Dr. William T. Thompson
at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (8)

Proceedings Article | 29 August 2017 Presentation + Paper
Martin Caldwell, Nigel Morris, Douglas Griffin, Paul Eccleston, Mark Anderson, Carmen Pastor Santos, Davide Bruzzi, Samuel Tustain, Chris Howe, Jenny Davenne, Timothy Grundy, Roisin Speight, Sunil Sidher, Alessandra Giunta, Andrzej Fludra, Anne Philippon, Frederic Auchere, Don Hassler, Joseph Davila, William Thompson, Udo Schuehle, Stefan Meining, Buddy Walls, P. Phelan, Greg Dunn, Roman Klein, Thomas Reichel, Manfred Gyo, Grant Munro, William Holmes, Peter Doyle
Proceedings Volume 10397, 1039708 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2272980
KEYWORDS: Vacuum ultraviolet, Imaging spectroscopy, Atmospheric plasma, Spectroscopes, Imaging systems, Atmospheric sciences, Sun, Spatial resolution, Instrument modeling, Spectroscopy

Proceedings Article | 26 September 2013 Paper
A. Fludra, D. Griffin, M. Caldwell, P. Eccleston, J. Cornaby, D. Drummond, W. Grainger, P. Greenway, T. Grundy, C. Howe, C. McQuirk, K. Middleton, O. Poyntz-Wright, A. Richards, K. Rogers, C. Sawyer, B. Shaughnessy, S. Sidher, I. Tosh, S. Beardsley, G. Burton, A. Marshall, N. Waltham, S. Woodward, T. Appourchaux, A. Philippon, F. Auchere, E. Buchlin, A. Gabriel, J.-C. Vial, U. Schühle, W. Curdt, D. Innes, S. Meining, H. Peter, S. Solanki, L. Teriaca, M. Gyo, V. Büchel, M. Haberreiter, D. Pfiffner, W. Schmutz, M. Carlsson, S. Haugan, J. Davila, P. Jordan, W. Thompson, D. Hassler, B. Walls, C. Deforest, J. Hanley, J. Johnson, P. Phelan, L. Blecha, H. Cottard, G. Paciotti, N. Autissier, Y. Allemand, K. Relecom, G. Munro, A. Butler, R. Klein, A. Gottwald
Proceedings Volume 8862, 88620F (2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2027581
KEYWORDS: Mirrors, Sensors, Solar processes, Spectroscopy, Space operations, Plasmas, Sun, Extreme ultraviolet, Space telescopes, Telescopes

Proceedings Article | 11 February 2003 Paper
William Thompson, Joseph Davila, Richard Fisher, Larry Orwig, John Mentzell, Samuel Hetherington, Rebecca Derro, Robert Federline, David Clark, Philip Chen, June Tveekrem, Anthony Martino, Joseph Novello, Richard Wesenberg, Orville StCyr, Nelson Reginald, Russell Howard, Kimberly Mehalick, Michael Hersh, Miles Newman, Debbie Thomas, Gregory Card, David Elmore
Proceedings Volume 4853, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.460267
KEYWORDS: Coronagraphy, Objectives, Sensors, Sun, Light scattering, Space operations, Charge-coupled devices, Stray light, Calibration, Imaging systems

SPIE Journal Paper | 1 October 2000
OE, Vol. 39, Issue 10, (October 2000) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.1308486
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Microchannel plates, Sun, Cadmium sulfide, Charge-coupled devices, CCD image sensors, Solids, Optical engineering, Spectroscopy, Extreme ultraviolet

Proceedings Article | 25 November 1999 Paper
Proceedings Volume 3764, (1999) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.371084
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Charge-coupled devices, Microchannel plates, Ultraviolet detectors, Sun, Telescopes, Ultraviolet radiation, Extreme ultraviolet, Space operations, Cadmium sulfide

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