350 nm, the resonance wavelengths are shifted to higher wavelengths. Hence, by coupling CNRs with diverse radii to a central waveguide, multichannel DeMuxes can be formed. Having a single-mode filter simplifies the DeMuxes design procedure.

Fig. 4

Transmission spectrum for different values of radius for (a) filter A and (b) filter B.



Double-Wavelength DeMuxes Design Procedure

Two single-mode plasmonic BPFs were proposed in the previous section. As already mentioned, a single-mode filter plays an important role for designing multichannel DeMuxes. The two-channel DeMuxes are realized by adding an extra channel with different CNR radii. Here, three double-wavelength DeMux structures (for different wavelength regions) are designed using the mentioned method. Figure 5(a) shows a two-channel DeMux topology based on filter A (DeMux1). The proposed structure is composed of two improved CNRs (a CNR with symmetric parenthesis-shaped structures) with different dimensions. The design parameters are as follows: r1=310  nm, r2=330  nm, ri1=326  nm, ri2=346  nm, ro1=376  nm, ro2=396  nm, g1=g2=16  nm, θ1=θ2=75  deg, w=50  nm, L1=950  nm, L2=200  nm, and L3=180  nm. The transmission spectra of two outputs of DeMux1 using Drude and DLMs are shown in Fig. 5(b). Based on the theoretical analysis mentioned before, the resonance wavelength is linearly related to the CNR radius. The resonance wavelengths of two outputs (output1 and output2) using the DLM are 742 and 782 nm with maximum transmission peaks of 41% and 37%, respectively. It is shown that the obtained resonance wavelengths using the Drude model are almost equal to DLM (λ1=734   and λ2=774  nm), whereas the maximum transmission peaks of them are significantly increased. The maximum transmission peaks of the first and second output resonance wavelengths using the Drude model are 83% and 74%, respectively. As can be seen from the transmission spectra of the improved filters [Figs. 3(b) and 3(c)], filters A and B pass the second mode (lower resonance wavelength) and first mode (higher resonance wavelength) of the initial filter, respectively. Accordingly, DeMux1, which is created using filter A, generates two output resonance wavelengths at the lower wavelengths range.

Fig. 5

(a) DeMux1 topology and (b) its transmission spectra.


For a better insight, the field profile of HZ magnitude for two wavelengths of DLM (λ1=742   and λ2=782  nm) is also shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the resonance wavelength of λ1=742  nm is coupled to the upper CNR and is transmitted to the output1 port, whereas output2 transmits the wavelength of λ2=782  nm. The resonance profiles depend on the mode orders. For lower mode orders, usually bipolar or unipolar resonances are observed.

Fig. 6

Field profile of HZ magnitude of DeMux1 for wavelengths of (a) λ1=742  nm and (b) λ2=782  nm.


Based on filter B [Fig. 1(c)], another two-channel DeMux (DeMux2) is designed, which is shown in Fig. 7(a). The dimensions of DeMux2 are as follows: r1=310  nm, r2=330  nm, ri1=326  nm, ri2=346  nm, ro1=376  nm, ro2=396  nm, g1=g2=16  nm, θ1=θ2=75  deg, w=50  nm, L1=950  nm, L2=200  nm, and L3=180  nm. As previously observed, the second improved CNR (a CNR with asymmetric parenthesis-shaped structures) passes the higher wavelength of the initial CNR. Therefore, DeMux2 can generate two resonance modes at higher wavelengths compared with DeMux1. Figure 7(b) shows the transmission spectra of DeMux2 outputs using Drude and DLMs. It can be seen that the resonance wavelengths using DLM for output1 and output2 are λ1=1213 and λ2=1278  nm, with maximum transmission peaks of 30% and 31%, respectively; while the maximum transmission peaks with the Drude model are 52% and 46% for wavelengths of λ1=1198 and λ2=1265  nm, respectively. To clarify the operating mechanism of DeMux2, the magnetic profile of HZ for wavelengths of 1213 and 1278 nm are shown in Fig. 8(a) and 8(b), respectively. As seen, the incident light is transmitted to the output1 port for λ1=1213  nm and output2 port for λ2=1278  nm, respectively.

Fig. 7

(a) DeMux2 topology and (b) its transmission spectra.


Fig. 8

Field profile of HZ magnitude of DeMux2 for wavelengths of (a) λ1=1213  nm and (b) λ2=1278  nm.


