Emily Ramey
at Univ of California: Berkeley
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (3)

Proceedings Article | 30 August 2022 Poster + Paper
Matthew S. Freeman, Jessica Lu, Jim Lyke, Jacques Delorme, Emily Ramey, Grace Jung, Sylvain Cetre, Scott Lilley, Paul Richards, Ed Wetherell, Avinash Surendran, Anna Coerver, Peter Wizinowich
Proceedings Volume 12185, 121853R (2022) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2630712
KEYWORDS: Distortion, Stars, Hubble Space Telescope, Imaging systems, Telescopes, Sensors, Refraction, Mahalanobis distance, Detection and tracking algorithms, Data modeling

SPIE Journal Paper | 30 May 2022
Emily Ramey, Jessica Lu, Ruoyi Yin, Steve Robinson, Peter Wizinowich, Sam Ragland, Jim Lyke, Siyao Jia, Shoko Sakai, Abhimat Gautam, Tuan Do, Matthew Hosek, Andrea Ghez, Mark Morris, Eric Becklin, Keith Matthews
JATIS, Vol. 8, Issue 02, 028004, (May 2022) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.JATIS.8.2.028004
KEYWORDS: Adaptive optics, Image quality, Telescopes, Domes, Mirrors, Turbulence, Data modeling, Detection and tracking algorithms, Stars, Laser guide stars

Proceedings Article | 14 December 2020 Poster + Paper
Emily Ramey, Jessica Lu, Ruoyi Yin, Steve Robinson, Peter Wizinowich, Sam Ragland, Jim Lyke, Siyao Jia, Shoko Sakai, Abhimat Gautam, Tuan Do, Matthew Hosek, Andrea Ghez, Mark Morris, Eric Becklin, Keith Matthews
Proceedings Volume 11448, 1144859 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2563252
KEYWORDS: Adaptive optics, Image quality, Keck Observatory, Stars, Analytical research, Turbulence, Data centers, Machine learning

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