Open Access
29 June 2022 Ultra-broadband and low-loss edge coupler for highly efficient second harmonic generation in thin-film lithium niobate
Xiaoyue Liu, Shengqian Gao, Chi Zhang, Ying Pan, Rui Ma, Xian Zhang, Lin Liu, Zhenda Xie, Shining Zhu, Siyuan Yu, Xinlun Cai
Author Affiliations +

Thin-film lithium niobate is a promising material platform for integrated nonlinear photonics, due to its high refractive index contrast with the excellent optical properties. However, the high refractive index contrast and correspondingly small mode field diameter limit the attainable coupling between the waveguide and fiber. In second harmonic generation processes, lack of efficient fiber-chip coupling schemes covering both the fundamental and second harmonic wavelengths has greatly limited the overall efficiency. We design and fabricate an ultra-broadband tri-layer edge coupler with a high coupling efficiency. The coupler allows efficient coupling of 1  dB  /  facet at 1550 nm and 3  dB  /  facet at 775 nm. This enables us to achieve an ultrahigh overall second harmonic generation normalized efficiency (fiber-to-fiber) of 1027  %    W  −  1 cm  −  2 (on-chip second harmonic efficiency ∼3256  %    W  −  1 cm  −  2) in a 5-mm-long periodically-poled lithium niobate waveguide, which is two to three orders of magnitude higher than that in state-of-the-art devices.



Lithium niobate is an ideal material for nonlinear photonics due to its exceptional nonlinear-optic properties, wide transparency range, and ferroelectric properties.1,2 Periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguides, where the periodic domain inversion allows for a quasi-phase-matched (QPM) second-order nonlinear [χ(2)] process, have been widely used in wavelength conversion,3,4 optical parametric oscillation,58 photon pair generation,912 and supercontinuum generation.1315 As the strength of the nonlinear interaction is proportional to the optical intensity, the employment of high-contrast waveguides with strong optical confinement can greatly improve nonlinear optical efficiency. Unfortunately, the legacy PPLN waveguides are based on weakly confined waveguides with index contrasts of 0.02, leading to low nonlinear interaction strengths. Therefore, the traditional PPLN device requires a long interaction length for high conversion efficiency, making it difficult for large-scale photonic integrated circuits. In recent years, thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) has emerged as an attractive platform for compact and high-performance optical modulators1618 and χ(2) nonlinear optical devices1924 due to the high refractive index contrast (Δn  0.7) offered by TFLN waveguides. TFLN-based PPLN devices have been demonstrated that outperform their legacy counterparts in both nonlinear optical efficiency and device footprint.2528 For instance, the efficiency of second harmonic generation (SHG) has been improved over 20 times in TFLN-based PPLN devices.26 However, TFLN-based PPLN devices face a major challenge of how to achieve efficient and broadband off-chip coupling. For example, in Ref. 29 an on-chip SHG conversion efficiency as high as 3757%  W1cm2 was achieved in a 5-mm PPLN waveguide, but the collected second harmonic (780  nm) power is only several μW when the input pump (1560  nm) power is nearly about 100 mW due to the lack of a well-designed coupling mechanism. For SHG, an ideal device requires an efficient coupling scheme for both the near-infrared (1550  nm) and near-visible (775  nm) bands. Recently, several off-chip coupling schemes based on an edge coupler have been demonstrated for efficient coupling at 1550 nm.3032 Nonetheless, an efficient edge coupler that can cover both near-infrared (1550  nm) and near-visible (775  nm) has not been reported yet.

In this paper, we propose and demonstrate an efficient and ultra-broadband edge coupler in an x-cut TFLN platform for the fundamental transverse electric (TE00) mode by employing a low-index SiO2 waveguide and a tri-layer TFLN waveguide taper structure. The measured off-chip coupling loss for 1550 and 775 nm is 1 and 3  dB/facet, respectively. In addition, we demonstrate a highly efficient SHG in a TFLN-based PPLN waveguide with this ultra-broadband edge coupler, exhibiting an ultra-high overall SHG normalized efficiency of 1027%  W1cm2 and a corresponding on-chip efficiency of 3256%  W1cm2, respectively.