Another method for two-channel DeMux designing is that the two proposed single-mode BPFs be used simultaneously. The topology of the proposed DeMux3 is shown in Fig. 9(a). Here, the dimensions of two improved CNRs are equal. The only difference between them is α degree rotation of the two gaps between the parentheses. The design parameters of DeMux3 are as follows: r1=r2=310  nm, ri1=ri2=326  nm, ro1=ro2=376  nm, g1=g2=16  nm, θ1=θ2=75  deg, w=50  nm, L1=830  nm, L2=200  nm, and L3=150  nm. The transmission spectra of two outputs using Drude and DLMs are shown in Fig. 9(b). Using DLM, the resonance wavelengths of λ1=742  nm and λ2=1213  nm with the maximum transmission peaks of 31% and 35% are transmitted to the output1 and output2 ports, respectively. The maximum transmission peaks of the resonance wavelengths using the Drude model (λ1=734 and λ2=1196  nm) have been increased to 65% and 58%, respectively. As seen from Fig. 9(b), DeMux3 generates two output resonance wavelengths with a far distance from each other. In other words, DeMux3 is composed of two types of improved filters that generate resonance wavelengths at different wavelength ranges.

Fig. 9

(a) DeMux3 topology and (b) its transmission spectra.


The magnetic profiles of HZ for two transmitted wavelengths of DeMux3 (λ1=742  nm and λ2=1213  nm) are also shown in Fig. 10(a) and 10(b), respectively. As seen, the wavelengths of 742 and 1213 nm have appeared in the upper and bottom improved CNRs, respectively.

Fig. 10

Field profile of HZ magnitude of DeMux3 for wavelengths of (a) λ1=742  nm and (b) λ2=1213  nm.



Triple-Wavelength DeMux Design Procedure

To realize triple-wavelength DeMuxes based on filters A and B, the same procedure is followed in this section. Figure 11(a) shows the topology of a three-channel DeMux using improved CNRs with different dimensions (which is called DeMux4). The dimensions of DeMux4 are as follows: r1=300  nm, r2=330  nm, r3=360  nm, ri1=316  nm, ri2=346  nm, ri3=376  nm, ro1=366  nm, ro2=396  nm, ro3=426  nm, g1=g2=g3=16  nm, θ1=θ2=θ3=75  deg, w=50  nm, L1=900  nm, L2=1400  nm, L3=250  nm, L4=280  nm, and L5=100  nm. The transmission spectra of three outputs of DeMux4 using Drude and DLMs are shown in Fig. 11(b). It can be seen that the selected wavelengths for output1, output2, and output3 ports are: λ1=716, λ2=784, and λ3=842  nm with maximum transmission peaks of 19%, 28%, and 20%, respectively. However, the maximum transmission peaks of three wavelengths using Drude model (λ1=700, λ2=775, and λ3=832  nm) are 46%, 76%, and 45%, respectively. Due to the use of filter A, DeMux4 generates the three outputs at lower wavelength ranges. As seen in Fig. 12(a), 12(b), and 12(c), respectively in terms of HZ magnetic profile, the wavelengths of 716, 784, and 842 nm are transmitted to output1, output2, and output3 ports, respectively.

Fig. 11

(a) DeMux4 topology and (b) its transmission spectra.


Fig. 12

Field profile of HZ magnitude of DeMux4 for wavelengths of (a) λ1=716  nm, (b) λ2=784  nm, and (c) λ2=842  nm.


Another three-channel DeMux (DeMux5) that is designed based on the second improved CNR for higher wavelengths is shown in Fig. 13(a). The dimensions of DeMux5 are as follows: r1=310  nm, r2=330  nm, r3=360  nm, ri1=326  nm, ri2=346  nm, ri3=376  nm, ro1=376  nm, ro2=396  nm, ro3=426  nm, g1=g2=g3=16  nm, θ1=θ2=θ3=75  deg, w=50  nm, L1=900  nm, L2=1300  nm, L3=200  nm, L4=280  nm, and L5=100  nm. The transmission spectra of the proposed three-channel DeMux are shown in Fig. 13(b). It can be seen from this figure that using three second improved CNRs with nonidentical dimensions, three wavelengths of λ1=1220, λ2=1281, and λ3=1389  nm are transmitted to the output ports. The Drude simulation results generate three wavelengths at λ1=1204, λ2=1267, and λ3=1372  nm. The maximum transmission peaks using Drude and DLMs are 26% and 46% for λ1, 25% and 40% for λ2, and 31% and 50% for λ3, respectively. The magnetic profile of HZ for DeMux5 is also shown in Fig. 14. As seen, the wavelengths of 1220, 1281, and 1389 nm have appeared in the first, second, and third improved CNRs, respectively (See Fig. 14(a), 14(b), and 14(c).).

Fig. 13

(a) DeMux5 topology and (b) its transmission spectra.


