Dr. Axel W. E. Wismüller is one of the pioneers of artificial intelligence in radiology. Having organized the world’s first scientific conference on neural networks in biomedicine back in 1995 (SINN’95) and based on an outstanding leadership, funding, and publication track record of more than 20 years, he is one of very few individuals worldwide serving as both a clinically practicing radiologist and an internationally renowned scientist, thus bridging the gap between fundamental research and clinical application of artificial intelligence in radiology.
Dr. Wismüller is Professor of Radiology, Biomedical and Electrical Engineering. He is the Director of the Artificial Intelligence in Radiology Laboratory at the University of Rochester Medical Center. Based on his dual professional qualification in both science and medicine, Dr. Wismüller's main research interest is focused on innovative strategies for computational radiology. In his clinical practice, he serves as an Attending Radiologist for cardiothoracic and body imaging, including CT, MRI, projection radiography, and ultrasound. His research focuses on developing, evaluating, and clinically deploying cutting-edge machine learning, artificial intelligence, and health informatics technologies to expedite patient- and provider-centered medical image interpretation, clinical understanding, and efficient health care management – with the overall goal to improve patient health and well-being.
Dr. Wismüller holds multiple national and international patents for his inventions of novel data exploration, pattern recognition, visualization and machine learning methods. He is author of more than 250 peer-reviewed scientific publications, holds U.S. and European medical licenses, American and German Board Certifications in Radiology, a state doctorate (Habilitation) and a permanent adjunct professorship (Außerplanmäßiger Professor) with venia legendi for radiology at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich.
Dr. Wismüller is Professor of Radiology, Biomedical and Electrical Engineering. He is the Director of the Artificial Intelligence in Radiology Laboratory at the University of Rochester Medical Center. Based on his dual professional qualification in both science and medicine, Dr. Wismüller's main research interest is focused on innovative strategies for computational radiology. In his clinical practice, he serves as an Attending Radiologist for cardiothoracic and body imaging, including CT, MRI, projection radiography, and ultrasound. His research focuses on developing, evaluating, and clinically deploying cutting-edge machine learning, artificial intelligence, and health informatics technologies to expedite patient- and provider-centered medical image interpretation, clinical understanding, and efficient health care management – with the overall goal to improve patient health and well-being.
Dr. Wismüller holds multiple national and international patents for his inventions of novel data exploration, pattern recognition, visualization and machine learning methods. He is author of more than 250 peer-reviewed scientific publications, holds U.S. and European medical licenses, American and German Board Certifications in Radiology, a state doctorate (Habilitation) and a permanent adjunct professorship (Außerplanmäßiger Professor) with venia legendi for radiology at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich.
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