Design and Simulation

The proposed edge coupler is based on an x-cut TFLN platform (from NANOLN) with 360-nm lithium niobate and 2-μm SiO2 on silicon (Si) substrate. As illustrated schematically in Fig. 1(a), the coupler consists of a suspended SiO2 waveguide, and a tri-layer spot size converter (SSC) including top-, middle-, and bottom-layer tapers. The light from lensed fiber is first coupled into SiO2 waveguide, and then transferred to the TFLN rib waveguides through the SSC. The TFLN rib waveguides have a top width of 1.2  μm, a slab thickness of 180 nm, and a rib height of 180 nm. A cross sectional view of the coupler is depicted in Fig. 1(b), where H1, H2, and H3 represent the thickness of the bottom-, middle-, and top-layer of the SSC, respectively. Figure 1(c) shows the top-view of the SSC, in which Li, wi (i=1, 2, 3), and wtip denote the lengths, widths, and tip width of tapers. We note here that the wtip is usually larger than 80 nm, which is limited by the fabrication process.

Fig. 1

(a) Three-dimensional structure schematic diagram of the coupler; (b) cross-sectional view and (c) top view of coupler.


We select 1550 and 775 nm as the target wavelengths for designing the SiO2 waveguide and the TFLN SSC. First, we calculate the mode overlap between the SiO2 waveguide and lensed fiber to optimize the size of the SiO2 waveguide. The mode field diameters of lensed single-mode optical fibers are set to be 3.5  μm at 1550 nm and 2.5  μm at 775 nm, respectively. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the size of the SiO2 waveguide is set to be 4  μm×4  μm to ensure a mode overlap efficiency of >95% for both wavelengths. Secondly, we carefully designed the SSC, especially the thickness and the tip-width of the bottom layer, to achieve adiabatic mode transition from SiO2 waveguide to the TFLN rib waveguide. We calculated the coupling loss between the SiO2 waveguide and LN bottom layer as functions of the tip-width at both 775 nm [Fig. 2(b)] and 1550 nm [Fig. 2(c)]. These results are obtained by eigenmode expansion (EME) method by setting a sufficiently long length of LN bottom taper. In Fig. 2(b), for a thickness H1>120  nm, the coupling loss between the SiO2 waveguide and LN bottom layer is more than 2 dB at 775 nm if the tip-width is larger than 80 nm. This reveals that a double layer SSC with a bottom layer thicknesses of 180 nm cannot achieve an efficient coupling for 775-nm light. Thus, we adopt a TFLN SSC with tri-layer structure. The tip width of the tri-layer structure is 100 nm, and the thicknesses of bottom-, middle-, and top-layer are set as 90, 90, and 180 nm, respectively. With this bottom tip size, the minimum coupling loss from the SiO2 waveguide to the LN bottom layer can be <0.5  dB at both wavelengths. Additionally, we simulated the lengths of the SSC by EME solver. As shown in Figs. 2(d)2(f), the taper lengths were designed to be L1200  μm, L2100  μm, and L3100  μm to allow a sufficient mode transfer. All the other parameters of the SSC are given in Table 1.

Fig. 2

(a) The simulated overlap between the lensed fiber mode and the SiO2 waveguide mode at 1550 and 775 nm under different waveguide widths. Coupling loss from the SiO2 waveguide to the LN bottom layer at (b) 775 nm and (c) 1550 nm with different bottom dimensions (inset: dimensional parameters of the bottom cone). The simulated curves of coupling lengths (d) L1, (e) L2, and (f) L3 at 1550 and 775 nm. The red stars represent the designed parameter values of the coupler.


Table 1

Parameters of the designed coupler.

ParameterValue (μm)ParameterValue (μm)ParameterValue (μm)
MFD for 1550 nm/775 nm3.5/2.5H30.18wwg1.2

Figure 3(a) shows the transverse electric (TE00) mode field distribution of 1550 and 775 nm at different cross-sections of the designed edge coupler. We can see that the mode fields of both wavelengths are first well-confined in the SiO2 waveguide [labeled I in Fig. 3(a)]. Subsequently, the 775- and 1550-nm wavelength light is coupled to the TFLN rib waveguide via the bottom-, middle-, and top-layer of SSC. Figures 3(b) and 3(c) show the snapshot of the mode evolution process at both wavelengths. A simulated coupling loss of 0.5  dB/facet at 1550 nm and 1  dB/facet at 775 nm is obtained for TE00 mode after optimization, while that for the transverse magnetic (TM00) mode is more than 3 and 7  dB/facet at the two wavelengths, showing a polarization dependence of the designed coupler. This is advantageous for nonlinear frequency conversion based on x-cut TFLN platform, where the TE00 mode is usually used to exploit the maximum nonlinear coefficient d33 of lithium niobate.

