1 January 1995 New design techniques for a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor current readout integrated circuit for infrared detector arrays
Chung-Yu Wu, Chih-Cheng Hsieh
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A new share-buffered direct-injection (SBDI) current readout circuit with high injection efficiency, low noise, high dynamic range, and good threshold control is proposed. The circuit is superior to the traditional direct-injection (Dl) current readout circuit. Using the SBDI readout circuit, the same excellent performance of the buffered direct-injection (BDI) current readout can be achieved, but only half the chip area and power consumption are required. Thus the SBDI is more suitable for infrared (IR) readout applications, especially for 2-D focal plane arrays under strict power and area limitations. A dynamic discharge source follower (DDSF) output stage is also proposed and analyzed. It can improve the speed performance of the conventional source-follower output buffer and requires very little power dissipation. Both simulation and experimental results have verified the functions and the advantageous features of the proposed readout structure.
Chung-Yu Wu and Chih-Cheng Hsieh "New design techniques for a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor current readout integrated circuit for infrared detector arrays," Optical Engineering 34(1), (1 January 1995). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.184101
Published: 1 January 1995
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Cited by 14 scholarly publications and 2 patents.
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Infrared detectors

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