Fig. 14

Field profile of HZ magnitude of DeMux5 for wavelengths of (a) λ1=1220  nm, (b) λ2=1281  nm, and (c) λ2=1389  nm.



Results and Discussion

The proposed DeMuxes are compared with other works to be able to have a better viewpoint. Table 2 shows the parameters of designed structures along with other published works. These parameters include the number of output channels (N), simulation models, resonance wavelengths (λr), maximum transmission peaks at resonance wavelengths (Max. Tr.), full width at half maximums (FWHM), maximum quality factor of resonance wavelengths (Max. Q-factor), and channel spacing. The amount of the channel spacing is the average of the channel spacings for each DEMUX. This is due to the fact that such DEMUXes have nonidentical channel spacings.

Table 2

Performance comparison between the proposed DeMuxes and other works.

Ref.NSimulation modelλr (nm)Max. Tr. (%)FWHM (nm)Max. Q-factorChannel spacing (nm)
203Drude890, 990, 116059, 34, 2324,18, 2355135
223Drude1376, 1444, 155056, 60, 6933, 30, 4048.1387
225Drude1175, 1242, 1378, 1444, 155059, 61, 57, 60, 7018, 27, 24, 30, 4065.294
252Drude1330, 148763, 48.275, 7420.1157
262Drude1310, 155037, 3890, 11214.6240
293Drude1140, 1152, 117029, 30, 2412, 13, 139515
DeMux12Drude734, 77483, 7427, 2333.6540
Drude–Lorentz742, 78241, 3741, 33.523.3540
DeMux22Drude1198, 126552, 4637, 3833.367
Drude–Lorentz1213, 127830, 3150, 4826.6365
DeMux32Drude734, 119665, 5818, 4140.8462
Drude–Lorentz742, 121331,3531, 5223.94471
DeMux43Drude700, 775, 83246, 76, 4510, 37, 157066
Drude–Lorentz716, 784, 84219, 28, 2026, 30, 2632.463
DeMux53Drude1204, 1267,137246, 40, 5066, 36, 3638.1184
Drude–Lorentz1220, 1281, 138926, 25, 3154, 46, 5327.685

As previously mentioned, the Drude model is an approximated model that is used in the most studies. Hence, the results obtained from this model are not reliable. To be able to compare our results with those reported in the literature, we have also repeated the simulations using the Drude model. As can be seen, when using the Drude model better parameters such as Max. Tr., FWHM, and Max. Q-factor have been observed. Also, the channel spacings of the proposed DEMUXes are almost on a same order of magnitude with other works.



Using improved CNRs, two single-mode plasmonic BPFs have been designed. The CNRs are coupled with symmetric and asymmetric parenthesis-shaped structures, respectively. The parenthesis-shaped structures not only create single-mode filters, but also increase the maximum transmission peaks, which are very desirable for designing DeMuxes. Based on such single-mode filters, different structures for two and three channel DeMuxes have been proposed. By tuning the improved CNR dimensions, different DeMux structures were obtained. All devices were numerically simulated using the FDTD method, where the silver metal is characterized by Drude and DLMs. The proposed DeMuxes can be used in the nanophotonic integrated circuits.


The authors would also like to thank the reviewers for their valuable comments. On behalf of all the authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.



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Shiva Khani received her BSc degree in electronic engineering from Razi University in 2011 and her MSc degree in electronic engineering from Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Kermanshah, Iran, in 2014. Currently, she is working toward her PhD in electronics engineering at Semnan University. She has published several papers in different journals. Her research interests include plasmonics devices and microwave circuits.

Mohammad Danaie received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 2005 and 2007, respectively, with honors and his PhD from Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2011, all in electrical engineering. He has been an assistant professor of electrical engineering at Semnan University, Semnan, Iran, since 2012. His current research interests include integrated all-optical devices, photonic crystals, surface plasmons, and nanophotonic devices.

Pejman Rezaei received his BS degree in communication engineering from communication faculty, Tehran, Iran, in 2000, and his MS and PhD degrees from Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran, in 2002 and 2007, respectively. His current research interests are electromagnetics theory, antennas, bioelectomagnetics, wave propagation, and satellite communication. Currently, he is an associate professor at Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

© 2018 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2018/$25.00 © 2018 SPIE
Shiva Khani, Mohammad Danaie, and Pejman Rezaei "Double and triple-wavelength plasmonic demultiplexers based on improved circular nanodisk resonators," Optical Engineering 57(10), 107102 (16 October 2018).
Received: 15 July 2018; Accepted: 18 September 2018; Published: 16 October 2018 Logo
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