Fig. 3

(a) The simulated distribution of TE00 mode of 1550 and 775 nm at different cross sections I, II, III, IV, and V; simulated mode propagation in the designed coupler at wavelengths (b) 1550 nm and (c) 775 nm.


For comparison, we calculated the coupling efficiencies of the proposed edge coupler with tri-layer SSC and the traditional coupler with double layer SSC, respectively. As illustrated in Figs. 4(a) and 4(b), these simulated results clearly show that the present edge coupler with tri-layer SSC (the solid curves) features ultra-broadband operation covering both 1550- and 775-nm bands, while the edge coupler with double layer SSC (the dotted curves) only works well in the 1550-nm band.

Fig. 4

The simulated coupling efficiency of double-layer structure and tri-layer structure at (a) 1550- and (b) 775-nm band.




The device fabrication process is as follows. First, the rib waveguides and the top layer of SSC are defined with HSQ resist by electron-beam lithography (EBL), and transferred to TFLN by using Ar ion in inductively coupled plasma (ICP) system. The etching depth of waveguide is 180 nm. Then, the middle- and bottom-layers of the SCC are prepared by EBL, photolithography, and ICP etching. Figures 5(a), 5(b), and 5(c) show the scanning electron microscope (SEM) pictures of the tips of the bottom-, middle-, and top-layer, respectively. After the fabrication of the SSC, a 2-μm-thick SiO2 is deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The SiO2 waveguides with supporting arms are patterned by photolithography and etched by CHF3/Ar chemistry. Finally, the underlying silicon substrate is removed by two-step etching processes. An isotropic etching with SF6 is first utilized to suspend the SiO2 waveguide, while a Bosch deep silicon anisotropic dry etch process with SF6/C4F8 is used to expose the coupling interface between optical fiber and chip. A smooth sidewall and coupling interface are observed in the SEM pictures in Figs. 5(d) and 5(e).

Fig. 5

SEM pictures of (a) bottom tip, (b) middle tip, and (c) top tip. (d) SEM picture and (e) larger view of suspended SiO2 waveguide.



Results and discussions


Coupling Efficiency Characterization

The coupling efficiency of the edge coupler is characterized by several 5-mm-long reference waveguides. The propagation losses of the waveguides are 0.3  dB/cm at 1550 nm and 0.5  dB/cm at 775 nm. Two lensed fibers and a fiber polarization controller (FPC) are applied for TE00 mode coupling. We measured the coupling transmission spectra at near-infrared band (1535 to 1565 nm) and near-visible band (765 to 780 nm). Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show the mean values of coupling losses for the TE00 mode and its standard deviation over six devices on the same wafer. The mean coupling losses are 1  dB/facet at 1550 nm and 3  dB/facet at 775 nm, respectively. The measured results show lower coupling efficiency than the simulated one, which is predominately originated from the scattering losses of the multi-layer structure and propagation loss of SiO2 waveguide with supporting arm which are estimated to less than 0.5 dB at 1550 nm and 0.25 dB at 775 nm according to 3D FDTD simulation.

Fig. 6

The coupling losses of the fabricated edge couplers at (a) 1535 to 1565 nm and (b) 765 to 780 nm. Shadowed areas show the standard deviation measured over six devices.



Second Harmonic Generation

We also fabricate 5-mm-long PPLN waveguides along with designed edge coupler for SHG. The width and thickness of the PPLN waveguide is designed as 1.2  μm and 180 nm. According to the QPM condition Λ=λpump2(nSHnpump), we obtained the poling period for type-0 scheme by simulating the TE00 mode effective indexes at second harmonic (775  nm) and pump (1550  nm) wavelength. Taking fabrication error into consideration, several PPLN waveguides with poling periods ranging from 3.10 to 3.18  μm in 10-nm steps are prepared in experiment. The periodic poling process can be divided into two steps.21 First, the comb-shaped electrodes consisting of 30-nm NiCr and 40-nm Au were deposited on the x-cut TFLN before the fabrication of waveguide. Then several high-voltage pulses about 300 V were applied, and the period domains were checked via SHG imaging technique using confocal microscope to optimize the pulse duration time and the number of pulses. Figure 7(a) shows the period domain observed by SHG-confocal microscope imaging, which shows the domain-inverted region with duty cycle close to 50:50 (red frame).

