Dr. Peter W. Kiedron
at Univ at Albany
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (13)

SPIE Journal Paper | 1 November 2008
Kathleen Lantz, Patrick Disterhoft, James Slusser, Wei Gao, Jerry Berndt, Germar Bernhard, Sarah Bloms, Charles Booth, James Ehramjian, Lee Harrison, George Janson, Paul Johnston, Peter Kiedron, Richard McKenzie, Michael Kimlin, Patrick Neale, Michael O'Neill, Vi Quang, Gunther Seckmeyer, Thomas Taylor, Sigrid Wuttke, Joseph Michalsky
JARS, Vol. 2, Issue 01, 023547, (November 2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.3040299
KEYWORDS: Lamps, Calibration, Ultraviolet radiation, Spectrographs, Ozone, Radiometry, Diffusers, Atmospheric monitoring, Algorithm development, Monochromators

SPIE Journal Paper | 1 August 2007
Piotr Kiedron, Mark Beauharnois, Jerry Berndt, Patrick Disterhoft, Lee Harrison, Joseph Michalsky, Gwendolyn Scott, James Schlemmer, James Slusser
OE, Vol. 46, Issue 08, 086201, (August 2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.2769599
KEYWORDS: Calibration, Ultraviolet radiation, Ozone, Lamps, Data processing, Aerosols, Mercury, Optical engineering, Free electron lasers, Absorption

Proceedings Article | 11 October 2006 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6362, 636211 (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.687174
KEYWORDS: Ozone, Received signal strength, Aerosols, Calibration, Phase modulation, Ultraviolet radiation, Lamps, Geometrical optics, Algorithm development, Digital filtering

Proceedings Article | 19 August 2005 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5886, 588604 (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.613200
KEYWORDS: Ozone, Aerosols, Received signal strength, Ultraviolet radiation, UV optics, Calibration, Atmospheric optics, Lamps, Atmospheric modeling, Absorption

Proceedings Article | 19 August 2005 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5886, 588605 (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.613201
KEYWORDS: Ozone, Aerosols, Ultraviolet radiation, Calibration, Absorption, Radiometric resolution, Radio optics, Atmospheric modeling, Radiometry, Atmospheric optics

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