Fig. 7

(a) Period domain observed by SHG-confocal microscope imaging; red frame is the domain-inverted region. (b) Experimental setup for SHG. FPC, fiber polarization controller; OSA, optical spectrum analyzer. (c) Measured normalized SHG conversion efficiency versus pump wavelengths. (d) Quadratic power dependence of the SH wave on the pump wave.


The experimental setup for SHG is shown in Fig. 7(b). The pump light from a C-band tunable laser is adjusted to TE00 via an FPC, and subsequently coupled from the lensed fiber into the PPLN waveguide utilizing the edge coupler. The generated second harmonic signal is coupled out from the chip by a second lensed fiber and finally monitored with a Si photodiode power sensor or an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA). We first investigate the SHG spectral profile of the PPLN waveguide by scanning the pump wavelength. As depicted in Fig. 7(c), the main QPM peak is centered at 1563.1 nm with a full width at half-maximum bandwidth of 1.5 nm. By fixing the pump wavelength at 1563.1 nm and gradually increasing the pump power, we obtain the quadratic power dependence of the second harmonic wave on the pump light [see Fig. 7(d)] and a slope of 814%W1 is extracted by linearly fitting the experimental data. The normalized efficiency is calculated to be 3256%  W1cm2, which is 70% of the theoretical efficiency (4600%  W1cm2).33 The lower maximum efficiency is mainly caused by the inhomogeneity of the thin-film thickness over the 5-mm waveguide length.34,35 We define an overall normalized efficiency by dividing the collected second harmonic power by the square of the input pump light and the square of the poled waveguide length. By taking account of the off-chip coupling efficiency kpump80% (1 dB per facet) at 1563.1 nm and kSH50% (3 dB per facet) at 781.55 nm, the overall normalized efficiency is counted to be 1027%  W1cm2 according to formula of ηon-chip=ηoverallkSH·kpump2.



We implement an edge coupler featuring low coupling loss and ultra-broad bandwidth. The off-chip efficiency at 755 and 1550 nm is 3 and 1  dB/facet, respectively. The experimental coupling efficiency of the coupler in the near-visible light band is 3 dB higher than the simulated efficiency of the traditional two-layer structure. Based on this designed coupling scheme, we acquire an ultrahigh overall SHG normalized efficiency of 1027%  W1cm2 in a 5-mm-long PPLN waveguide, corresponding to a high on-chip SHG normalized efficiency of 3256%  W1cm2. Compared with the state-of-the-art (Table 2), the overall conversion efficiency of the present PPLN devices is increased by two to three orders of magnitude, benefitting from the improvement of coupling efficiency at the pump light and second harmonic wave. This high-efficiency and ultra-broadband edge coupler greatly reduces the power consumption in the process of nonlinear frequency conversion, showcasing obvious advantages in practical nonlinear applications.

Table 2

A comparison with other SHG works based on periodically poled TFLN waveguides.

Ref.Length (mm)ηon-cp (% W−1 cm−2)ηoverall (% W−1 cm−2)Pump/SH coupling loss (dB/facet)
This work5325610271/3

aThe value was calculated according to the data in reference.


This research is sponsored by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2019YFA0705000) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11690031 and 11761131001). The authors declare no conflicts of interest.



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Xiaoyue Liu, Shengqian Gao, Chi Zhang, Ying Pan, Rui Ma, Xian Zhang, Lin Liu, Zhenda Xie, Shining Zhu, Siyuan Yu, and Xinlun Cai "Ultra-broadband and low-loss edge coupler for highly efficient second harmonic generation in thin-film lithium niobate," Advanced Photonics Nexus 1(1), 016001 (29 June 2022).
Received: 26 May 2022; Accepted: 30 May 2022; Published: 29 June 2022 Logo
Cited by 22 scholarly publications.

Lithium niobate

Second-harmonic generation

Harmonic generation

Thin films


Refractive index

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